There's two destinations after the first death Heaven or Hell no purgatory. Don't believe lies of the devil. If you're an atheist you can expect to go there if you die in your sins. If you're somebody doing evil or upholding the doctrines of devils and demons this is where you're headed and it's eternal. God is the God of Israel not the God of pagan religion.
. If we preach about the full counsel of God and we expose deception as true believers as were supposed to do when we contend for the faith once delivered onto the saints sometimes we have those counterfeit Christians who are deceived of the devil their true father that come and cause trouble upholding the works of darkness to their own ignorance and stupidity and their false teachers just tighten the grip on their deceived souls and the fire that Rich here is preaching about is a compounded reality as he is preaching the whole counsel of God warning you and telling you the absolute biblical truth. So you ask where is the love when we preach what is to be expected after the first death if you are deceived and upholding doctrines of devils this is what will happen to you and you will not escape. For instance when I in the last blog talked about what I did and at the end of it I add it "how will you escape the damnation of hell" that Christ warned the religious elite and Pharisees of his day he was preaching love. What? John 3:16 greatest gift ever. If you don't believe in me this is where you'll end up is what he warned them about. Then it was prophesied in Isaiah 53 and they did do the evil to him and he was of course the son of the living God so he knew that they were deceived of the devil as a great majority of human beings are today. God warns that the devil and his angels have been cast down to the Earth.
Revelation 12 7-17 We wrestle not against flesh and blood and you either believe the God of the Bible/Isreal who sent many true prophets into this world to warn Israel to turn back and for other deceived counterfiet Christians to heed the warnings/including mankind of an eternal hell. Matthew 24:46 KJV And those false teachers teaching another gospel, another Jesus are sending people exactly there. God is relationship and all the deception has a function when it will transfer into whatever it will when that new world order comes one day if not world war 3 first. If it's not in the Bible and you are embedded in doctrines of devils beware as you are playing with the fire that will consume you for all of eternity. If you are embedded in assaulting people with that wicked tongue which has the power of life and death you just might end up in this fire burning for all of eternity. You would say that's not love but the wages of sin is death and you better wake up to that fact as today the body of belivers/church has become lukewarm. It does seem to be that they're more worried about making money and making converts big numbers then people's souls tended too/really saved but this was all expected/prophesied that these things would happen. Christ is love what he did for you is the ultimate sacrifice and there's no other name given unto men in which they can find salvation Jesus Christ of Nazareth or Yeshua if you're Jewish. So if you are a criminal in a penitentiary you probably have a Bible there read it and pray and your life can change because our Lord and savior Jesus Christ is real and he's risen but so is the devil real. If you continue in you're rebellion then you will perish into this fire that is never extinguished/quenched and no fire station on the planet Earth could put it out. No man can stand in front of a holy God and sway him and he's graceful and merciful but don't abuse it and don't waste time like you have forever because that is the biggest misconception on planet Earth that the devil who does exist and his angels do exist and demons do exist or else God would be a liar want you to believe that you can continue in a life of sin and you have all the time in the world. For example just yesterday it was reported a 15-year-old boy on the way to school was hit by two cars and died. Was that boy a Christian? Was he a true Christian? Did he have a relationship with the true Christ or was he a religious person that he had blank deception? I don't know but there are a lot of people like this and God tells us man is without excuse. The wages of sin is death. We have people that are enslaved to their master sin flesh and the devil. They're not children of God to become a children of God you have to know God. Yes Christ is God but Christ is risen and he is not a pagan. The glorious gospel can save your soul but you got to believe it. God gave us a savior even before the foundations of the world were laid God already knew what had to be done. Hell is eternal once you are there you are there forever and it's so easy to get there. If you're not covered by the blood of Christ and are not a born-again believer you're in great danger of losing your soul. To lose your soul is no joke it is extremely serious. If you are a religious devil and you are following doctrines of devils not abiding in the true vine you are in great danger of losing your soul. Who could reach these reprobates that have been deceived in this world when they think they see but they're blind as a bat headed for the fire. So what is love and where is the love? You can't have love without understanding what true love is and it's not human emotions. It's not human understanding of what true love is. If you uphold doctrines of devils and you embrace somebody for example smoking cigarettes destroying their temple that's not love all you are is a placeholder for the devil's children. Love is the truth the world cannot receive. 14 But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned. 1 Corinthians 2:14 KJV