Again please bear with me... concerning the video podcast that is below.
Christians look at what is being said and look at somebody who was on the board who acknowledges what is going on. Some of these people are no longer with the school board. Rebel news reports on this and perhaps I thought you might want an update. So if somebody has a job and the uphold the God of scripture or believes in a god or even in Jesus Christ they are kicked off the board and sometimes fired just as nurses were and sometimes doctor even people in other professions. You know sometimes I talked about jobs that put you under these conditions where you sign all these documents about workplace violence and workplace harassment, religious talk, food conditions including safety which is not allowed in terms of harassment and behavior and so many other things and yet people who work in some of these jobs completely break them including the employers. Yes I witnessed this before and why is this so? Because people are sinners and they are liars and all liars shall have their part in the Lake of fire according to scripture. You cannot serve two masters . God exists they deny him and they give him lip service. People that stand for the truth as Christ said they persecute them sometimes. We have to be careful that we don't become revilers and that we don't become hypocrites. We have to be careful we don't become Pharisees. Yes we have Christian Pharisees today. I think when they say well Apostle Paul had some viol language being strong language in boldness because he was a man of God it comes off as they try to make the argument that since he did it or maybe even prophets like Elijah did that gives us the authority to do the same thing. Christ didn't call the prostitute names he said where are your accusers and he is the example of righteousness. Who he had his most vile and outspoken criticism was for religious leaders. Some of these high priests so be it called even the one that ananias accused of apostle Paul of speaking maybe rudely or boldly too was a true Jewish priest in his day. Probably came from the Sanhedrin. Apostle Paul was under Christ as were the other Apostles and disciples. He is the master and that's what they called him at times. As believers the truth is hard to accept sometimes and I did the writing about vanity and pride people could never distinguish what this means who have it and a lot of people who have it use it to serve the devil and not God. A lot of people are like Satan's character. Their prideful, arrogant, boastful and these are qualities need not to be. God humbles the proud he resists the proud. Pride comes before a fall. We have to be careful not to confuse boldness in preaching or boldness in true Christianity with pride. God highly esteems a contrite individual. Yes God considers certain things fornication and abominations but humans do not have a good concept of what that means. If the blind lead the blind both will fall into a ditch eventually. You know one day I saw a guy on a bike riding on the sidewalk and I was near a store. He went by me really quick without safety and yelled out "F U". He had a mouthful of evil and I rebuked him. Then I noticed he went into a liquor store that has the words spirits in writing above the doorway and I wonder what spirit he is under. He brought his bike inside so he must have worked there. Maybe the same day or next I read about a woman who fell over a cliff who just got engaged as she was drunk and she fell to her death. Pride comes before a fall and a good man is going to take care of his girlfriend or his wife if she smokes/drinks. The Bible says our reasonable duty/service is to present our bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable. James 4:4 tells us if we befriend the world we become God's enemy. A lot of people befriend the world because they have dealings with the world in their jobs. They may be politicians or presidents or other people of public service. Don't confuse that. The Hebrew Jesus who is risen in glory did not go and make his bed with the abominable but he brought them to his kingdom and saved their souls. He taught them holiness and valuable lessons that they could not be not taught by men who were not of God even imposters. He told the prostitute going sin no more and he also said sinners are of their father the devil and the devil's been sinning since the beginning. Our Father prayer is very important because we are not to be led into temptation. Marriage is between a man and a woman in God's eyes/instruction is to be holy and the bed is to be undefiled. I wonder how many men out there that are hypocrites following all the wrong ways could understand what that means. You know that old saying you can't handle the truth. Christ is the truth that Pontius Pilate could never have understood. It's his way and his will not ours.
In my afterthoughts and notes which is important concerning these surgeries where they cut off the private parts of human beings especially minors in children that they are born with. This is just something very evil and they are tampering with things they do not understand because God owns the spirit. God owns the soul. We were purchased with a price and man will give God an account according to scripture as Christ is judge and jury. The transgender operation does not create the opposite sex because in the beginning God created the male and female. They can't unwrite the genetic code or the code of life. The wages of sin is death. Pray about this Christians
BC residents protest plastic surgeon who removes the breasts of minors
Satan's Children are stumbling blocks
Christians look at what is being said and look at somebody who was on the board who acknowledges what is going on. Some of these people are no longer with the school board. Rebel news reports on this and perhaps I thought you might want an update. So if somebody has a job and the uphold the God of scripture or believes in a god or even in Jesus Christ they are kicked off the board and sometimes fired just as nurses were and sometimes doctor even people in other professions. You know sometimes I talked about jobs that put you under these conditions where you sign all these documents about workplace violence and workplace harassment, religious talk, food conditions including safety which is not allowed in terms of harassment and behavior and so many other things and yet people who work in some of these jobs completely break them including the employers. Yes I witnessed this before and why is this so? Because people are sinners and they are liars and all liars shall have their part in the Lake of fire according to scripture. You cannot serve two masters . God exists they deny him and they give him lip service. People that stand for the truth as Christ said they persecute them sometimes. We have to be careful that we don't become revilers and that we don't become hypocrites. We have to be careful we don't become Pharisees. Yes we have Christian Pharisees today. I think when they say well Apostle Paul had some viol language being strong language in boldness because he was a man of God it comes off as they try to make the argument that since he did it or maybe even prophets like Elijah did that gives us the authority to do the same thing. Christ didn't call the prostitute names he said where are your accusers and he is the example of righteousness. Who he had his most vile and outspoken criticism was for religious leaders. Some of these high priests so be it called even the one that ananias accused of apostle Paul of speaking maybe rudely or boldly too was a true Jewish priest in his day. Probably came from the Sanhedrin. Apostle Paul was under Christ as were the other Apostles and disciples. He is the master and that's what they called him at times. As believers the truth is hard to accept sometimes and I did the writing about vanity and pride people could never distinguish what this means who have it and a lot of people who have it use it to serve the devil and not God. A lot of people are like Satan's character. Their prideful, arrogant, boastful and these are qualities need not to be. God humbles the proud he resists the proud. Pride comes before a fall. We have to be careful not to confuse boldness in preaching or boldness in true Christianity with pride. God highly esteems a contrite individual. Yes God considers certain things fornication and abominations but humans do not have a good concept of what that means. If the blind lead the blind both will fall into a ditch eventually. You know one day I saw a guy on a bike riding on the sidewalk and I was near a store. He went by me really quick without safety and yelled out "F U". He had a mouthful of evil and I rebuked him. Then I noticed he went into a liquor store that has the words spirits in writing above the doorway and I wonder what spirit he is under. He brought his bike inside so he must have worked there. Maybe the same day or next I read about a woman who fell over a cliff who just got engaged as she was drunk and she fell to her death. Pride comes before a fall and a good man is going to take care of his girlfriend or his wife if she smokes/drinks. The Bible says our reasonable duty/service is to present our bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable. James 4:4 tells us if we befriend the world we become God's enemy. A lot of people befriend the world because they have dealings with the world in their jobs. They may be politicians or presidents or other people of public service. Don't confuse that. The Hebrew Jesus who is risen in glory did not go and make his bed with the abominable but he brought them to his kingdom and saved their souls. He taught them holiness and valuable lessons that they could not be not taught by men who were not of God even imposters. He told the prostitute going sin no more and he also said sinners are of their father the devil and the devil's been sinning since the beginning. Our Father prayer is very important because we are not to be led into temptation. Marriage is between a man and a woman in God's eyes/instruction is to be holy and the bed is to be undefiled. I wonder how many men out there that are hypocrites following all the wrong ways could understand what that means. You know that old saying you can't handle the truth. Christ is the truth that Pontius Pilate could never have understood. It's his way and his will not ours.
In my afterthoughts and notes which is important concerning these surgeries where they cut off the private parts of human beings especially minors in children that they are born with. This is just something very evil and they are tampering with things they do not understand because God owns the spirit. God owns the soul. We were purchased with a price and man will give God an account according to scripture as Christ is judge and jury. The transgender operation does not create the opposite sex because in the beginning God created the male and female. They can't unwrite the genetic code or the code of life. The wages of sin is death. Pray about this Christians
BC residents protest plastic surgeon who removes the breasts of minors