What is the actual date that Jesus Christ was born?
"The date of birth of Jesus is not stated in the gospels or in any historical sources, but most biblical scholars generally accept a date of birth between 6 BC and 4 BC, the year in which King Herod died."
It's not in the Bible but we know he died at about 33 years old. He said you keep your own traditions making none affect the word of God and so if Christians choose not to celebrate it don't scream illegalism. Apostle Paul said we shouldn't judge brethren in that way and I disagree with other Christians that want to try to force other Christians to keep his birthday. The same with Easter it's really Passover and King Herald kept these pagan holidays and that's exactly what they are. Christ is our Passover Lamb. Remember he was Jewish as he came from the Jewish faith. It's enough that he rose from the dead I am sure there are religions out there pretending to believe in him which don't really believe in him and just think he's a myth but he's not. Remember the Jews stoned false prophets and even true prophets making a mistake. They not only rejected their real Messiah but they also murdered Stephen the apostle.
"His defense of his faith before the rabbinic court enraged his Jewish audience, and he was taken out of the city and stoned to death. His final words, a prayer of forgiveness for his attackers (Acts of the Apostles 7:60), echo those of Jesus on the cross (Luke 23:34)."
Now this oneness that they talk about concerning salvation and everything becomes a Salvation issue it seems with Christians. I never promote oneness. And in defense of the trinity some street preachers I've noticed prefer to call it the Godhead. The other thing is I've noticed Christians pray in the open where you don't really see this in the scriptures and even Christ said people do things to be seen of men and this seemed to really rub the wrong way. He said to go into your closet close the door and pray privately and you will be rewarded. I'm constantly reminded that they have made the house of God into a den of thieves and this is deep rooted.
The other thing I want to bring to your attention is the number of people that die around the world every hour which is huge. Many people die not saved and rejecting Christ or following a counterfeit Christ and that does not lead to eternal life but to judgment. People who worship idols and deny it and call people stupid who point that out are headed for hell. Meanwhile they're false teachers in their counterfeit Christianity teach them wicked things that take the scriptures out of context. For example using prayer beads is sorcery and obviously they're indulging in paganism like a drunk denying it. Creating any image of deity is forbidden and I don't see anywhere in scripture for Sunday service. I see it tells me about the Sabbath. If you want to keep it on Sunday because you say this is what the apostles did so be it but don't condemn other people that choose to have a Sabbath rest and honor Christ and the true almighty God of Israel. Christians are the biggest hypocrites and religious people are the greatest Hypocrites in the world. We have to try to keep this in consciousness. Keep this in memory that this is not proper.
If you notice from studying or reading scripture Lucifer later known as Satan had a choice and he chose pride and vanity. Christ said he was a liar, thief and murder from the beginning and yet he was a cherubim angel. Judas was an apostle and yet he was a devil. What do you suppose happened with Judas? He tried to do it his way and God says revenge is not ours. It belongs to God. But Christians will scream self-defense and they need their weapons. No Apostle died using a weapon not even Apostle Paul or Stephens let alone John the Baptist who was beheaded. (for the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;). You have to be committed if you love Christ. Now again Christians will scream legalism but how do you abide in him if you don't make an effort. It's clear by the renewal of your mind you take it off things that are inappropriate and think of the things that are of God. The Bible says a man of God will meditate on God's word day and night. So yes memorizing scripture is useful and appropriate but putting it into action you know being a doer of the word makes common sense.
Man did not invent hell to scare people and control them although there are religions that use it for such a reason. Hell is real and it's really easy to go there. People don't believe it and have no idea that there are people there right now screaming in agony that can't die because they did evil on Earth and did not repent before they died. You know the Bible says the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom and it doesn't say that in vain.
Now let me explain something to you. People are the biggest Hypocrites in the world even employees. These days they will sign a bunch of documents when they are in a job to do with the conditions of that job including non-violence and no physical fighting or assaulting people based on gender, race and a bunch of other conditions. They will turn around some people in those jobs and completely disregard that and I've seen it time and time again. A woman once told me that the employer hired Christ that is in her. The Holy Ghost is not for hire. This is great nonsense. That person needs to repent and that is corrupt thinking. What a wicked and evil generation that truly is. God is Holy beyond our understanding. Moses was told to take the shoes off because he's standing on Holy Ground. God appeared to Moses on Mount Sinai. Not in some building made out of human hands. Moses had a relationship with God and he was a man of God. The same with Elijah and Isaiah's. If Christ said he and the father will come and reside in you that is relationship.
" At that day ye shall know that I am in my Father, and ye in me, and I in you."
It's relationship all the way to the bank and yes I've heard religion say it's dangerous to have a relationship with God/Christ. Obviously such people do not know God and they are probably massive deceivers. Your reasonable service is to be unspotted of the world and to present your bodies as a living sacrifice to the Lord. That is reasonable service not unreasonable service.
Here's how I'm going to conclude what's on my heart. If we don't care and we don't take initiative to read the Bible and to know who God is and to call out how can we care for other human beings. If we want to do it our way we will always fail. His will be done .
