People are destroyed for lack of understanding and leaning on your own understanding could be futile you know drastic for your eternal life as it will lead you into the fiery pits of hell where the fire is never extinguished but the gospel can save your soul so give your lives to the Lord Jesus Christ before it's too late because nobody is promised another day.

How can you love God and know even what love is if you don't know who created you because it's certainly not true that you came from monkeys. Many don't have the capacity to understand. Many search in all the wrong places for the meaning of life. When we tell you about hell it might seem like a threat but it's a strong warning that it really does exist. Imagine you die the physical death and you find yourself in such a place with a pain unlike anything on Earth worse than any cancer or any disease. This is truly the God of love. How could God be Loved in such a case? Because he says man is without excuse by the things made it's obvious there's a God. The relationship was severed but our Lord Jesus Christ made it possible to be redeemed. How could you know him not if you care not about your own salvation nor what true love is. Some people even though they don't have the right God or the right Messiah they've been good parents where they've been good providers. A child is a blessing and should have the utmost love possible not this sort of wickedness. What is your master? You see many people who have a rap sheet for miles you'd think that they would get it after a while but they are mastered by evil. I seen an image in my subconscious of a beautiful young woman destroyed by somebody she put her faith in unfortunately it was not Jesus but the wrong person. Christ said you have to love your wife the way he loved the body of believers. It's not easy if you have a life that's contentious but how do you know what that is biblical wise if you're not studied and show yourselves approved. I challenge you and please wake up because payment will come due as you reap what you sow not only on Earth but in the Life to come. It is appointed for men to die once and then the judgment. How do you think you'll do in that judgment? You think you'll get away with it or will he tell you he never knew you and say cursed you be into the everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels.