The revolving door (until final destination which is hell and it's eternal)
Genesis 2:17
“But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.” (KJV)
Have you ever seen/heard about a fisherman catching a fish and then they release the fish back into the water. I've seen this for years but never really thought about it deeply. If you were a fisherman just like if you were a musician you would understand why they do that. See people who don't understand music don't understand the mechanisms that make it happen or that make specific talents stand out.
When it comes to fishing catch and release it's a sporting event and it's an intriguing curious event. Sometimes they the fisherman take pictures with the fish and then they take the hook out of the mouth of the fish and let it go back into the water. So now we turn to criminals who become repeat offenders who repeat some 60 to 70 times their crimes as some politicians have reported. Yet they are released and it cost taxpayers a fortune to house/jail somebody to supervise them let alone feed them. We've seen in movies or TV series the police or the agent gets upset with all the work done and yet you have catch and release. Some of these people they're repeat offenses who are very violent and other people get seriously hurt, injured or killed because they're let out. So why are they let out? Well one politician called it a riddle to be solved. We know that some jails are full to capacity most of them and they have to build new ones and some of them are worn out too. As I've already stressed it cost taxpayers a lot of money and somebody has to supervise these people in jail. The reasons that they commit these crimes is a number of different reasons from poverty, greed, recklessness and carelessness, joining gangs and all these different reasons we could look at but God tells us the heart is abundantly desperately wicked. Man lives in a fallen world. God can give you a new heart of flesh and there will be hell to pay after this life no one gets off scott easy unless they are covered by the blood of Christ and truly saved . Such repeat offenders they can be catched and released a number of times and then die in their sins and spend eternity burning in hell. God tells us to fear Him because he has the power to send somebody to hell and it is real . God gave us his only begotten son and that is what you call love. That is the lifeline yet people couldn't care less because they are without understanding. There's more to it than meets the eye as we wrestle not against flesh and blood but there are spiritual forces at play and the only way you could overcome is to abide in Christ and accept him as your lord and savior.
The gospel is the good news and there is a way out but you got to accept/receive the lifeline because Christ is the life, the way and the truth. He is not religion he is a real risen glorified Messiah who died for the sins of the world and while we were yet sinners he still loved us. Relationship ! You know the dog returns to his own vomit and that's almost like catch and release. Proverbs 26:11 The Bible says a fool repeats his folly. You might be enslaved to porn or to sex outside of marriage which is sin or to drugs or to your abusive behavior. Christ can break the chains and renew you setting you free. But you've got to take an interest in your own salvation and restoration because there's life in Christ. Sin when it is finished with you it destroys you. There is a price to pay for sin on Earth but if you are forgiven of your sins and you are covered by the blood of Christ when you die there will be no condemnation for you. There's two destinations after you die it's Heaven or Hell and there's no in between. The Bible says absent from the body present with the Lord. 2 Corinthians 5:8 Absent from the body present and torment. Hell is eternal and there's no more catching nor releasing once you are there you are there for all of eternity and it is worse than any prison on Earth and more painful than anything you can imagine when you commit sin against a holy God there's hell to pay so wake up.
Good follow-up story Jonah disobeyed the Lord.
After being cast from the ship, Jonah is swallowed by a large fish , within the belly of which he remains for three days and three nights. Jonah repented in the belly of the fish and prayed to God what about you have you repented and have you accept Jesus as your lord and savior? I'll bring your attention to Matthew 25:36 for preachers and Christians.
Catch and release
The revolving door (until final destination which is hell and it's eternal)
Genesis 2:17
“But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.” (KJV)
Have you ever seen/heard about a fisherman catching a fish and then they release the fish back into the water. I've seen this for years but never really thought about it deeply. If you were a fisherman just like if you were a musician you would understand why they do that. See people who don't understand music don't understand the mechanisms that make it happen or that make specific talents stand out.
When it comes to fishing catch and release it's a sporting event and it's an intriguing curious event. Sometimes they the fisherman take pictures with the fish and then they take the hook out of the mouth of the fish and let it go back into the water. So now we turn to criminals who become repeat offenders who repeat some 60 to 70 times their crimes as some politicians have reported. Yet they are released and it cost taxpayers a fortune to house/jail somebody to supervise them let alone feed them. We've seen in movies or TV series the police or the agent gets upset with all the work done and yet you have catch and release. Some of these people they're repeat offenses who are very violent and other people get seriously hurt, injured or killed because they're let out. So why are they let out? Well one politician called it a riddle to be solved. We know that some jails are full to capacity most of them and they have to build new ones and some of them are worn out too. As I've already stressed it cost taxpayers a lot of money and somebody has to supervise these people in jail. The reasons that they commit these crimes is a number of different reasons from poverty, greed, recklessness and carelessness, joining gangs and all these different reasons we could look at but God tells us the heart is abundantly desperately wicked. Man lives in a fallen world. God can give you a new heart of flesh and there will be hell to pay after this life no one gets off scott easy unless they are covered by the blood of Christ and truly saved . Such repeat offenders they can be catched and released a number of times and then die in their sins and spend eternity burning in hell. God tells us to fear Him because he has the power to send somebody to hell and it is real . God gave us his only begotten son and that is what you call love. That is the lifeline yet people couldn't care less because they are without understanding. There's more to it than meets the eye as we wrestle not against flesh and blood but there are spiritual forces at play and the only way you could overcome is to abide in Christ and accept him as your lord and savior.
The gospel is the good news and there is a way out but you got to accept/receive the lifeline because Christ is the life, the way and the truth. He is not religion he is a real risen glorified Messiah who died for the sins of the world and while we were yet sinners he still loved us. Relationship ! You know the dog returns to his own vomit and that's almost like catch and release. Proverbs 26:11 The Bible says a fool repeats his folly. You might be enslaved to porn or to sex outside of marriage which is sin or to drugs or to your abusive behavior. Christ can break the chains and renew you setting you free. But you've got to take an interest in your own salvation and restoration because there's life in Christ. Sin when it is finished with you it destroys you. There is a price to pay for sin on Earth but if you are forgiven of your sins and you are covered by the blood of Christ when you die there will be no condemnation for you. There's two destinations after you die it's Heaven or Hell and there's no in between. The Bible says absent from the body present with the Lord. 2 Corinthians 5:8 Absent from the body present and torment. Hell is eternal and there's no more catching nor releasing once you are there you are there for all of eternity and it is worse than any prison on Earth and more painful than anything you can imagine when you commit sin against a holy God there's hell to pay so wake up.
Good follow-up story Jonah disobeyed the Lord.
After being cast from the ship, Jonah is swallowed by a large fish , within the belly of which he remains for three days and three nights. Jonah repented in the belly of the fish and prayed to God what about you have you repented and have you accept Jesus as your lord and savior? I'll bring your attention to Matthew 25:36 for preachers and Christians.