“He that is slow to anger is better than the mighty; and he that ruleth his spirit than he that taketh a city.”
King James Version (KJV(
There are street preachers that preach against such a thing and there are people like Justin Peters who also point these things out. These things are evil and we have to put our minds on God. And this sermon I came across is very interesting. Amen
You know I was listening to the afflictions of a celebrity that had much controversy especially after her divorce. I believe Megan Kelly talked about her on one of her telecast shows. I listened to an interview and I realized these people are human and they hurt like everybody else. You see but they live a life of glamor, worldliness and they cannot be filled in this life of vanity because that is not of God but of the world. Now she did mention what she does when things get bad but she didn't mention that she opens a Bible, reads it and prays. And in no likewise way do I feel that we should offend people on purpose but what we are trying to do is point out their sin as well as the wrong way in which they are walking in what they might see as success. We should all be praying that they turn to the God of the Bible before they lose their soul.
You can't be in the world without the true God and live a life of vanity and think God is with you supporting that because he's not going to support that life that is entrenched in a sinful world. These are the things mindful of filling your belly with things of the world and not things of God. Sure they may appeal to the masses and may even help sell your products but John the Baptist said "And now also the axe is laid unto the root of the trees: therefore every tree which bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire ." Matthew 3:10
The problem is people don't believe God's word. God tells us in his word and through his only begotten son in his ministry, and through the prophets that here is the way you are to live but people do they hear it and do it. How could you expect your kids to live a holy life when you yourself do not understand what that means. Putting any derogatory music into their minds or your own mind is not advisable. Putting anything in your spirit that opposes the true God is wicked and until you yourself could come to understand that these things transgress the laws of God you will be lost. The world loves its own. It rejects the light. It celebrates all the things that opposes the true God and then gives the true God lip service. But on the day of judgment many souls are going to be cast into the pit of darkness. It's not easy for anyone but Christ said you have to deny yourself. There is a way that appears right to a man or woman but in the end it is the way of death. You die spiritually and then not see the light of God but such a person will be among those bundled with the tars and sent away. You see he said the way is straight and narrow but the world is on that broad path to outer darkness. Find out what it means to live a holy life. Research that and do it. Put it into action. Make sure you are praying everyday and make sure you got the real God. Make sure you got the real Christ as written about in the King James Bible. When it comes to Christians stop condemning other Christians being your brothers and sisters in Christ and start praying for them. I think this is a huge offense to God. I don't think God said he would vomit out of his mouth the lukewarm Church which is really the lukewarm congregation for nothing. Deny yourself and pick up your cross and follow after Christ. He must be your master and your lord and savior. Examine yourself to see if you are in the faith everyday.
Here is The Telecast I'm recommending to listen to
False Professors Solemnly Warned Charles Spurgeon Sermon
4:40 a.m. 12/27/22
In my after thoughts and notes after this life comes the judgment. Imagine all you've accumulated in this life is hewn down and cast into the fire. What will you have accomplished when you yourself will lose your soul? Where do you profit when you lose even your own soul? God so loved the world. He gave us his only begotten son. Do you know him and do you listen to him?
Charles Haddon Spurgeon (19 June 1834[1] – 31 January 1892) was an English Particular Baptist preacher.
That is biblical Christianity. Now this is of course organized biblical Christianity. But there are people who have their own Ministries who don't belong to organized biblical Christianity but their biblical Christians. So this sermon can also apply to other people that can distinguish the message.
He that ruleth his spirit
" To serve the flesh and make a God of it "
Proverbs 16:32
“He that is slow to anger is better than the mighty; and he that ruleth his spirit than he that taketh a city.”
King James Version (KJV(
There are street preachers that preach against such a thing and there are people like Justin Peters who also point these things out. These things are evil and we have to put our minds on God. And this sermon I came across is very interesting. Amen
You know I was listening to the afflictions of a celebrity that had much controversy especially after her divorce. I believe Megan Kelly talked about her on one of her telecast shows. I listened to an interview and I realized these people are human and they hurt like everybody else. You see but they live a life of glamor, worldliness and they cannot be filled in this life of vanity because that is not of God but of the world. Now she did mention what she does when things get bad but she didn't mention that she opens a Bible, reads it and prays. And in no likewise way do I feel that we should offend people on purpose but what we are trying to do is point out their sin as well as the wrong way in which they are walking in what they might see as success. We should all be praying that they turn to the God of the Bible before they lose their soul.
You can't be in the world without the true God and live a life of vanity and think God is with you supporting that because he's not going to support that life that is entrenched in a sinful world. These are the things mindful of filling your belly with things of the world and not things of God. Sure they may appeal to the masses and may even help sell your products but John the Baptist said "And now also the axe is laid unto the root of the trees: therefore every tree which bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire ." Matthew 3:10
The problem is people don't believe God's word. God tells us in his word and through his only begotten son in his ministry, and through the prophets that here is the way you are to live but people do they hear it and do it. How could you expect your kids to live a holy life when you yourself do not understand what that means. Putting any derogatory music into their minds or your own mind is not advisable. Putting anything in your spirit that opposes the true God is wicked and until you yourself could come to understand that these things transgress the laws of God you will be lost. The world loves its own. It rejects the light. It celebrates all the things that opposes the true God and then gives the true God lip service. But on the day of judgment many souls are going to be cast into the pit of darkness. It's not easy for anyone but Christ said you have to deny yourself. There is a way that appears right to a man or woman but in the end it is the way of death. You die spiritually and then not see the light of God but such a person will be among those bundled with the tars and sent away. You see he said the way is straight and narrow but the world is on that broad path to outer darkness. Find out what it means to live a holy life. Research that and do it. Put it into action. Make sure you are praying everyday and make sure you got the real God. Make sure you got the real Christ as written about in the King James Bible. When it comes to Christians stop condemning other Christians being your brothers and sisters in Christ and start praying for them. I think this is a huge offense to God. I don't think God said he would vomit out of his mouth the lukewarm Church which is really the lukewarm congregation for nothing. Deny yourself and pick up your cross and follow after Christ. He must be your master and your lord and savior. Examine yourself to see if you are in the faith everyday.
False Professors Solemnly Warned Charles Spurgeon Sermon
4:40 a.m. 12/27/22
In my after thoughts and notes after this life comes the judgment. Imagine all you've accumulated in this life is hewn down and cast into the fire. What will you have accomplished when you yourself will lose your soul? Where do you profit when you lose even your own soul? God so loved the world. He gave us his only begotten son. Do you know him and do you listen to him?
Charles Haddon Spurgeon (19 June 1834[1] – 31 January 1892) was an English Particular Baptist preacher.
That is biblical Christianity. Now this is of course organized biblical Christianity. But there are people who have their own Ministries who don't belong to organized biblical Christianity but their biblical Christians. So this sermon can also apply to other people that can distinguish the message.