When people mock Jesus Christ in a sense they're mocking their own soul but they're ignorant to that and they don't realize that hell is eternal and it's real and we know it's real because we know God. They will sell records and people will buy those records and be accessories to the fact of this demonic behavior. Choose who you will worship/serve because obviously they've chosen the kingdom of darkness.

What I've been showed over and over and over they have made the house of God into a den of thieves and this extends gravely. Christ knew who his enemies were. You think he doesn't know what systems on the Earth claim to represent him but then engag in gay marriage and in false teachings and add things being taught that he hates and that are an abomination like purgatory or doctrines and commandments of men/doctrines of demons or devils. They have become lukewarm the body. Well some might preach a strong sermon and that's nice thing to see/hear but are there ears to hear. I think it pleases God when we have faith and we put our time into ministry but ministries that doesn't disclude him. You know what she Candice Owings is showing in this is disgusting and that person is indulging in demonic behavior there are people in hell right now that prayer can no longer get them out most likely and he doesn't know it's a real place. There are criminals with penitentiaries full also not realizing the wonderful Christ the true one who died for the sins of the world who came to give us a life of abundance when you choose sin rebellion and evil you choose the consequences which Hellfire is a real place and it's patient as Isaiah the prophet said. Everyday people die most likely thinking that they were going to heaven and find themselves burning unable to die. You don't want that fate so I recommend you open the Bible you read and you pray.
People mock everyday and I've given grave warnings not to take Christ's name in vain and there's people in my family's that do it but they just do it like tap water. It's because they're not true believers and they know about him but they don't really know him and what they're doing is mocking their own soul to their own ignorance of course. I did see the podcast with a Christian in his own ministry talking about somebody that would be standing judgment on judgment day for example taking his name in vain a half a million times in their life how could they be found innocent when they mocked their own soul? This is the danger of ignorance .
But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment . For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned.
Matthew 12:36-37 King James Version (KJV)
In my afterthoughts and after notes you know they mocked Christ to come down from the cross and one thief maybe two participated in mocking him on the cross. Even the devil mocked turn these stones into bread if you're the son of God. But they don't realize he's the lifeline and without him life would be impossible and what he did is the greatest gift above any riches on the Earth that somebody can have for eternity so choose wisely who you will serve this day.
He answered and said
It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God .