God has reserved a day to judge the world in righteousness and when the great day of the lord comes the sun will not give its light anymore nor the moon. Christ said:
18 If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you.
People on the way to hell are numerous like the grain of the sand.
Which line are you ignorantly in?
“Be not deceived; God is not mocked : for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.”
(KJV) Galatians 6:7 KJV
The soul that sins it shall die and hell is eternal
They HATE CHRIST and holiness/ righteousness but they cleave to sin
Let me explain to you the above they hate God and they hate our Lord Jesus Christ because the wages of sin is death and they are defenders of abominable sin and they are worshiped by the world. Now it's not just them you could be in a regular job and still it could be sin ridden. It extends to other walks of life too. You have famous scientists and famous doctors and famous inventors. You have celebrity children and celebrity young people. Once you obtain this position even like Oprah you're easily blinded by the superficial love of the world that is wrapped in evil and deception and you sort of put down your guard and now you're worshiping two masters while you may have Christ on your lips you deny him in your works. These people uphold the LGBT community like Taylor wearing the colors as I've seen with her. Yes she's a talented pretty woman but God looks at the condition of the soul. The condition of your heart. Don't expect to go to a place called heaven because it's a place that is Holy it's not a place of sin or for people that uphold works of darkness. Repent or perish. If God didn't spare the Angels that sinned and you persist to be stubborn and follow lies and false teachings when you die don't expect you're going to be in heaven especially if you follow doctrines of devils as these types of people. Don't be overwhelmed by their talents. Watch the music you are putting into your soul. If it's full of messages of darkness you're not a child of God you're somebody that despises God who gave you your soul and don't expect him to say welcome when you die because you'll find yourself burning in hell.
2:16 AM Saturday 17, 2024
I came across a telecast podcast by a Christian I believe he's from the UK and he has a different angle of evangelism and he's very interesting and although this wasn't an immediate anointing in the spirit for me I think it's extremely important and it relates to what is down below this page. Don't mock GOD and JESUS because when you die you'll be pleading for your soul and you'll find out the way was not that way at all. Now and then they might have a joke about God and sometimes they might not some people mean it in a bad way but it's no laughing matter that there's people in hell right now and they can't get out and prayer doesn't work anymore for them. The man that ended up in hell couldn't get out he begged for water. Another begged to go tell his five brothers not to come here. Please don't go to hell don't die the second death and don't be ignorant and thinking there's no judgment. It's enmity to befriend the world despite that we're not under the law. James 4:4
Warning Fire Down Below
A place where the worm never dies
There is no rest day or night there
You can't die there
Imagine 30,000° burning no water screaming and a stench unlike anything you've ever smelled in life and you think how can this be possible.
The Bible says let God be true and every man a liar and God is no liar the worm never dies in hell
Relationship not religion.
Read the Bible the lifeline put down your cell phone, your cigarettes, your drugs your fornication and all your rebellion against the holy God of Israel and Christ because there is hell to pay if you die in your sins and don't say nobody told you if you find yourself pleading for your soul one day after the 1st death.
There's many fools and yes I said that the fool has said in their heart there's no God. Let me ask you are you an atheist fool? Are you a religious fool thinking religion is going to save your soul? Don't gamble with your soul. Remember many people give Christ lip service as they honor him with her mouth but their heart is far from him. These people draw nigh on to me he said. You know what that means? It's futile/empty/nonsense because he knows his sheep.
By the way the gospel is the good news have you received it?
The reason I have this here is because I don't know if at some point there was the a preacher preaching in their live telecast broadcast yesterday and now I know he is a former homosexual and Jesus changed him. He said he was living a vile life empty wicked and the way he expressed his testimony to the people listening was with passion, effective dedication and it was excellent. Very impressive hopefully they have ears to hear and somebody will take it to heart because they're living a life of wickedness but they themselves don't realize it.
They preached about what happens when you die pleading for your soul, begging for your soul. That's what will happen to you if you persist in being a sinner or following counterfeit Christianity or being an atheist or a religious devil this is your fate what awaiting you because truly the way is a straight, a very narrow gate and Christ said few people find the entrance in their lifetime. Many are called few are chosen. Now I heard another Christians preaching on Pastor Steven Anderson and that he denied the Holocaust and I researched it and it appears to be true. The Holocaust happened. There have been very evil people throughout history it cannot be denied. And saying you want destruction of gay people annihilated from the Earth is not proper. God gave us preachers to preach and save their soul. Of course they have publicly said that they are coming for your children and you have a duty to protect the children as law enforcement as governments in societies from pedophilia and all sorts of evils like child ********* and abductions. Having drag queen hour in libraries any true Christian is not to have anything to do with such evil in the sight of a living God. Now if nations pass laws that is against the law to be gay that's their prerogative. Is it against the law to be a sinner? The wages of sin is death and when you die the second death you end up in a place called hell for all of eternity. But were to preach and not take the law into our own hands. The Bible says vengeance belongs to God not us. Sometimes these gay people have become true believers and have repented. Doing the work of ministry is preaching and studying and of course being a warrior for Christ not in terms of physical weapons force because we wrestle not against flesh and blood. But those true Christian women who are like strong preachers like men on the streets assisting the men should be praised and they are special.
These particular preachers yesterday for Adam team Jesus preachers were telling those people bar hopping drunks that they're on the Highway to Hell. As far as the black national anthem and black lives matters and all these organizations I know about these and there are numerous organizations out there even secret societies but nothing is hidden to the God of Israel. It is appointed for man to die once and then the judgment and this will happen. If you die the second death it's over but not your punishment which will be eternal so choose who you will serve this day. Bible