We're better off loving the truth because many will be damned because they did not have a love of thy truth. I remind you that hell is eternal and it exists.
What I thought of today. What does it mean to be in Christ. ( Here ) ( Teach this biblical evangelist ) What is a Bible believing Christian and what do they believe? What does it mean to be a born again believer and what is the life of a born again saint? John 3:3 They say you are to be in Christ but not in the world. Be in the world but not of the world is not biblical. The Bible says renew your mind. Set it on things that are of God. Romans 12:2 There's another one people take out of context in scripture. The Kingdom of God is within YOU. ( Here ) What does this really mean? The other one I thought of is if God is love why does he burn people in hell for eternity? Some preachers preached that hell is not eternal it has a duration. I heard a seventh day Adventist preacher preaching this one day as I saw a video on social media. I am not a seven day Adventist and I know about Ellen G white and Joseph Smith; people that add to scripture. I also know that the devil attempts to change the given times and dates that God has appointed/decreed. Daniel 7:25 KJV I know who the real God is and the real Christ. I also know what deception is and who are false teachers. February 26th 2023
I came across a telecast by a former Catholic. If you have ears to hear and you want to be delivered out of deception watch this telecast. Praise the Lord the Almighty GOD of Israel not counterfeit deceptive religion.
Remember Hell is eternal.
12:44 a.m. February 27th 2022
Wake up because the reprobates follow what is false and not of God. God is not in pagan religion. If you die in this false religion you will perish. God is relationship. Not religion. Biblical Christianity. Call no man on Earth father and you don't pray to Mary. Mary is not salvation nor is Mary the Queen of Heaven. False teaching and a false gospel leads to hell. Hell is eternal and the deprived mind of such people who are in darkness and lost is abominable. How do you become a true Christian? You follow biblical Christianity. A Bible believing congregation or church. No such thing as purgatory .
Ex-Catholic Exposes the TWISTED Teachings of the Catholic Church
Are Catholics Christians
Updated February 28th 2023
: “ The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of people, who suppress the truth by their wickedness, since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them. For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse” (emphasis added ).
Many prophets and I'm talking about the ones that were real and still were persecuted were sent into the world including some scribes and they lost their lives for the truth. Maybe not all of them like Elijah but others did and Christ told us about that. If you think that pagan religion prostituting itself as authentic Christianity is real and you die believing that there's a very good chance you're going to spend all of eternity in hell. There is a relationship with atheism and such a religion as if there was not then that would mean it's tending to be more authentic. God is not in religion. (relationship) He's the Almighty God of Israel and Christ belonged to a Jewish sector that kept Torah as he went to a synagogue and kept the Sabbath. They are not gentiles or pagans. He never authorized anybody to substitute pagan religion for authentic Christianity but the devil does do such a thing. If you think this counterfeit Christianity is God you have a big surprise coming after this life. What will it profit you to follow lies and end up losing your soul. 1:44 a.m. February 28th 2023
What I thought of today. What does it mean to be in Christ. ( Here ) ( Teach this biblical evangelist ) What is a Bible believing Christian and what do they believe? What does it mean to be a born again believer and what is the life of a born again saint? John 3:3 They say you are to be in Christ but not in the world. Be in the world but not of the world is not biblical. The Bible says renew your mind. Set it on things that are of God. Romans 12:2 There's another one people take out of context in scripture. The Kingdom of God is within YOU. ( Here ) What does this really mean? The other one I thought of is if God is love why does he burn people in hell for eternity? Some preachers preached that hell is not eternal it has a duration. I heard a seventh day Adventist preacher preaching this one day as I saw a video on social media. I am not a seven day Adventist and I know about Ellen G white and Joseph Smith; people that add to scripture. I also know that the devil attempts to change the given times and dates that God has appointed/decreed. Daniel 7:25 KJV I know who the real God is and the real Christ. I also know what deception is and who are false teachers. February 26th 2023
I came across a telecast by a former Catholic. If you have ears to hear and you want to be delivered out of deception watch this telecast. Praise the Lord the Almighty GOD of Israel not counterfeit deceptive religion.
Remember Hell is eternal.
12:44 a.m. February 27th 2022
Updated February 28th 2023
: “ The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of people, who suppress the truth by their wickedness, since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them. For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse” (emphasis added ).
Many prophets and I'm talking about the ones that were real and still were persecuted were sent into the world including some scribes and they lost their lives for the truth. Maybe not all of them like Elijah but others did and Christ told us about that. If you think that pagan religion prostituting itself as authentic Christianity is real and you die believing that there's a very good chance you're going to spend all of eternity in hell. There is a relationship with atheism and such a religion as if there was not then that would mean it's tending to be more authentic. God is not in religion. (relationship) He's the Almighty God of Israel and Christ belonged to a Jewish sector that kept Torah as he went to a synagogue and kept the Sabbath. They are not gentiles or pagans. He never authorized anybody to substitute pagan religion for authentic Christianity but the devil does do such a thing. If you think this counterfeit Christianity is God you have a big surprise coming after this life. What will it profit you to follow lies and end up losing your soul. 1:44 a.m. February 28th 2023