The deputy was sworn in to uphold the law and give good service as a Christian preacher or street evangelist is. I send you out amongst wolves were the warnings.
The deputy was sworn in to uphold the law and give good service as a Christian preacher or street evangelist is. I send you out amongst wolves were the warnings.
To serve and protect
And that's a slogan advertised on a police car. Who do you serve? Really think about it whom do you really serve? A well known celebrity anchor person from America has been in Canada probably Alberta recently talking about the arrest of preachers in Canada and he mentioned when they do such things who are they "really" serving in his speech. Obviously it's not the true God. I noticed a politician who some refer to as black face who said in a questioning or speech you can't scare them and I'm not too certain what he's referring to but I think I know what it is.
There was a street preacher who passed away unfortunately named Ruben Israel and he had a method of preaching that most men are probably not capable of scared to do. He was unique and he was a real man. He wasn't scared. He was a real warrior for Christ but he was barred from coming into Canada. If you use that type of preaching in Canada you'll probably get questions and perhaps even be arrested pretty quickly. But they use it in America they probably use it in Europe and other places in the world by probably even street preachers we don't know about. The Bible says God will puke out of his mouth the lukewarm Church. The lukewarm Christian, the lukewarm pasture. Being as Ruben was you're not going out there too inciting violence. It's a different method sometimes it takes that method to get through to "some" people. I saw Ruben on podcast many times and there was one time when they were retaliating in a undesired violent way and he knew how to shut it down before it escalated. He didn't disrespect people even if they were false teachers when he confronted them but he stood his ground. It's not a shouting match that doesn't work but there are people that listen and that would be looking for God who don't know him. Sometimes being sent out amongst wolves is complicated and each outing is probably different. Jesus said I send you out amongst wolves. I send you do you hear me " out ". Their wolves some of them.
The instructions were to preach the gospel to the entire world to all creatures and then the end will come. They preach in many different nations and in some nations Christians have been persecuted the number is humongous as recently reported of Christians being persecuted and murdered. This is the resistance of the evil ones on the planet meanwhile they're looking in outer space for planets with life but are they missing something when life is in Christ . Did you know without him because he existed even before he came to Earth even before the foundations were laid so life would be impossible without him. He is the word made flesh and he dwelt among Us. So when God expects the assembly, the body of believers, the church to not be lukewarm he's not saying go get some weapons and make sure you protect yourself and you put them out of their misery including any members in the body that don't obey. The Bible says vengeance belongs to God. That's not what he's saying. It is written that the truth will set you free. You have to be firm as a warrior in the faith and if you're the leader of a congregation, a church you have a great responsibilities to Christ/GOD. If you're the leader in a ministry that's not an organized religion that represents the true Christ of the Bible you have a great responsibility. In scripture with the apostles when Ananias lied to the Holy ghost and Apostle Peter questioned him/rebuked him he dropped dead and later so did his wife when she was questioned. Act 5:1-11 There is one sin in the Bible that won't be forgiven in this life nor the life to come and it's a great warning to human beings. Matthew 12:31-32 There was also a man who tried to buy the gift of the Holy ghost sort of to tempt the apostles and Peter rebuked him. He used sorcery and bewitched the people of Samaria. Acts 8:8-25 Simon the sorcerer. I remember a sister once said the employer we worked for unknowingly hired Jesus. That's nonsense thinking because the Holy ghost is not for hire if you represent him. But we do serve. In fact there are more laborers needed in the field. What is the nature of your service or lack thereof or total ignorance too?
To minister the word of God