What are you worshiping?
The wages of sin is death
“Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.”
What are you worshiping?
The wages of sin is death
“Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.”
Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit . A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.
There is finding Christ and then there's the illusion of finding Christ. Then there is those that will find the devil and find the door right into the pit of Hell for all of eternity . There's those that are perishing but flourishing in life. In other words they think they've made it they're celebrities, they have money, they have the paparazzi taking pictures of them but they're blinded never truly understanding where they are truly going. This is not to knock people or to not knock human shallow success when somebody's determined for example to make it in music, by invention such as a television or the refrigerator or the stove, first automotive or first airplane or some useful appliance like the vacuum cleaner. But there are those always lost and I would think some of these people are geared more towards atheism although they might have grown up with some sort of religion. In their lives these young celebrities that some of them are now old celebrities success is to conquer the world and to distribute your art form whether it be movies, records all over the world and have people know you or even be TV celebrities personalities. We have many well-known sports celebrities too. For some people success is winning the lottery and some when it does such an amount that they never could have ever thought this was possible but will they get to enjoy it or will they end up in a place called hell. This is not to intimidate or discriminate or put down people because they have what they think is success. But what is success in the real God's eyes that many people deny him yet when they obtain worldwide success they might show up at the award shows and thank God but which God do they truly thank & are following? So many have been blinded to the glory of the Gospel by the god of this world. I'll tell you the truth you live once and then the judgment. If you were successful in life but your success contributed to people losing their souls how is that success when you can't come back and destroy whatever artwork made you successful if it's going to contribute to juvenile delinquency and all sorts of evils cuz it's bad fruit. Meanwhile the world will eat it and can't get enough. You see Christ said what will it profit a man to gain the world and forfeit their own soul . When we're talking about reaping good harvest, good fruit we're not only talking about what you eat but what do you reap in this world do you do what the devil did? Do you disobey what's in scripture because you think just one time ++ it won't matter. I heard about a celebrity and I won't mention names that had a seance and they were told an attempt was going to be taken on their lives so they did a few things not to be in the public eye but it still happened one day. These are abominable things God said do not do. You do not look at horoscopes or use Ouija boards or go to people that summons familiar spirits or spirits.. You do not pray to anybody else but the God of Israel who is the God of the Bible and in turn who is Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Remember Jesus was annoyed with the Pharisees because he didn't feel loved from them. What type of Love do you think he expected from them or at least to show some respect? What is love in man's narrow mind that is darkened as he loves darkness or what is love in God's eyes when he told Adam and Eve do not eat from the tree of knowledge of Good and Evil. Yesterday I was reading and it was interesting as Christ was assembling his apostles and it said he didn't attend some festival because he knew what was in man and it wasn't his time yet.
John 2:24-25 Just a little bit later he created that whip and drove the money changers and others out of the temple because it's suppost to be a House of Prayer but they made it a den of thieves.
Before I can continue I need to explain that some people learn in their teens the truth and never stray from it others learn it and stray from it yet others never see it coming and end up perishing because of blindness and stupidity of ignorance. Once you truly learn what it is you put your hand on the plow and you go forward because a man who looks back is not fit for the kingdom of God. Please believing Christians don't give me the excuse were not saved by works because you abide in the vine and the vine abides in you faithfully but are you faithful? You see God tells us there's none that understandeth all have gone astray but he knows there are people that are saved, people that are called and he knew what would have to be done before the foundations of the earth were laid. He gave many challenges in scripture for example one is where were you when I laid the foundations of the Earth/world. JOB 38:4-30 Another one if you can find you know 5 or 10 righteous in this town I'll save it. Example Genesis 18:26 Didn't Abraham have a great challenge to sacrifice his son. Genesis 22:6-14 JOB also had one of the greatest set challenges in scripture. So some people are atheist or are religious atheist and have some sort of celebrity status in this world and have no trouble with taking God's name in vain or using holy names and profanity such as the word holy plus profanity or "grail" "cow" "sh**". Christ gave the blind man his sight back not only to do a miracle or because he loved him but to show how blind the religious elite were. He knew they were going to come and accuse him the wicked way that they did because they accused him in such a manner that is very evil and Unholy. So when it comes to music rock and roll, blues, Disco, alternative, rap and pop, dance, trash, gangster rap, heavy metal does the music glorifying evil or is it glorifying the only begotten Son of God who gave himself as a ransom for many? Now Jesus said and warned on more than one occasion that people are going to see the prophets perhaps others in the kingdom of God but they themselves will be thrust out. You don't find God the way you walk into a music shop and you find a guitar. You don't find God by just thinking as a name God but you don't seek. You find God by prayer and reading the holy scriptures and letting those living words come off the page. When was the last time you opened the Bible and you read. A lot of musicians write songs about love. Here we go again with Silly Love Songs. Beautiful song by the way. But that's not how you find God. We wrestle not against flesh and blood and of course that dark world does not want you to find God not even come close to it. It wants you to be deceived and to lose your soul. So with that I want you to ponder where are you truly going when your life is over on planet Earth and nobody's promised another day so have you thought of your eternal destination lately? You see the people in hell and it exists as the prophet Isaiah said it grows larger all the time didn't know what true love was. Lazarus was hungry and he had sores on his body that the dogs licked but the rich man was comfortable. We have a lot of rich people in life that never seem to show sufficient love to their enemies but just condemn them. That's not real love. Christ showed love regardless. But his love was Holy Love not fornication or idolatry or sin for that matter. When I truly came to understand not by own my own doing alone it slowly dawned on me that what I really wanted/desired in life if I had gotten it most likely wouldn't have been God's will. I probably would have destroyed myself with the glamor and glory of living that prideful arrogant lost sin ridden life of celebrity. Jesus said the poor will inherit the earth and they also have the gospel preached onto them. The thief on the cross that repented and believed in the messiah even stuck up for him was bleeding dying nailed to a cross and his repentance was enough to be granted the gift eternal paradise. John 3:16 He repented and acknowledged faith and believe in Christ on the cross. He also acknowledged his just punishment. Before the foundations of the world were laid and even before we loved him he loved us enough to die for us and make a way for us to be redeemed in that relationship to be restored with the true Living God. What will it take to open your eyes? We have a fella recently that had a top hit with a song called Richmen north of Richmond and the good thing is that he's reading Bible verses to the audience. Sure there's negativity in it too but that's pretty astounding. He's given them the word of God now do you have it?
Loving your enemies opposed to loving your neighbor. You're not compelled to love your enemies. As one Christian preached there is not even one single scripture about this addressed to true Christians. It's a choice use wisdom.
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