Blessed are the peacemakers for they will be called children of God. Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall inherit the earth

Blessed are the peacemakers for they will be called children of God. Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall inherit the earth
9 Not rendering evil for evil , or railing for railing: but contrariwise blessing; knowing that ye are thereunto called, that ye should inherit a blessing. 1 Peter 3:9 kjv
There's a lot happening in the world while people go to upscale malls and are excited regarding the luxuries of life and believe me I understand. There are people that just are enjoying life and they're young and they're in school. There a lot of people that are unsuspecting meaning they're dumbfounded regarding the true attributes of a fallen evil world that's in love with vanity and idolatry. You would think the multitudes would read the Bible and would be true believers but it's not so even with all the churches in the world. There is a lot of evil lurking in this world. You'd probably talk to a policeman or undercover agent or even people fighting/vets in wars and some of these people get post-traumatic stress disorder because they see things that are hard to grip. The reason I'm putting it so profoundly down is because you can't not hear it there's so many attacks reported recently as they say anti-Semitism and hatred going on and reported around the world right now. They're calling for evil against Jews and all sorts of names and saying things that are in conjunction with Hitler. On the other hand we have news agencies and we know about fake news calling everything hatred. There have been attacks not on just Jewish places of worship but also on other religion places of worship including people's. There's news that the LGBT community is now involved in science and in an interview one of the members said they should be allowed into every space and accepted. I'm sorry to inform you God does not accept that and I'm talking about the real God and he tells us Nations that forget him are turned into hell. We're not to incite violence and as the Apostle Peter said we're not to pay back evil with evil. But we can't accept sin. God does not accept sin because the wages of sin is death and that means eternal destruction. I probably sensed it once or twice out there. Preachers preach against sin. They're not haters. Christ had no faults as he was perfect and he was accused of many things. There's only one God and he's the GOD of Israel. Yes Christ is God but make sure you got the right God because he's not a pagan. On the other hand people are evil just as Christ said they are. He said there's not even one who is good. He said you being evil give good things to your children. I hear parents every now and then say something derogatory to their children and they fill their little minds with evil this is the nature of human beings that are fallen. I am sure there are parents out there that do not do this but a good majority of them do do this. They don't only get it from the parents but they get it from the defiled evil wicked world. Today you have teachers having relationships with students. Today the crime reported is off the richter scale. Today you have assaults on children. Today you have students that assault and threaten teachers. What an evil day we live in and I'm just bringing all of this to your attention. So when they say and compact everything under hatred it's not totally true because God hates sin . Preaching against sin is not hatred. Christ said if you love me keep my commandments.
There's a huge difference between relationship and what God's true intentions are for human beings compared to religion. Many people are religious but are totally deceived and lost. You know an incident that happened about a a few days ago as a woman was storming down the street swearing viciously and violently assaulting people as she was thrown out of a Tim Hortons and she even swung at me. I talked to a fella name Tim from religion not relationship. How do I know that because he told me where he's from. He said they don't feel the love of Christ. Some people do not have the time to feel the love of Christ not knowing him as they are evil wicked and they make wrong choices. For example there could be so many things affecting such a person. It could be relationship and wanting somebody that is no good for you. They could be angry over what's happening over at Israel with the Palestinians and the Jewish people or with the war going on in the Ukraine. But it's anger that was shown. I guess frustration could lead to anger. But if I go to a coffee shop and I buy coffee sometimes the server is pleasant but there are many times that they are not and they shouldn't even be working serving the public because they're little devils. Nonetheless I turn a blind eye to it every now and then. This is the world we live in. So if somebody has this type of attitude referring to the angry woman and behavior you can't preach to them because they're not in the right mind they need to calm down first. People are taught a lot of lies. God is graceful yes but don't take that out of context as Tim appeared to misunderstand grace. God gave us his only begotten son that whomever believe in him should not perish but have eternal life. He said his yoke is easy and his burden is light. Christ was not the hypocrite he also was a Hellfire preacher. Same Messiah, the same lamb of GOD who takes away the sins of the world preached hell. He warned people even true believers or future True Believers that they could land themselves in the Lake of Fire. They say judgment starts at the house of God. There's no a bunch of virgin for men when you get to heaven as taught in some religions. The way is straight and narrow and few be there that find the way in their lifetime. It is so narrow in fact even looking at somebody in the wrong way could send you the hell for all of eternity. Your tongue a little rudder can send you to hell. Your arms and legs using them in the wrong way to insult another human being could send you to hell according to Christ. There's a lot of things said today for example the church is not doing a good job. The church has become lukewarm. People are scared to preach Hellfire. It's true. Nonetheless there are people preaching strongly and using good wisdom out there. We shouldn't say there are not good preachers out there because there are but a great many are money hungry such as prosperity preachers that have become filthy rich and I do not see what I should see with the capacity I would expect to see. For example the food banks should be overflowing.. all of the money given to charity where does it go? Let's not say or think not to thank those who do give because people do give and governments do help people. Maybe not all in the capacity that we would expect. So what I'm trying to get at we shouldn't be totally negative. We should be giving thanks and supplications daily in everything. Nonetheless people reject correction and so many are deceived in this world. What comes to mind quite often is the sheer amount of people that die every day around the world not just the great numbers of new births. Where do all these people go when it is so narrow and very few make it to heaven. People do not realize the thousands of people that will die today around the world and many will probably become new arrivals in a place called hell. They put in their minds if there is a God he's so graceful that everyone gets in and everybody is forgiven. There is a group out there of religious people that it has been put on my heart they are going to suffer in hell if they don't turn from lies and idolatry putting darkness for light and counterfeit for truth. The talk of the world is vanity. The other day I was in a public place hearing a young fella on the phone talking probably to his girlfriend. You know puppy love and he was quite close. He was saying what's wrong why don't you have the time tomorrow or after tomorrow. He was talking about sport events and everything to do with such things. He was saying what's wrong with Saturday you don't have time to make out on Saturday. Puppy love. This is not the way any man should have a relationship with a woman. You don't have time for sex on Saturday. Maybe they're not compatible or maybe he's not a man yet or doesn't understand who God truly is or who Christ is. The most important thing in your life is to know who the real God is and the real Christ. Then you're to love him with all your heart mind and soul. Some people have it all backwards. Their main interest is things and it's not true love. Their main interest is vanity and birds of a feather. Some people aren't scared to do evil as the things that have been reported over in Israel. The assaults on people. Throwing the stone when you're with sin. Hating your enemy is reported. How can you have peace with the Devil. It's fictitious. It can never exist because you cannot serve two masters. That's why the Bible says the Antichrist will break the peace treaty within a time period I believe in the Book of Daniel. The only way is the narrow way. It is not the broadway. Christ is the way the truth and the life . No one comes to the father but by him. Did you get that no one. God's word as written in the Bible tells us to fear God and live. If Christians fear God it is because they know that it is so easy to end up in hell. So wake up.
Important compound afternotes about Grace.
"The honest Christian is thankful for that grace that overcomes the consequences of sins he cannot change but he is quick to repent and turn from those sins he can change. Grace is always grace and God is always gracious to His own. But His own ought not take that grace for granted. Sep 29, 2017"