You know growing up we saw sex workers on the street as young fellas and we saw a lot of things even homeless people and drunkards you know but I never thought that I would see something like transgenderism and sexualizing of the children. Even modern day that you can go to the washroom and somebody in there wasn't born a male. We're living in very strange times. What were hearing that in the United States is so much crime going on and it's happening in Canada too not just the world scene. There are so many problems and the rise of anti-Semitism as Arnold Schwarzenegger said in his telecast is absolutely deplorable. Today there was news that I stumbled upon of a young 17 year old in Vancouver Surrey I believe a beautiful child on a bus was murdered. What is going on and where is Law and Order? Just this news reporting when I stumbled upon it it was a little anointed for me which means I was meant to stumble upon it. You know at least they're reporting this and preachers need to know this so they know how to better tailor their preaching. The mother said he went to school never to come home and she was waiting for him to come home and now he'll never come home and she will be for ever more waiting. There was some sort of altercation on the bus and you hear about these things on airplanes now too and in airport lobbies as well.
I think we need to step up the preaching and we need more laborers. Oh yes parents need to talk to their children. We're living in very strange and difficult times, very wicked and evil times. It's truly heartbreaking to know this is out there. What is going on with children in schools is not limited just to Canada. It appears they're trying to amalgamate into a new culture or the new norm which is wicked and evil of course. It's bad enough that children see too much on the internet and then when there's a street preacher out there trying to reach your children they're told to go f off from some people. The police are defunded and they can't even barely keep up. Look what was reported the other day some guy was told he was going to be fired from the bank and he goes and does extreme evil. The greatest thing you could do is open up the Bible and start reading and start praying. Develop an interest to live a moral holy life instead of a life of fornication. Talk about Christs sacrifice with your family and what that really means. Pray over your children daily and give thanks for everything. Give God thanks every day for everything and even for another day. April 13, 2023 6:44 pm
Should sexuality be normalized amongst children in school ? People react!
Should sexuality be normalized amongst children in school? People react!
Please note I see students out there taking God's name in vain and living Unholy. Just today I seen it and sometimes they purposely do evil like a bunch of rebels. They don't know God and many are just concerned with impressing their friends but on Judgment Day When God sentences the multitude to hell remember your friends will not be there because they're not really your friends as Christ is your only true friend who died for you on the cross and bled for you.
Sexualizing children
Corruption on planet Earth
You know growing up we saw sex workers on the street as young fellas and we saw a lot of things even homeless people and drunkards you know but I never thought that I would see something like transgenderism and sexualizing of the children. Even modern day that you can go to the washroom and somebody in there wasn't born a male. We're living in very strange times. What were hearing that in the United States is so much crime going on and it's happening in Canada too not just the world scene. There are so many problems and the rise of anti-Semitism as Arnold Schwarzenegger said in his telecast is absolutely deplorable.
Today there was news that I stumbled upon of a young 17 year old in Vancouver Surrey I believe a beautiful child on a bus was murdered. What is going on and where is Law and Order? Just this news reporting when I stumbled upon it it was a little anointed for me which means I was meant to stumble upon it. You know at least they're reporting this and preachers need to know this so they know how to better tailor their preaching. The mother said he went to school never to come home and she was waiting for him to come home and now he'll never come home and she will be for ever more waiting. There was some sort of altercation on the bus and you hear about these things on airplanes now too and in airport lobbies as well.
I think we need to step up the preaching and we need more laborers. Oh yes parents need to talk to their children. We're living in very strange and difficult times, very wicked and evil times. It's truly heartbreaking to know this is out there. What is going on with children in schools is not limited just to Canada. It appears they're trying to amalgamate into a new culture or the new norm which is wicked and evil of course. It's bad enough that children see too much on the internet and then when there's a street preacher out there trying to reach your children they're told to go f off from some people. The police are defunded and they can't even barely keep up. Look what was reported the other day some guy was told he was going to be fired from the bank and he goes and does extreme evil. The greatest thing you could do is open up the Bible and start reading and start praying. Develop an interest to live a moral holy life instead of a life of fornication. Talk about Christs sacrifice with your family and what that really means. Pray over your children daily and give thanks for everything. Give God thanks every day for everything and even for another day. April 13, 2023 6:44 pm
Should sexuality be normalized amongst children in school ? People react!
Should sexuality be normalized amongst children in school? People react!
Please note I see students out there taking God's name in vain and living Unholy. Just today I seen it and sometimes they purposely do evil like a bunch of rebels. They don't know God and many are just concerned with impressing their friends but on Judgment Day When God sentences the multitude to hell remember your friends will not be there because they're not really your friends as Christ is your only true friend who died for you on the cross and bled for you.