Be watchful, and strengthen the things which remain, that are ready to die: for I have not found thy works perfect before God.

Be watchful, and strengthen the things which remain, that are ready to die: for I have not found thy works perfect before God.
[9] Blessed are the peacemakers : for they shall be called the children of God . [10] Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness' sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Because of the conflicts in the world or should we say the darkness that hates the light because there is so much evil it brought some questions to mind. For example not just what is going on in certain nations but there is also an increase in crime/falling away that is mind-boggling also to the authorities who then have been reduced to be more effective because of their funding and hopefully it's getting a little better. They had car thefts in Canada in the news that is troublesome/devastating and they're putting millions trying to fight this. They did develop some new technology that has deterred car thefts but it costs some $1,000 for people buying more expensive automobiles/cars wanting to make sure they're secure. John 10:10 2 Thessalonians 2:3
And you know I think it's important to preach the love of Christ and not only hellfire as it's important to preach the glorious gospel. His message is on the money here . But a lot of people don't have ears to listen nor eyes to see. Disclaimer : not just the lost but religious people that follow a bogus process. It's like an alcoholic drinking more to get rid of alcoholism. It's nonsense in the end. The Bible tells us to do the work of ministry. I realize people do great work and I commend them for this. Please see the Henry Matthew commentary of 1 Peter 3:8-13
Over 100,000 Armenians have now fled disputed enclave Nagorno-Karabakh
Pending genocide looms
I have noticed the word genocide written out there on certain benches on main streets and I've seen the props displayed in the city during the summer months in certain places where the aboriginal people aren't too happy and claim they have been mistreated. You know there was something called residential schools too. And I think the government despite all the problems has made an effort to give more support to aboriginal people. Christ as described in the King James Bible died for them too. They also could be saved . You know people sometimes say that the God of the Old Testament was different than the God in the New Testament.
You must understand scripture to understand God's judgment.
God gave us a savior. John 3:16 and that is what is important. Christ has changed so many lives. Remember that. He can change you too if you are engulfed in wickedness stealing cars and doing evil consistently partying and getting drunk.
It's easy once we become born-again believer in Christ to forget the true reality of evil we live in a world that is fallen and that hates the light. Christian's face quite a dilemma as they too can become Pharisees. I do have love for my brothers and sisters in Christ out there. But I don't seem to feel the love of Christ like I should expect to feel. I don't like it when I see Christians fighting each other.
You know we preach the grace message. . Thank you Father. Endless grace no consequences even once you are saved all your sins are wiped out. Premeditation/you can grieve the spirit doing things that are considered abominable to God is not good if you claim to be in Christ. But even born again Christians could end up going back to the world which is enmity with God. They went out from us because they were not of us. Be extremely careful because that might not be true in all cases. James 4:4 Sometimes they become Pharisees. You have to abide in Christ and renew your mind and set it on things that be of God. Roman's 2:3 kjv The things we highly esteem are abomination unto God but we seem not to be able to accept that . He is the way not just the life. Let me explain for a minute here. Was it King David that wanted Bathsheba who was a married woman. Today you men see a beautiful woman and you should not desire her if she's married or she's not for you. 2 Samuel 11 KJV Christ is the straight gate not the wide gate. He was not your Hollywood Brad Pitt that woman are mesmerized over. Yet he was despised and rejected. Look what the prophet Isaiah said: “For he shall grow up before him as a tender plant, and as a root out of a dry ground: he hath no form nor comeliness; and when we shall see him, there is no beauty that we should desire him. ” Isaiah 53:2 KJV Many denied him deserting him in his day and I've heard preachers say sure we say in our hearts we wouldn't do the same thing but what would we really do if we were there in that time. Can we admit the truth? Do we even know what we would truly do in that scenario?
I'll bet the prostitute was impressed with him the lord Jesus Christ because he forgave her let alone may have saved her. He changes lives. He should be your everything before everything else. His way is the right way and you're corrupt way if lost will only lead down a valley of destruction and ultimately death to hell. His way is life. Satan's way is death. You have to put your faith and trust in the biblical Christ. In the GOD of the Bible who said you are not to have any other gods before him.
So in conjunction with the issues spoken of here I started doing a little research and came upon a podcast that the link is below. I believe it aired 59 days ago. That raised a few questions after I seen the podcast. Please take your time and have a look at these podcasts.
Regarding Armenians
As of 2011, most Armenians in Armenia are Christians (97%) and are members of the Armenian Apostolic Church, which is one of the oldest Christian churches. It was founded in the 1st century AD, and in 301 AD became the first branch of Christianity to become a state religion.
Is the Armenian Apostolic Church a Catholic Church?
Armenian Church differs from Orthodox, Catholic and Protestant churches. It belongs in the category of the so-called Monophysitic churches. Whereas Orthodox is related to Dyophysitic, Dyophysites recognize Christ in two essences – human and divine; Monophysites - only divine.
You know there were some things that Christ accused the religious leaders of his day off. And we also have to remember not to go overboard but abide in him. We know the world is deceived. We know what is written in scripture: 2 Corinthians 11:4 Without the shedding of blood there would be no forgiveness of sins. There is no other name given unto man in which he can find salvation but that of the biblical Jewish on Earth Jesus Christ of Nazareth. God tells us in his word man is without excuse. When they knew God they did not glorify him as God but became vain in their imagination. Henceforce, there is also a way that seems right to a man but in the end it is the way of death.
He has not found their works perfect? Is Christ a perfectionist? What does it mean to abide in him? He truly has said people will be rewarded for their efforts so the efforts matter.
5] Remember therefore from whence thou art fallen, and repent, and do the first works ; or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will remove thy candlestick out of his place, except thou repent. Revelation 2:5
Newsmakers - September 28, 2023
Over 100,000 Armenians have now fled disputed enclave Nagorno-Karabakh
Christian Genocide Looms
For believers, the “first works” are to “ seek first his kingdom and his righteousness” ( Matthew 6:33 ).
Heard these anointed links in the spirit and acknowledged. I'm not saying not to be bold nor am I saying to be lukewarm. Please don't judge irrationally in an unfounded way but try in your heart to understand what this blog is about ++. We live in a complicated world and we strive to do good and to preach and do the work of ministry.
( 1 ), ( 2 ), ( 3 ), ( 4 ) There is a good article by got question about what was foretold here
When I came across it it was anointed in the spirit and by a United Kingdom preacher. It's good for newbies on milk to learn this and good as a refresher course too for others. It so happens to fit the formentioned in this blog very well.
Christian Armenians being persecuted in the news link one and two
Further finalized and updated November 26th 2023 11:11 a.m.