- The soul that sinneth, it shall die
20 The soul that sinneth, it shall die. The son shall not bear the iniquity of the father, neither shall the father bear the iniquity of the son: the righteousness of the righteous shall be upon him, and the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon him. Ezekiel 18:20 King James Version
"It's just not in our DNA to stop."
The last writings that I wrote about were intricate in nature and sometimes simplicity is nice but even Apostle Peter knew there are some things hard to understand and because of this people accused Apostle Paul of being a false apostle but the truth is no he's not. Remember he persecuted the Church of God at one time. He had a thorn somewhere in his flesh. It bothered him. But there is a stubbornness and a refusal to acknowledge the biblical truth. People are busy reaping the world and they think little about their soul and what happens after the first death. It is apointed for man to die once and then the judgment. People are getting older and things don't always remain the same. For example there are even youth becoming of age into mature young people, young adults and some of these people don't know of Christ and they believe we came from monkeys which is the LIE from the pit of hell. God is real and he's the God of Israel. Some people are successful in this life having become famous and gained the world but some of their members as these groups went on passed away. This one such band from Canada and a member in an interview I believe in Toronto said " It's just not in our DNA to stop ." They gave this statement:
"Do what you believe, because if you do what someone else believes, and you fail, you've got nothing. If you do what you believe, and you fail, you still have hope." Hope, faith and trust is found in God. In Jesus Christ of Nazareth.
The most important thing in life is to know who the true God is and to repent of your sins and truly get saved but people swim in sin not realizing that success is found in Jesus Christ of Nazareth who is the life. John 14:6 He said you can do nothing without him. Even worshiping him is good but people give him lip service. In an interview another celebrity once said he sits at the end of the bed sometimes with family members and praise/prays you know huddled together. That's all fine and dandy no pun intended but Christ tells us many people have him on their lips but their hearts are far from him. Today with the DNA technology some people that were implicated for crimes they never committed were found to be innocent and they can also find people that did do crimes as technology is incredible. The Bible says to store up treasures for heaven where moths will not get at them. Things that we can't see are eternal as things we can see are temporal. Every day people pass away and people assume they all go to heaven or not exist any longer but this is not the case according to God's word because many will wake up to be eternally damned. To establish who God truly is we have to take an interest in reading all the scriptures that pertain to these matters including Christ. You'll find out that the DNA of God is completely different than what the devil tells you because he comes preaching another gospel that no angel in heaven ever preached and actually another Jesus Christ too that did not die for your sins. But stubborn deceived human beings shove it aside reaping the world and living a sinful life. You see doing the writing on Church buildings is important because God has continually for a long time put on my heart they have made the house of God into a den of thieves. John 2:16 Can you imagine Judgment Day when large amounts maybe in the millions or billions of souls in the spiritual world are told that Christ never knew them and so it's horrible words are spoken by Christ about their destiny which is drastic. Another thing that was put on my heart today if anybody wants to be first Christ said they will be last. Pride and arrogance is detestable to God and God humbles the proud. Some of the people that the world hates including Christ was rejected a man well acquainted with sorrow is the most important savior in the life to come. Today I heard a guy in public transit telling a woman and a bunch of people about Christ having $200,000 in his time and then he went on with the story and made it even bigger. People's perception of Christ sometimes comes from the devil. We wrestle not against flesh and blood and money is the root of all evils although it's a necessity in life when used correctly and responsibly.
You know the other day I was thinking Apostle Paul said he was the chief of sinners. Bless the Christians out there when they preach on the streets sometimes as they profess their testimony of how they used to be. Sometimes those that are rebellious use that to say see you're just like me even now. Because they're not really listening and they have not understanding. The wages of sin is death and we like to have our ears tickled. Now I noticed another sermon preaching on God wants us. It is true because true Christianity is God reaching down to humans and calling people to repentance and he would desire humans know him accepting Christ in faith. But religion is men trying to find God and to please God on his own understanding, merits and efforts as they say. That's why I asked what makes a Pharisee not to condemn them because it's all about choices. It's when relationship starts turning into a set of rules and men become religious and then people start to worship the preacher and the preacher becomes well known writing books and making millions of dollars and living in huge mansions and buying Jets worth in the millions because God put it on their hearts that they need these Jets worth millions and next along with that we get the prosperity Gospel. The heart is abundantly wicked . You see I wonder why Jesus Christ of Nazareth scrutinized that church that lost its first love and he threatened to come and take their lamp stand away if they didn't return to the first love. Revelation 2:5 kjv Keep the fire burning as they say. Even Christians could easily become Pharisees and they do. Truly in some of the testimonies I've heard from the past as one guy got sick by drinking contaminated water and ended up in the hospital and had a near death experience where he came to know Christ. Another one a long time ago was a motorcycle gang member who Christ reached out to him and gave his testimony so Christ reaches out to people. The lamb of God who died for the sins of the world does such things. Amen He is your best friend and there's no friend like him but you got to know who he is. Man loves darkness. Today a guy was next to me on public transit smelling heavily of alcohol and his face was flush red. He was holding on for his life. Meanwhile another man's talking about Jesus having $200,000. He was a little bit arrogant and people weren't too pleased. But at least he's thinking of Jesus. Could be the devil in disguise who knows? I see signs around happy hour in establishments selling alcohol. There will be a wedding where people will truly be happy and jump for joy. You see again there were precautions given: there are people we as true Christians precaution but some of them are rebellious and refuse to listen and I'm not talking about the obvious nor gaslighting. You see some of them are religious but lost and on the wrong road. Even Christ gave a precaution in the Book of Matthew: garment: and he saith unto him, Friend, how camest thou in hither not having a wedding garment? And he was speechless. Then said the king to the servants, Bind him hand and foot, and take him away, and cast him into outer darkness; there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth . For many are called, but few are chosen .
So according to what's being said here by the son of the living God whom is the king of all Kings and the lord of all lords he's rejecting those people just like on the day of judgment when he tells people he never knew them. His warning could be even for the Jewish people that rejected him you know religious people. As the gentiles were included in salvation but still many reject him. You know I remind you that he wants or he desires a church body that is without stain. Is the wedding dress dirty trodden under foot the son of God, and hath counted the blood of the covenant, wherewith he was sanctified, an unholy thing, and hath done despite unto the Spirit of grace? We give thanks and praise that he died for the sins of the world and God is graceful but that doesn't give us the right to have a license for/to sin.
I remember after John Lennon unfortunately was shot and killed and in an interview I heard about the precautions that were given by guards or security people who then their advice was ignored as the story is told. And a member of that famous band said in an interview at that time who has also passed away John didn't deserve that but perhaps Hitler does/did. John gave the world love he said. God doesn't define sin as love and living in it with a mistress. Taking drugs is sin even smoking cigarettes is sin against your own body and people swearing man will give an account for all idle words spoken too. The talk of the world is swearing. Very few people fear God. In our spiritual DNA God wrote it on our hearts to know him but people are stubborn and want to have their ears tickled rejecting knowledge so God rejects them although he provided a savior people give him lip service. You know you go around and you see people smoking in droves today. Keep the temple holy but who cares about Christ sacrifice showing they give him lip service. Social pressure or peer pressure as some people have said when they were young celebrities. Christ yoke and his burden is light. We're instructed to love God with all our heart mind and soul and man is without excuse by the things made it is obvious that God exists. Nothing for nothing gives you nothing and everything that exists is not out of mere chance it's just nonsense. So I challenge you to open a Bible start reading and praying and stop leaning on your own understanding because you did not come from monkeys.
Cold Case Christianity with J. Warner and Jimmy Wallace. J. talks about God's DNA and the link is here