"bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ"
Are we really doing this or have we forgotten?
Jas. 4. [11] Speak not evil one of another, brethren . He that speaketh evil of his brother, and judgeth his brother, speaketh evil of the law, and judgeth the law: but if thou judge the law, thou art not a doer of the law , but a judge .
The story is shocking to say the least. The neighbor being a woman was angry seems to be for weeks on ends shots and killed the pastor in front of his family even shot his wife but she survived. I believe he was from Grace Point Church. They knew she was angry this woman who did this heinous crime yet it doesn't seem that the situation was resolved properly. Something drastically failed. What would drive somebody to such evil? Demons or anger? Somewhere in the United States there was also reports of some young people shooting up a mall. Innocent people died. There's also a report of a young woman getting high on drugs and doing a very heinous murder taking her boyfriend out. She was found not responsible. Some people are engulfed in evil and denial but a fear of hell does not scare them. We should know it exists because we know God but they don't. So many people these days smoke and vape. Lots of smokers of drugs around you can spell it around. I'm willing to bet a good number of these people are religious. They have no relationship nor do they know Christ nor have any time for the truth just time for all the wicked ways of the world which seems to make people think that's life. Remember Christ was despised and rejected and he is the savior of the world and his way is the right way but people don't see the benefit in living a holy life. Sad situation people.
The p astor's neighbor was charged with child abuse and murder. Was she in a gang? What happened to love your neighbor as yourself now note the location. She terrorized the neighbors for weeks or months on end and because he filed a complaint with the homeowners association she found out about it but her anger got the better of her. What type of life did this woman have? The pastor should have reported the threats to the police.
Truly it's nice to see students going to school and making something of their lives. Although they come from many different walks of life atheism different religions and what not do we have a full capacity understanding of what's out there when evangelizing?. There is a lot of wickedness in students too. Not all but it's astonishing that very few people know that a savior died for them. John 3:16 They're definitely is an increase in evil in the world. You see with people having such evil in their heart such even as the anti-semitism that is reported such people will not make it into Christ Kingdom un repented. To have that hatred and evil in the heart shows that person is a child of the devil. So many people have religion and I grew up with such people. If I remember the memories parting, discos, nightlife, sports addiction even music addiction, woman, drinking, fast cars, etc. Everything is also celebrated that is abominable such as halloween with religious people. This is the worship of demons and those who worship Satan love this. What a wicked world it is. Very few people think about the life to come they don't even know that there's judgment after this life. Also the systems of the world that will make merchandise out of you couldn't care about your soul.
From the situation that obviously occurred and what's reported I think the situation could have been better handled especially if it was going on for months on end.
“ Be ye angry, and sin not: let not the sun go down upon your wrath :”
Ephesians 4:26 (KJV)
My afterthoughts on this situation where was the body of believers and I know they pray but these hardened rebellious sinners are a physical threat sometimes especially with the behavior she was displaying.
Did the preacher really try to talk with her? Was there any type of dialogue? Could she have been reasoned with according to what is reported for the weeks or months on end of her notorious anxiety of rebellion it doesn't seem so.
"bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ"
Are we really doing this or have we forgotten?
Jas. 4. [11] Speak not evil one of another, brethren . He that speaketh evil of his brother, and judgeth his brother, speaketh evil of the law, and judgeth the law: but if thou judge the law, thou art not a doer of the law , but a judge .
The story is shocking to say the least. The neighbor being a woman was angry seems to be for weeks on ends shots and killed the pastor in front of his family even shot his wife but she survived. I believe he was from Grace Point Church. They knew she was angry this woman who did this heinous crime yet it doesn't seem that the situation was resolved properly. Something drastically failed. What would drive somebody to such evil? Demons or anger? Somewhere in the United States there was also reports of some young people shooting up a mall. Innocent people died. There's also a report of a young woman getting high on drugs and doing a very heinous murder taking her boyfriend out. She was found not responsible. Some people are engulfed in evil and denial but a fear of hell does not scare them. We should know it exists because we know God but they don't. So many people these days smoke and vape. Lots of smokers of drugs around you can spell it around. I'm willing to bet a good number of these people are religious. They have no relationship nor do they know Christ nor have any time for the truth just time for all the wicked ways of the world which seems to make people think that's life. Remember Christ was despised and rejected and he is the savior of the world and his way is the right way but people don't see the benefit in living a holy life. Sad situation people.
The p astor's neighbor was charged with child abuse and murder. Was she in a gang? What happened to love your neighbor as yourself now note the location. She terrorized the neighbors for weeks or months on end and because he filed a complaint with the homeowners association she found out about it but her anger got the better of her. What type of life did this woman have? The pastor should have reported the threats to the police.
Truly it's nice to see students going to school and making something of their lives. Although they come from many different walks of life atheism different religions and what not do we have a full capacity understanding of what's out there when evangelizing?. There is a lot of wickedness in students too. Not all but it's astonishing that very few people know that a savior died for them. John 3:16 They're definitely is an increase in evil in the world. You see with people having such evil in their heart such even as the anti-semitism that is reported such people will not make it into Christ Kingdom un repented. To have that hatred and evil in the heart shows that person is a child of the devil. So many people have religion and I grew up with such people. If I remember the memories parting, discos, nightlife, sports addiction even music addiction, woman, drinking, fast cars, etc. Everything is also celebrated that is abominable such as halloween with religious people. This is the worship of demons and those who worship Satan love this. What a wicked world it is. Very few people think about the life to come they don't even know that there's judgment after this life. Also the systems of the world that will make merchandise out of you couldn't care about your soul.
From the situation that obviously occurred and what's reported I think the situation could have been better handled especially if it was going on for months on end.
“ Be ye angry, and sin not: let not the sun go down upon your wrath :”
Ephesians 4:26 (KJV)
My afterthoughts on this situation where was the body of believers and I know they pray but these hardened rebellious sinners are a physical threat sometimes especially with the behavior she was displaying.
Did the preacher really try to talk with her? Was there any type of dialogue? Could she have been reasoned with according to what is reported for the weeks or months on end of her notorious anxiety of rebellion it doesn't seem so.