In defense of the faith
What is the actual date that Jesus Christ was born?
"The date of birth of Jesus is not stated in the gospels or in any historical sources, but most biblical scholars generally accept a date of birth between 6 BC and 4 BC, the year in which King Herod died."
It's not in the Bible but we know he died at about 33 years old. He said you keep your own traditions making none affect the word of God and so if Christians choose not to celebrate it don't scream illegalism. Apostle Paul said we shouldn't judge brethren in that way and I disagree with other Christians that want to try to force other Christians to keep his birthday. The same with Easter it's really Passover and King Herald kept these pagan holidays and that's exactly what they are. Christ is our Passover Lamb. Remember he was Jewish as he came from the Jewish faith. It's enough that he rose from the dead I am sure there are religions out there pretending to believe in him which don't really believe in him and just think he's a myth but he's not. Remember the Jews stoned false prophets and even true prophets making a mistake. They not only rejected their real Messiah but they also murdered Stephen the apostle.
"His defense of his faith before the rabbinic court enraged his Jewish audience, and he was taken out of the city and stoned to death. His final words, a prayer of forgiveness for his attackers (Acts of the Apostles 7:60), echo those of Jesus on the cross (Luke 23:34)."
Now this oneness that they talk about concerning salvation and everything becomes a Salvation issue it seems with Christians. I never promote oneness. And in defense of the trinity some street preachers I've noticed prefer to call it the Godhead. The other thing is I've noticed Christians pray in the open where you don't really see this in the scriptures and even Christ said people do things to be seen of men and this seemed to really rub the wrong way. He said to go into your closet close the door and pray privately and you will be rewarded. I'm constantly reminded that they have made the house of God into a den of thieves and this is deep rooted.
The other thing I want to bring to your attention is the number of people that die around the world every hour which is huge. Many people die not saved and rejecting Christ or following a counterfeit Christ and that does not lead to eternal life but to judgment. People who worship idols and deny it and call people stupid who point that out are headed for hell. Meanwhile they're false teachers in their counterfeit Christianity teach them wicked things that take the scriptures out of context. For example using prayer beads is sorcery and obviously they're indulging in paganism like a drunk denying it. Creating any image of deity is forbidden and I don't see anywhere in scripture for Sunday service. I see it tells me about the Sabbath. If you want to keep it on Sunday because you say this is what the apostles did so be it but don't condemn other people that choose to have a Sabbath rest and honor Christ and the true almighty God of Israel. Christians are the biggest hypocrites and religious people are the greatest Hypocrites in the world. We have to try to keep this in consciousness. Keep this in memory that this is not proper.
If you notice from studying or reading scripture Lucifer later known as Satan had a choice and he chose pride and vanity. Christ said he was a liar, thief and murder from the beginning and yet he was a cherubim angel. Judas was an apostle and yet he was a devil. What do you suppose happened with Judas? He tried to do it his way and God says revenge is not ours. It belongs to God. But Christians will scream self-defense and they need their weapons. No Apostle died using a weapon not even Apostle Paul or Stephens let alone John the Baptist who was beheaded. (for the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;). You have to be committed if you love Christ. Now again Christians will scream legalism but how do you abide in him if you don't make an effort. It's clear by the renewal of your mind you take it off things that are inappropriate and think of the things that are of God. The Bible says a man of God will meditate on God's word day and night. So yes memorizing scripture is useful and appropriate but putting it into action you know being a doer of the word makes common sense.
Man did not invent hell to scare people and control them although there are religions that use it for such a reason. Hell is real and it's really easy to go there. People don't believe it and have no idea that there are people there right now screaming in agony that can't die because they did evil on Earth and did not repent before they died. You know the Bible says the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom and it doesn't say that in vain.
Now let me explain something to you. People are the biggest Hypocrites in the world even employees. These days they will sign a bunch of documents when they are in a job to do with the conditions of that job including non-violence and no physical fighting or assaulting people based on gender, race and a bunch of other conditions. They will turn around some people in those jobs and completely disregard that and I've seen it time and time again. A woman once told me that the employer hired Christ that is in her. The Holy Ghost is not for hire. This is great nonsense. That person needs to repent and that is corrupt thinking. What a wicked and evil generation that truly is. God is Holy beyond our understanding. Moses was told to take the shoes off because he's standing on Holy Ground. God appeared to Moses on Mount Sinai. Not in some building made out of human hands. Moses had a relationship with God and he was a man of God. The same with Elijah and Isaiah's. If Christ said he and the father will come and reside in you that is relationship.
" At that day ye shall know that I am in my Father, and ye in me, and I in you."
It's relationship all the way to the bank and yes I've heard religion say it's dangerous to have a relationship with God/Christ. Obviously such people do not know God and they are probably massive deceivers. Your reasonable service is to be unspotted of the world and to present your bodies as a living sacrifice to the Lord. That is reasonable service not unreasonable service.
Here's how I'm going to conclude what's on my heart. If we don't care and we don't take initiative to read the Bible and to know who God is and to call out how can we care for other human beings. If we want to do it our way we will always fail. His will be done .