Blessed are the peacemakers for they will be called children of God. Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall inherit the earth

Blessed are the peacemakers for they will be called children of God. Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall inherit the earth
“ The world cannot hate you; but me it hateth, because I testify of it, that the works thereof are evil .” John 7:7 (KJV)
The reality is devastating and can't be overlooked.
Reported (not just) Israel is fighting an ideology.
People like watchmen on the wall & (88) would report on these events anyways. Nonetheless I'm bringing it to your attention because it affects people in religious groups not just Christians and this is important. There's a lot of tension right now in the world. We would hope for peace and one must remember the soldiers that died so western nations could have freedom. Memorial Day. Remembrance Day. How many people did not even get to have a life on Earth but it was cut short as they were drafted into war. How many young men in Israel are now fighting a war and they don't get to live a life in Christ let alone that they know him. While somebody else in the western nation has the time to read the Bible but they couldn't give a damn but attach themselves to everything that God says not to. What a world we live in. Will you make it to heaven or hell and will your name be written in the Lamb's Book of Life? When was the last time you asked yourself some very serious questions?
I must report on what's the truth about this world and we know from the Bible anyways but the reality is devastating. As written in Matthew 24:21 and it appears to be before us despite that people cannot accept it " For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be ." Still pending completion. As reported in the source listed below this ideology is spreading around the world and it has a list of functions that it must accomplish according to the reports.
Recently in the news now it's downplayed there was an explosion at the border car racing across that crash and exploded and two people are dead inside the car including a border patrol agent possibly that was injured is reported. I'm not quoting exactly but that's what I heard. I've seen the updates and at first they thought it was a terror attack and they closed other border crossings between Canada and the US. But now the Israeli Army has showed tunnels in Israel being somewhere around the hospital in Gaza but since then it has been reported demonstrating the sheer seriousness of what is taking place in democratic nations and what the end goal is. Isn't it odd that prophecy is exactly true. Of course as Bible believers believing God's word we know the outcome in the end. There's no other name but that of the Biblical Lord Jesus Christ in which men can find salvation. If you want to go to heaven open a King James Bible read it and give your life to the Lord Jesus Christ. The Bible is true and the Bible is the word of God. Western nations are in serious trouble according to these reports. I would say it is getting darker equivalent to the day of Noah. How can it be discounted. How can it be overlooked when the reality is what we're hearing and seeing. There is a serious threat to Christians and to members of other religious groups as well as they are reporting. Jesus of Nazareth died once for the sins of the world. Hell is eternal but such evil people do not believe that they are going to hell. They believe that they are doing god service but which god?
In recent years with the terror attacks, perhaps wars and rumors of wars that occurred around the world and with Christian groups and different denominations including Bible prophecy there is all this talk about the New World Order which then perhaps news media if it be fake news or authentic media reported that it's conspiracy theories but we know now they do it in the open and rebel news has reported on it as well as perhaps other Christians and other independent news outlets. Just as we know from prophecy that Israel would be hated there is an outcome according to prophecy but that is not the issue right now. Any true believer knows we don't deal/wrestle with flesh and blood alone. Ephesians 6:12
Again I read their focus is to bring down the western nations spreading their ideology according to the reports. They do identify which nations are a threat to democracy. There have been reports of attacks elsewhere and some of it appears to be against the US servicemen. How will it all play out? Christians study these things as they study prophecy and they should have a good idea. I think focus on the love of Christ needs to be preached more as well as the gospel. If you claim to be a Christian or you're becoming one you should know what eschatology is/means and the Bible issue (1) , (2) including the ecumenical movement
What is written in the Book of Matthew 24:14 kjv
13 But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved. 14 And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come .
Sources of attention
The World Over October 12, 2023 | HAMAS ATTACKS: Dr. Walid Phares with Raymond Arroyo Video (Here)
The World Over October 12, 2023 | HAMAS ATTACKS: Dr. Walid Phares with Raymond Arroyo (Link)
Hamas terror organization charter targets Christians and US service organizations
Hamas charter targets civic groups in US heartland
By Eric Shawn Fox News
( Link here )