This was an anointing for me in a way and what he said at 7:57 into the video although it may have truth we have to do it God's way. We have to fulfill God's will and what he's saying other than that is absolutely the truth. We don't know when that day will come but it certainly doesn't seem that far away from how things are going.
Now according to what he's preaching what's going to happen when so and so happens that is the truth because God's word is the truth but when these things will be we're not 100% sure but as I say it sure looks like we are approaching that time period.
He street preacher does say that some people call themselves Christians but they're not really Christians. They're not out there saving souls and there are a lot of religious hypocrites in the world.
Talking about the Holy Ghost as he did you can easily grieve the Holy Ghost. It is enmity to befriend the world. James 4:4 If you are a new creature in Christ then you have to follow the ordinances of God's decree.
We can testify to our Lord and savior as do the holy scriptures. Listen the apostles and the disciples and the martyrs all testified despite the persecution. Souls were saved even in their tribulations. May the will of God be done.
Jesus Christ and I'm talking about biblical Hebrew Jesus Emmanuel God With Us did pay a big price for salvation. The spirit testifies he is the messiah and yes he is absolutely correct. But there is a synagogue of Satan . The depths of Satan is extreme but greater is he that is in you than in the world.
When the officers appear in the video and tell him about amplified sound and that he can't have that and he shouldn't be yelling which he is not yelling at all he's just speaking calmly into the microphone it's odd because nobody is extremely upset at that point it doesn't appear so. So it appears somebody complained and the street preacher proved his right to have amplified sound within the law stated in what he has in writing on him. The officer said he would get an infraction next time but this time it's just a warning. Unfortunately the situation happened and the officer told him if the person wanted to press charges then that might happen is what he was implying but it doesn't appear that it did happen.
Hopefully somebody heard the voice of the street preacher and will turn away from their sins and turn to Christ before they end up in the Lake of Fire one day losing their soul.
Police officer shuts down preacher unlawfully
If you don't hate your life you will not find your life. People who hate their life for Christ especially when they are born again they will preserve it for eternity. But people who despise their own soul will utterly perish in the fires of an eternal hell. The wages of sin is death so turn from your sins because every day around the world thousands of people die and very few people make it to eternal life. Most people make it to damnation.
You must hate your life
Police officer shuts down preacher unlawfully
This was an anointing for me in a way and what he said at 7:57 into the video although it may have truth we have to do it God's way. We have to fulfill God's will and what he's saying other than that is absolutely the truth. We don't know when that day will come but it certainly doesn't seem that far away from how things are going.
Now according to what he's preaching what's going to happen when so and so happens that is the truth because God's word is the truth but when these things will be we're not 100% sure but as I say it sure looks like we are approaching that time period.
He street preacher does say that some people call themselves Christians but they're not really Christians. They're not out there saving souls and there are a lot of religious hypocrites in the world.
Talking about the Holy Ghost as he did you can easily grieve the Holy Ghost. It is enmity to befriend the world. James 4:4 If you are a new creature in Christ then you have to follow the ordinances of God's decree.
We can testify to our Lord and savior as do the holy scriptures. Listen the apostles and the disciples and the martyrs all testified despite the persecution. Souls were saved even in their tribulations. May the will of God be done.
Jesus Christ and I'm talking about biblical Hebrew Jesus Emmanuel God With Us did pay a big price for salvation. The spirit testifies he is the messiah and yes he is absolutely correct. But there is a synagogue of Satan . The depths of Satan is extreme but greater is he that is in you than in the world.
When the officers appear in the video and tell him about amplified sound and that he can't have that and he shouldn't be yelling which he is not yelling at all he's just speaking calmly into the microphone it's odd because nobody is extremely upset at that point it doesn't appear so. So it appears somebody complained and the street preacher proved his right to have amplified sound within the law stated in what he has in writing on him. The officer said he would get an infraction next time but this time it's just a warning. Unfortunately the situation happened and the officer told him if the person wanted to press charges then that might happen is what he was implying but it doesn't appear that it did happen.
Hopefully somebody heard the voice of the street preacher and will turn away from their sins and turn to Christ before they end up in the Lake of Fire one day losing their soul.
Police officer shuts down preacher unlawfully
If you don't hate your life you will not find your life. People who hate their life for Christ especially when they are born again they will preserve it for eternity. But people who despise their own soul will utterly perish in the fires of an eternal hell. The wages of sin is death so turn from your sins because every day around the world thousands of people die and very few people make it to eternal life. Most people make it to damnation.
How The Devil Deceives The World
Very important link and take it seriously so you don't end up in Hell which does exist
Hell is blacker than anything on Earth