Be careful what you get or what you desire for Christmas. Will it be beneficial or will it lead you tomorrow to a deprived mind empty-handed. A long time ago without understanding but having some steps made towards the right direction but still blind and not understanding I wrote a couple songs around the Christmas season. I wrote songs to do with jingle bells and all the Christmas paraphernalia and imagery as people decorate their houses with slays, snowmans, elves, deer and all these things fancy decorations. Some people have a light show that attracts passerbys. So I wrote a few seasonal Christmas songs but they were more in an R & B style. They got attention back in the day. I also wrote one that I didn't promote and it had sort of the same storyline but I think the theme of the song was more of a easy style jazzy R & B alternative praise on a different level crime wise. The song was about various aspects of deception where you want things and your aspirations in blind faith is not in the things that be of the true God but in the evil dark rudiments of the world. Colossians to 2:8 KJV We are told to store up treasures for heaven where moths won't get at them and when the Lord our Lord and savior told the samaritan woman he would give her the living water where she wont thirst again he wasn't referring to physical water you drink but more or less the new birth which is the way to his kingdom. John 3:3
" Living water is a metaphor used in the Bible to depict the spiritual sustenance and salvation that Jesus Christ offers . The phrase draws upon the life-giving properties of water, symbolizing the spiritual refreshment that comes from accepting Jesus Christ and his teachings". Jun 1, 2023
"Jesus refers to the Holy Spirit as the living water."
You see the trust has to be in the messiah who shed his blood on the cross for the sins of the world Jesus Christ of Nazareth the Jewish Hebrew on Earth in his day savior of the world who came to" give us an abundance of life but devils comes to destroy, steel and to deceive people. John 10:10 John 2:16 So what do you want for Christmas? Do you want a TV? Are you looking for a sports car? How about some cigarettes or alcohol maybe lottery tickets? Are you looking for a vacation on some expensive elaborate cruise ship tour? Are you looking for expensive designer clothes? Are you sure you're looking for Christ and admiring loving him, obeying him not treading underfoot a covenant sanctified in truth or do you give Christ lip service and have have made him a convenience for everything you want but when he tells you don't fornicate being indulge in idolatry you say Jesus loves me he's fine with all of this. The wages of sin is death and there are many deceivers in this life. In Noah's day they were laughing at him. Majority of them perished in the water.
She watched as I was preaching
about giving Christ lip service one day
I had a chance which a lot of people don't experience it this way when you become a true believer and you truly preach against sin to see how rebellious people are and religious devils they're so full of themselves. Example preach for a while against smoking and swearing nice or bold and one day the person walks by you particularly a male once a woman too and calls you some derogatory name like asole. Rebellious devils to put it bluntly in it's most mild form. They so many have religious aspirations and in vain do they worship Christ making to none effect the word of God. Matthew 5:9 KJV They're easy prey for the god of this world. Meanwhile such lost people in their ignorance, short narrow-mindedness wanting these things in desires bearing unfruitful fruits abundantly deceived while there are people dying around the world of all sorts of traumas. Are we sure we know the meaning of love? John Lennon wrote while with Beatles: All You Need Is Love and some anti-Christian songs both George and John. Love is not all you need. Fornication, idolatry is not love it is sin. In the beginning God. Adam and Eve sinned a great sin. Then the evil one Lucifer also sinned pride was found in him and he's attracted to the things that be of men and that bears bad fruits. So ask yourself what do you want this season? Do you want the truth to be sanctified in the truth or do you want to just put your aspirations and your attention in deception and in fruitless fruit. If you're going to celebrate this season the baby's grown up and the baby's no longer on Earth. He's in eternity risen in glory. I want you to consider opening the Bible King James recommended and spending some time in the word of God not in religion. Are you sure you love Christ or do you love the unrighteousness that doesn't bear fruit and gives you pleasure in it?
