There are people on planet Earth that believe everything else that are highly educated and yet blind as a bat because their hearts are hard as a rock and their faith is lacking massively.
Christian news
There are people on planet Earth that believe everything else that are highly educated and yet blind as a bat because their hearts are hard as a rock and their faith is lacking massively.
The devil is working overtime
I can guarantee unfortunately this blind greatly deceived woman is headed straight for hell because the wages of sin is death which means eternal destruction. We know even the elect would be fooled if it were possible.
Is your heart hardened?
The prophecies in the Bible are incredible and there's no other book like it on the face of the Earth. It will outlast everything as those words written in it will hold such a person to account of judgment or to eternal life if somebody has faith and comes to be a true believer i n the true Jesus Christ of Nazareth as he was a Jewish Rabbi when he was on the Earth. Biblical Christianity is true. Again this person will be accountable before a holy God when they die the 1st death and what a shock they're going to get. If an unbeliever dies in their sins they most likely will spend eternity in a place called hell because t hey will have to pay for their own sins such as this blind death deceived woman is being led by the blind. I challenge this blind lady to pick up the Bible and read it instead of mocking it. Try reading and praying. Heaven and Earth will pass away including this woman but nobody escapes the judgment unless they're covered by the blood of Christ/saved who died for the sins of the world. John 3:16 kjv
Joyce Carol Oates
It may be after her second husband passed away this is what is written
"After six months of near suicidal grieving for Smith, [92] "
She is an educated person who wrote fiction novels and other novels and also received some sort of a life achievement awards so this is not a stupid person but the devil deceives even the elect in some cases. She didn't write the Bible and she doesn't believe it incredible isn't it. That book can save her soul because what's written it is true.
Matthew 4:4 , KJV: "But he answered and said, It is written , Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God ."
The devil and his angels just love this person because they are deceived and they're easy prey that's the absolute truth. Truly there are two destinations after your time on Earth has elapsed and it's heaven or hell. There's no in between. Read the Bible pray dear brothers and sisters in Christ pray for this person before they lose their soul because the true God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob who is Jesus Christ of Nazareth said all souls are his and the soul that sins shall surely die .
In my afterthoughts and notes Christians don't pick and choose which verses are favorite for "their" belief system as this person implied. They have a relationship with the true God that none believers are ignorant to know and deny because they have been blinded by the god of this world. The Bible says let God be true and every man a liar. Wake up and I guarantee you they'll be judgment after this woman leaves this world. Is she going to regret losing her soul or is she going to get wise and start to pray and read the Bible instead of criticize it.