Psalm 90:3-4 KJV Thou turnest man to destruction; And sayest, Return, ye children of men. For a thousand years in thy sight are but as yesterday When it is past, and as a watch in the night.

Psalm 90:3-4 KJV Thou turnest man to destruction; And sayest, Return, ye children of men. For a thousand years in thy sight are but as yesterday When it is past, and as a watch in the night.
I've written in the writings before about our talents, our aspirations in human endeavors to explain forward: You know somebody might be a brick layer and they might be a good brick layer or building homes: ie: somebody might own a business and be an entrepreneur and be terrible at it while you have people that are excellent at it and do good work. I worked for years in certain trades and I had the opportunity to be a labor and to be a supervisor, etc and to learn the different aspects of different crafts. Somebody might build automobiles and now we have electric vehicles and electric bikes. We have people riding around on scooters for transportation these days. The inventions today are incredible but we are at a time when knowledge is increased just as the Bible tells us this time would come along. But for myself as I've explained my talents or whatever aspirations I had growing up such as sports, art or music. Some people think to become a professional at something or have a career so for example they may play at the subway or just go to some street corner to get noticed and it does work to some extent by the way. But what you need is professionalism in anything including God. They put it to Christ how he could be so learned and never had gone to school. John 7:15 KJV The things he was teaching came from God and without God it is impossible to learn. God is the author of life. And I explained in another writing how I learned the guitar early even before that it was the accordion. I played a little bit of harmonica too. In high school I got into learing the bass tuba and a little bit of tenor saxophone. Anything you do I remember a distant relative being pretty wealthy said you have to be the best at whatever you do then you will always be in demand. It's true education is a gift and it is valuable and God rejects those who reject knowledge but some of those apostles weren't university educated or college educated they were educated by Gods son Jesus Christ of Nazareth. We have people doing simple trades like fishermen or working in a factory their just as valuable but probably even more valuable because God looks at a man's heart. But you need to have knowledge and in whatever field you're working in. If you're an attorney you need to know the law. I was a young guy and I had some of the best bass guitars money could buy yet I wasn't in it professionally yet. Everybody wants that expensive fender or gibson when their young aspiring to be a musician of some sort. Having a piano in the house is another story because a lot of people couldn't afford them they're expensive but I managed to get a couple. I had a collectors fender rhodes stage piano that somebody bought me and it was a female. This female was really good to me at that time. They bought me a dream guitar many would aspire/dream to have when they were/we were young. It was for the holidays. The reason I tell you these stories is because they're important. But if we use those tools of the trade to worship the devil thinking we're worshiping Christ or for the wrong purposes that is a complete waste of resources. When I sold that expensive guitar the guy buying it asked me why I would do that years ago and it was because of a broken heart. I didn't want the memory of it so I let it go for pretty cheap. I was young lost and foolish. But I did join different groups and did some extraordinary things with music but I was like a teeter totter torn between music and my club friends. You can be disjointed and drift away in many aspects of life whether you are a believer or not . Now when I make music it's for the lord and it's for a purpose of worshiping. Not so much for selling music. You see in Noah's day it was like today they loved entertainment and nobody was listening to the message of what was coming the worldwide flood. Today we're preaching what's coming and people are indulged in everything but the Bible expecially entertainment having their eyes blind to the truth and their ears plugged. So sometimes I might go into the music shop for some reason but not so much to be indulge in entertainment and I came across a guy one day a very good looking guy. He was looking at acoustic guitars and expensive ones. He told me his wife agreed to let him buy/shes buying it for him the guitar in their marriage and I can tell he was into the music that's not of God. Probably religious/lost. That was me once. Sometimes I will come out and explain to them the gospel and the truth. There are times I'm tired and I don't have the time because I'm pressed for time but I could still pray for them. That guy reminded me of myself because I went through the exact same scenario being young and having a wife and I was lost and running off with my disco fornicator deceived friends who are/were not true Christians by the way. It's funny because when you become the real thing they leave you just as it is written. And then to find out later that you reap what you sow but you will give an account for every Idle word on the day of judgment if you are not saved. Man will not live on bread and water alone but by every idle word. So when we're singing about things that are like a broken record they bear bad fruit because they put our mind in the wrong place. The Bible says to renew the mind. Romans 12:2 KJV You have to set it on things that be of God. The devil and his angels are attached to things that humans are that don't bear good holy fruit. Somebody in biblical Christianity ministry is not in ministry to waste their time. At the same time we can't/should be cautioned not condemn. You know it is written God makes things work out for his benefit and other people's too. 28 And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God , to them who are the called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28 KJV
Imagine how many people die every year around the world and how many people exist in the world which is humongous. Every day thousands of people die around the world and many will find their way to eternal damnation and condemnation for that fact. Could you imagine you have one chance at life and you get it wrong by joining a gang, or being involved in crime and one day you die and you find out hell is a real place or you were a counterfeit believer and people warned you but you thought you were smarter and you don't realize the danger of following doctrines of devils. 1 Timothy 4:1 KJV The Bible says there is a way that appears right to a man in the end that is the way of death. God gave so many grave warnings to human beings. When you want something be careful what it is and what you're using it for because it is written: " The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want ." Look what scripture says about the evil people "The ungodly are not so: but are like the chaff which the wind driveth away." Sometimes driven away from the earth but also driven into Hellfire for eternity. Matthew 13:50 KJV I remember I met a street preacher on the streets last year and he said his mission was to put out fires that man cannot put out. You live once and in the judgment don't be caught out in the cold. Wake up take an interest in reading the Bible and put down your gadgets and put down your cigarettes and put down your alcohol because God exists. And the fool has said in their heart there is no God. God gave us a savior before the foundations of the earth were laid and I wonder if you realize this. Everything that exists doesn't exist out of mere chance. You either listen to the God of the Bible who sent many prophets into the world or you listen to atheist liars or religious liars who will steer you away from true salvation. Salvation is not work based. It doesn't mean that a person doesn't have other responsibilities in the faith once delivered onto the saints. You cannot save yourself and your intellect can't save you but it could be a great resource if used properly. We wrestle not against flesh and blood and a lot of Christians that some of them used not to be true Christians came to find that out. I've certainly found that out which I was ignorant to in my younger years. This is the way it is. What are we reaping? God would like to see a harvest of fresh new true believers who don't reject knowledge but also have a relationship with him. Praise the Lord.