To be a true born again Christian you must have surrendered yourself to Christ. You must love the truth and be studied and showed thyself approved. You must pray and listen to him. You must grow. Read the Bible but have wisdom and spiritual discernment. There's going to be change and you're going to be bearing your cross which is not easy to do. You have to rebuke with longsuffering, renew your mind daily, and live a holy life. You don't have to do any of this if you don't want to but the master prunes the branches and he said his sheep hear his voice and they listen to him. I'm quite often reminded of John 10:10 so remember that.
We're better off loving the truth because many will be damned because they did not have a love of thy truth. I remind you that hell is eternal and it exists.
God/Jesus loves you
Hell is real kid yourself not and don't listen to Liars because it's impossible for God to lie
2 Thessalonians 2:12
“ That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness .”
I love you and I care about you but I really hate you and despise you. What? This cannot be accepted because it's condescending. In other words it appears illogical but can this be true? Absolutely. You follow a group of people that are not true believers and you grew up believing a bunch of lies that are not biblical but are based on the traditions and doctrines of men and you lived a life of fornication not knowing who the true God is/was but believing a bunch of lies that really come from the devil because he deceives the entire world. All of the good works people do in spite of this on the day of judgment is not enough to allow them into God's Kingdom. Did they love the truth? Were they truly saved? Did they repent and truly surrender themselves to Christ and the real guy found in biblical Christianity. The Bible says in the Book of Revelation as the martyred believers in GOD did not love their own lives to the death. This is written in Revelation 12:11 KJV
11 And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death .
So you can overcome fornication by the blood of the Lamb. You remember his sacrifice and the importance of it called the atonement. You crucify the flesh and make wise discernment decisions. You got to know who he is because the devil deceives the entire world. Whom is/was Jesus Christ 1 2. He was a Jewish rabbi that was a Hebrew who went to a synagogue and was despised and rejected. He was not pagan or a gentile. He's the one written about in the King James Bible. He's the one written about in Isaiah 53 . They did not love their own lives unto the death, in other words they weren't scared to tell/live the truth despite what would happen to them. There are three others as well that stood for the truth. Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. " Hebrew names Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah" are figures from the biblical Book of Daniel, primarily chapter 3. In the narrative, the three Hebrew men are thrown into a fiery furnace by Nebuchadnezzar II, King of Babylon for refusing to bow to the king's image." They say in essence that Christ was so marred beyond recognition. This is written in Isaiah 52:14 “ As many were astonied at thee; his visage was so marred more than any man, and his form more than the sons of men :”. Yet he loved like no one loved. He was not sinful but perfect yet he did not elevate himself despite of his authority. He humbled himself to the death on the cross and he loved you more than your friends that will entangle you in a life of fornication and say they love you. You see fornicators and idolaters have no place/inheritance in the kingdom of God. 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 To God that is evil. So some street preachers might base their ministry on God loves you (not all) but a lot of people are following lies and another Christ and another god and they are greatly deceived. God is love because he tells us what he has in store for those who love him and he's merciful to generations that love him. This is a holy love. The type of love that is Holy when somebody like Lucifer being the devil enticed Eve to disobey God and eat from the tree the knowledge of Good and Evil that's disobeying the God of creation. When you have any other mediator but Christ that is not scriptural and that will anger God. You don't pray to no one else but God and you can pray in the name of Jesus. When you drink alcohol and poison your body and smoke cigarettes and give second hand smoke to children you do not love God but you love your sin . When you look for women that are loose and easy prey and you are full of idolatry and eyes of adultery you do not love the God that gave you your soul. God is not religion. God is relationship. He said that your body is the Temple of the Holy Ghost and you are to keep it holy. I grew up with young men who are counterfeit believers just brainwashed reprobates fornicating all over the place with people. I knew men who are counterfeit believers who have families smoking cigarettes and swearing. I worked with such men. Lots of us worked with people of such. This is not love but lust/wickedness and evil in God's sight.
I'm adding an addition to this on February 25th 2023 of a telecast that came across. I've heard different stories about this Asbury Revival. I've heard that some gays and lgbtq community members are incorporated into the Revival somehow and I don't know what is true or what isn't. I do understand there are Street Preachers outside the Revival preaching and different Christians have different views. I've spoken about it in the blog I did on it and I think it's interesting to note this Christians conclusions or assessments.
ANYONE mention this about the Asbury Revival? - YouTube
ANYONE mention this about the Asbury Revival?
Now I've come across a telecast and I heard this fella who once had a near death experience and realized he was on the broad path of destruction spent his life warning people about hell and the consequences of sin. I've heard however unfortunately that he passed away and people say he is now with the Lord. But his message is exactly the truth. We want to preach Christ crucified and the glorious gospel. It's Paul's gospel. But also we have to preach hell because it's a real reality and it's impossible for God to to lie. It is truly a real place. It's very easy to go there and probably the majority of the world is on the way there. We have to heed the warnings that Christ gave.
Repent or perish!
In my afterthoughts there are a few street preachers who don't go around saying Jesus loves you but actually say how many times have you heard Jesus loves you. They preach to fornicators and to the LGBT community and to people putting on these celebrations that are grave and great abomination to God such as Marti Gras. The LGBT community is an abomination onto the true God so is gay marriage and transgenderism. The wages of sin is death and God is a holy God and no sinner has any inheritance in God's Kingdom unless repented and saved. You can show your humanistic love. But this is not the love of a holy God. His standards are much higher and his thoughts are higher than ours.