As the prophet Isaiah said hell which is real grows larger daily and are you going to be a new arrival there one day. You live once and then the judgment. Don't be caught unwise because hell is eternal. Once you're there you're there forever doesn't that scare you? Don't be stupid and say yes but I don't care. Because that type of pain for all of eternity no one should have to go through that and there's a way out by accepting the good news gospel.
The Earth is looming in violence and Rebellion
There is a spirit of lust and unless we can comprehend some righteousness and holiness before acting out what we're not supposed to because we if stray even a little bit here and there meaning we dip back into the world thinking there's time foolishly but we are grieving the Holy Ghost taking great risks. I'm talking about Christians out there even true ones it's not easy and one has to be/should be on fire committed. He said Christ there will be signs but these are all the beginning of sorrows. He taught us to deny ourselves. We need discipline in the faith just like an athlete practices or a musician who practices their craft we need to be committed and disciplined. We should desire to abide in him . It's hypocritical when we have lip service if at all we do. I don't say this again to bring nervous tensions are hysteria but I'm often reminded to be patient and pray. You can't serve two masters. It's not only about singing songs and worshiping it really is about doing what is written or not doing the things it warns of. There are things in society that are a shock and for example now we have transgender people. If you see them and people insult them and then later on notice drama in society such as there been certain situations that were drastic in these schools in emergency this is sin and people will face judgment. Unfortunately it exists and in preaching sure point out what sin is but insulting as kids do mocking people is wicked. We have bullies in schools and today you have groups of people stealing from department stores unlike anything that's been observed 10, 20 years ago. The theif comes to steal & kill but he's came to give us an abundance of life. Humble yourselves. Fight the good fight of faith and examine yourself daily and please don't forget to pray.
Not only is there serious threat against judges, police, even teachers and politicians these days but the violence that has broken out on airplanes in airport lobbies reported has never been observed before to this capacity. People feeling self entitled which not everybody's like this is very wicked. But it's certainly a time without etiquette serious manners. Sometimes I go by construction workers and every second word is toxic swearing. Many people identify with each other with this type of speech. The unrighteous will not inherit the Kingdom. They don't comprehend what happens when you die because then comes the judgment but they're ignorant to this. There was a story of a man who was on his deathbed going in and out of consciousness every time he came to screaming he's burning in the flames of hell and the doctor became a believer. AMEN He gave his only begotten son but what does that mean to you.
Why did God caution the lukewarm Church because they became rich and comfortable and they're not doing their job anymore. The truth is God gave man free will but everything man does whether hiding it or not it's not hidden. Of course criminals don't know this. They don't even believe this but it's true. If sinner dies in their sins they're going to be giving a full accounting for everything ever done sin-wise unsaved and unrepentant. Jesus said all things are possible with God so wake up and snap out of it. Open the Bible read it, pray and be committed to know who God is. To know who Jesus really is. Ask yourself daily are you a hypocrite? Examine yourself every single day. The Bible says you can be angry at sin but don't let the sun go down on you. I never thought 10 years ago I would be rebuking people for taking God's name in vain or Christ same in vain to the capacity that I've sometimes ask people not to do that. They have no respect for judges and if they don't have respect for the God that created them don't be surprised if he throws them into a place called hell. He desires for people not to perish but people do perish. A man ended up in hell asked to have someone go testify on to them his 5 brothers that this place is real and to warn the five brothers. If they didn't believe Moses and the prophets though somebody goes testifies warning them they're not going to believe them either. L16:28 We have something called reprobates. Minds with a blown fuse. Easy believism. Everybody's going to heaven no matter what religion what god they serve or what they've done. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.
PS: Yes it's true there's a fight for your soul and where your treasure is so will be your heart.