Read the above this is the result of storing up bad fruit
The Bible says your temple, your body is the house of the Holy Ghost. If you are committing fornication you don't love Christ. Our lord Jesus Christ said even looking at a person with lust you've already committed adultery with her in your heart. Two things the Bible says that is important for you. One there's a way that seems right to a man in the end that is the way of death. That means it does not lead to eternal life despite that we are not under the law. The rich young ruler Christ knew that he truly wasn't lying that he treated people good in his life and he kept all these things from his youth yet he lacked one thing sell everything he has, give it all money to the poor pick up his cross and follow him. Why would this be important? A rich man entering Christ kingdom is next to impossible because you can't serve two masters. You will love one and despise the other. He walked away sorrowful only interested in reaping up treasures that are here today and gone tomorrow. This is the abundance of the wicked human heart. Why does he have to pick up a cross if Christ was going to do it for him? Because if you claim to be a follower his way is the narrow way into the gate that the world rejects. James 4:4 He said peace I leave you but not as the world leaves you. In the book of James it tells us if somebody comes to you and they're in need of physical food, room and board and you turn them away and say bless you go be merry you are wicked and don't love Christ obviously if you have it to give. He also said what reward have you if you only love those who love you which the world does because it's deeds and it's aspirations are not for God. He said when you have a party a gathering invite the lame the widows those that are broken maybe that the world rejects and I'm not talking about the drug takers and drug pushers but you can pray for them try to preach to them because they just might cause trouble today. When you give don't announce it from the rooftop then you lose your reward. When you pray go in your room and in secret your father will see and reward you. You see we want physical things and you know it's understandable we're humans some of these things we need but are we truly storing up treasures for heaven or are we just deceiving our own selves. You see he warned people about judgment day when multitudes of people are going to hear that he doesn't know them when they were under the impression that they did all these great works present buying. They were probably under law but they weren't in the right standing in their hearts they were wicked before God. He said people honor him in vain with their mouth they use it and they talk about God they talk about Jesus but they deceive their own hearts but they're far from him. Matthew 15:9
The other important thing that he said was extremely important if you truly love him he said what defiles a person is not the drought and all the access that we would know is/as poo poo. It's what comes out of their heart all manner of evil thoughts intentions swearing taking his name in vain, murders, bearing false witness, gossip all these defile a person. So what do you want for Christmas a separation, a divorce maybe Brad Pitt? How about some of the sexy singers that stand up for all the fornications of the world how about them? You can't serve two masters you will love one and despise the other. There's a way that appears right to a man in the end it is the way of death So what do you want this holiday season? Will it be under a tree gift wrapped or will the relationship be in a person that you trust, have faith in and truly follow in spirit and in truth that shed his blood on a cross for you and are you sure you have the right guy and that you follow him correctly?
May that fat old jolly Santa give you all you desire if he doesn't get stuck in some chimney. Don't forget to leave the milk out for him not the cookies.
God gave you the greatest gift and it's not for sale. What gratitude do you give back when you're supposed to love your father with all your heart, mind and soul when you disobey him and give him lip service. All you have to do is pray and read the Bible. Don't put your understanding in yourselves. Everybody wants heaven but at the same time their aspirations are in hell. You can't serve two masters. You see God doesn't define love in a broken love song. Christ was despised and rejected and a man well acquainted with sorrow. He said/taught real Love is if a man lay down his life for a friend. Giving the glory away that belongs to him is not loving him .
Smash and grab?
Be careful what you get or what you desire for Christmas. Will it be beneficial or will it lead you tomorrow to a deprived mind empty-handed. A long time ago without understanding but having some steps made towards the right direction but still blind and not understanding I wrote a couple songs around the Christmas season. I wrote songs to do with jingle bells and all the Christmas paraphernalia and imagery as people decorate their houses with slays, snowmans, elves, deer and all these things fancy decorations. Some people have a light show that attracts passerbys. So I wrote a few seasonal Christmas songs but they were more in an R & B style. They got attention back in the day. I also wrote one that I didn't promote and it had sort of the same storyline but I think the theme of the song was more of a easy style jazzy R & B alternative praise on a different level crime wise. The song was about various aspects of deception where you want things and your aspirations in blind faith is not in the things that be of the true God but in the evil dark rudiments of the world. Colossians to 2:8 KJV We are told to store up treasures for heaven where moths won't get at them and when the Lord our Lord and savior told the samaritan woman he would give her the living water where she wont thirst again he wasn't referring to physical water you drink but more or less the new birth which is the way to his kingdom. John 3:3
" Living water is a metaphor used in the Bible to depict the spiritual sustenance and salvation that Jesus Christ offers . The phrase draws upon the life-giving properties of water, symbolizing the spiritual refreshment that comes from accepting Jesus Christ and his teachings". Jun 1, 2023
"Jesus refers to the Holy Spirit as the living water."
You see the trust has to be in the messiah who shed his blood on the cross for the sins of the world Jesus Christ of Nazareth the Jewish Hebrew on Earth in his day savior of the world who came to" give us an abundance of life but devils comes to destroy, steel and to deceive people. John 10:10 John 2:16 So what do you want for Christmas? Do you want a TV? Are you looking for a sports car? How about some cigarettes or alcohol maybe lottery tickets? Are you looking for a vacation on some expensive elaborate cruise ship tour? Are you looking for expensive designer clothes? Are you sure you're looking for Christ and admiring loving him, obeying him not treading underfoot a covenant sanctified in truth or do you give Christ lip service and have have made him a convenience for everything you want but when he tells you don't fornicate being indulge in idolatry you say Jesus loves me he's fine with all of this. The wages of sin is death and there are many deceivers in this life. In Noah's day they were laughing at him. Majority of them perished in the water.
