Calgary Pastor To Remain Behind Bars For Protesting 'All-ages' Drag Event - YouTube
The update is anointed and it's important. Please pray for pastor Derek. Just doesn't seem right. The Americans are having the same problem and have been preaching against this. I think it's a shame because children need to be protected. You know the evils perpetrated against them that makes the news every now and then for a long time now is devastating. How can this be dealt with if these drag queens are allowed to entertain children and they have an agenda. Don't kid yourself. Preach against it dear Christians and pray. We hope to see better days and we hope to see pasture Derek out feeding the homeless and doing what he does serving God in his pastoral role.
Calgary Pastor To Remain Behind Bars For Protesting 'All-ages' Drag Event
Pastor Derek Reimer arrested and jailed for his opposition to drag shows
I didn't know exactly what unfolded here but now I do. Somehow the pastor was thrown out of a library where they had a drag show because he stood against it. I don't see the video of what happened inside but I do see that he was roughly handled and thrown out. He didn't appear to be yelling or screaming obscenities and he was calm. Christians are to contend for the faith and such a thing that is disgusting is not hate speech when Christians stand against it with God's word. It is evil in the sight of a holy God and all Christians should know that hell is eternal. And those that are not with Christ and against him scatter. Where are the pastures and people that are defending this preacher even news outlets. Thank you for Rebel News of course. What happened to free speech? It's not hate to be against homosexuality or drag queens or even gay marriage. You define what hate is when God throws you into hell for sin. Sin leads to hell and it also leads to destruction of the soul. The soul that sins shall surely die and that's God's word.
Calgary pastor arrested after protesting all-ages drag show at public library
He was charged with some sort of mischief and causing a disturbance. Disturbing the peace. As I say I don't know what happened inside. What happened to lawful protests where they're trying to label that as disturbing the peace in some cases. What happened to human rights and freedoms? You have things that are devastating and putting children at risk and it's just shameful that on one hand we have people such as politicians and others that defend this and then we have others that stand against such abominable sin. For example what happens with the police if one member does something that is inappropriate and the public outcry then they de-defund the whole unit for example of the police. If you have somebody in your company that is not doing their job and they get dismissed do you punish the whole company? This serves the kingdom of darkness. So I asked people out there like Americans do being their preachers stand up against this and pray for this preacher. See in a public forum maybe you can get charged like Derek did but what about the people supporting this what kind of heart do they have? In God's eyes they are evildoers and workers of iniquity. As Christ said repent or perish and I remind you hell is eternal and people will be pleading for their soul on Judgment Day.
DAILY Roundup | Another pastor arrest in Alberta, Trudeau keeps getting grilled, Zelensky's plans
DAILY Roundup | Another pastor arrest in Alberta, Trudeau keeps getting grilled, Zelensky's plans
3:44 a.m. Sunday March 5th 2023 Concluded at 4:40 a.m. this morning
Calgary Pastor To Remain Behind Bars For Protesting 'All-ages' Drag Event - YouTube
The update is anointed and it's important. Please pray for pastor Derek. Just doesn't seem right. The Americans are having the same problem and have been preaching against this. I think it's a shame because children need to be protected. You know the evils perpetrated against them that makes the news every now and then for a long time now is devastating. How can this be dealt with if these drag queens are allowed to entertain children and they have an agenda. Don't kid yourself. Preach against it dear Christians and pray. We hope to see better days and we hope to see pasture Derek out feeding the homeless and doing what he does serving God in his pastoral role.
Calgary Pastor To Remain Behind Bars For Protesting 'All-ages' Drag Event
Pastor Derek Reimer arrested and jailed for his opposition to drag shows
I didn't know exactly what unfolded here but now I do. Somehow the pastor was thrown out of a library where they had a drag show because he stood against it. I don't see the video of what happened inside but I do see that he was roughly handled and thrown out. He didn't appear to be yelling or screaming obscenities and he was calm. Christians are to contend for the faith and such a thing that is disgusting is not hate speech when Christians stand against it with God's word. It is evil in the sight of a holy God and all Christians should know that hell is eternal. And those that are not with Christ and against him scatter. Where are the pastures and people that are defending this preacher even news outlets. Thank you for Rebel News of course. What happened to free speech? It's not hate to be against homosexuality or drag queens or even gay marriage. You define what hate is when God throws you into hell for sin. Sin leads to hell and it also leads to destruction of the soul. The soul that sins shall surely die and that's God's word.
Calgary pastor arrested after protesting all-ages drag show at public library
He was charged with some sort of mischief and causing a disturbance. Disturbing the peace. As I say I don't know what happened inside. What happened to lawful protests where they're trying to label that as disturbing the peace in some cases. What happened to human rights and freedoms? You have things that are devastating and putting children at risk and it's just shameful that on one hand we have people such as politicians and others that defend this and then we have others that stand against such abominable sin. For example what happens with the police if one member does something that is inappropriate and the public outcry then they de-defund the whole unit for example of the police. If you have somebody in your company that is not doing their job and they get dismissed do you punish the whole company? This serves the kingdom of darkness. So I asked people out there like Americans do being their preachers stand up against this and pray for this preacher. See in a public forum maybe you can get charged like Derek did but what about the people supporting this what kind of heart do they have? In God's eyes they are evildoers and workers of iniquity. As Christ said repent or perish and I remind you hell is eternal and people will be pleading for their soul on Judgment Day.
DAILY Roundup | Another pastor arrest in Alberta, Trudeau keeps getting grilled, Zelensky's plans
DAILY Roundup | Another pastor arrest in Alberta, Trudeau keeps getting grilled, Zelensky's plans
3:44 a.m. Sunday March 5th 2023 Concluded at 4:40 a.m. this morning
There's more information and video here