She watched as I was preaching
about giving Christ lip service one day
I had a chance which a lot of people don't experience it this way when you become a true believer and you truly preach against sin to see how rebellious people are and religious devils they're so full of themselves. Example preach for a while against smoking and swearing nice or bold and one day the person walks by you particularly a male once a woman too and calls you some derogatory name like asole. Rebellious devils to put it bluntly in it's most mild form. They so many have religious aspirations and in vain do they worship Christ making to none effect the word of God. Matthew 5:9 KJV They're easy prey for the god of this world. Meanwhile such lost people in their ignorance, short narrow-mindedness wanting these things in desires bearing unfruitful fruits abundantly deceived while there are people dying around the world of all sorts of traumas. Are we sure we know the meaning of love? John Lennon wrote while with Beatles: All You Need Is Love and some anti-Christian songs both George and John. Love is not all you need. Fornication, idolatry is not love it is sin. In the beginning God. Adam and Eve sinned a great sin. Then the evil one Lucifer also sinned pride was found in him and he's attracted to the things that be of men and that bears bad fruits. So ask yourself what do you want this season? Do you want the truth to be sanctified in the truth or do you want to just put your aspirations and your attention in deception and in fruitless fruit. If you're going to celebrate this season the baby's grown up and the baby's no longer on Earth. He's in eternity risen in glory. I want you to consider opening the Bible King James recommended and spending some time in the word of God not in religion. Are you sure you love Christ or do you love the unrighteousness that doesn't bear fruit and gives you pleasure in it?
Read the above this is the result of storing up bad fruit
The Bible says your temple, your body is the house of the Holy Ghost. If you are committing fornication you don't love Christ. Our lord Jesus Christ said even looking at a person with lust you've already committed adultery with her in your heart. Two things the Bible says that is important for you. One there's a way that seems right to a man in the end that is the way of death. That means it does not lead to eternal life despite that we are not under the law. The rich young ruler Christ knew that he truly wasn't lying that he treated people good in his life and he kept all these things from his youth yet he lacked one thing sell everything he has, give it all money to the poor pick up his cross and follow him. Why would this be important? A rich man entering Christ kingdom is next to impossible because you can't serve two masters. You will love one and despise the other. He walked away sorrowful only interested in reaping up treasures that are here today and gone tomorrow. This is the abundance of the wicked human heart. Why does he have to pick up a cross if Christ was going to do it for him? Because if you claim to be a follower his way is the narrow way into the gate that the world rejects. James 4:4 He said peace I leave you but not as the world leaves you. In the book of James it tells us if somebody comes to you and they're in need of physical food, room and board and you turn them away and say bless you go be merry you are wicked and don't love Christ obviously if you have it to give. He also said what reward have you if you only love those who love you which the world does because it's deeds and it's aspirations are not for God. He said when you have a party a gathering invite the lame the widows those that are broken maybe that the world rejects and I'm not talking about the drug takers and drug pushers but you can pray for them try to preach to them because they just might cause trouble today. When you give don't announce it from the rooftop then you lose your reward. When you pray go in your room and in secret your father will see and reward you. You see we want physical things and you know it's understandable we're humans some of these things we need but are we truly storing up treasures for heaven or are we just deceiving our own selves. You see he warned people about judgment day when multitudes of people are going to hear that he doesn't know them when they were under the impression that they did all these great works present buying. They were probably under law but they weren't in the right standing in their hearts they were wicked before God. He said people honor him in vain with their mouth they use it and they talk about God they talk about Jesus but they deceive their own hearts but they're far from him. Matthew 15:9
Matthew 15:8
The other important thing that he said was extremely important if you truly love him he said what defiles a person is not the drought and all the access that we would know is/as poo poo. It's what comes out of their heart all manner of evil thoughts intentions swearing taking his name in vain, murders, bearing false witness, gossip all these defile a person. So what do you want for Christmas a separation, a divorce maybe Brad Pitt? How about some of the sexy singers that stand up for all the fornications of the world how about them? You can't serve two masters you will love one and despise the other. There's a way that appears right to a man in the end it is the way of death So what do you want this holiday season? Will it be under a tree gift wrapped or will the relationship be in a person that you trust, have faith in and truly follow in spirit and in truth that shed his blood on a cross for you and are you sure you have the right guy and that you follow him correctly?
May that fat old jolly Santa give you all you desire if he doesn't get stuck in some chimney. Don't forget to leave the milk out for him not the cookies.
God gave you the greatest gift and it's not for sale. What gratitude do you give back when you're supposed to love your father with all your heart, mind and soul when you disobey him and give him lip service. All you have to do is pray and read the Bible. Don't put your understanding in yourselves. Everybody wants heaven but at the same time their aspirations are in hell. You can't serve two masters. You see God doesn't define love in a broken love song. Christ was despised and rejected and a man well acquainted with sorrow. He said/taught real Love is if a man lay down his life for a friend. Giving the glory away that belongs to him is not loving him .