Deuteronomy 32:22
“For a fire is kindled in mine anger, and shall burn unto the lowest hell, and shall consume the earth with her increase, and set on fire the foundations of the mountains.”
King James Version (KJV)
Deuteronomy 32:22
“For a fire is kindled in mine anger, and shall burn unto the lowest hell, and shall consume the earth with her increase, and set on fire the foundations of the mountains.”
King James Version (KJV)
RE: Catholic party girl twerks then apologizes | Mardi Gras in New Orleans
When you follow the deception being the way of the world and not the right way you are so far gone you absolutely are in darkness and ignorant to where you are truly going which is truly hell it's not heaven. There's a way that appears right to a man even a woman in the end it is the way of death. Sometimes reaching these people is extremely complicated because they've been manipulated by the god of this world and by the systems of this world that are the enemy of the true Christ. Matthew 24:5 KJV Revelation 12:9 KJV Isaiah 5:14 KJV And the participants of those religions are as this girl is in this Mardi Gras celebration of the underworld. Phil he's out there to save souls and these religious devils to put it bluntly even at a young age as that girl is completely ignorant to understand that God doesn't accept such evil in his sight and there's people probably in hell right now from other generations that died and can never get out of hell anymore. Hell is a real place unfortunately and man is without excuse. I grew up with these religious devils and to contend for the faith to a couple particular of them when I became a true believer I carried around the Bible and tried to get through to them from the past smoking in their car lighting cigarette after cigarette on purpose and blowing it in my face. They're no longer here anymore this one particular fella died. I warned him/them about where they're going in life. And I like his patience torch of Christ ministries. The world despises the truth and doesn't realize God is not the love that they perceive and he's merciful and graceful yes but only to a certain degree. People abused this and even people in the true faith have sold this endlessly to make converts. The problem with religion is when they make one proselyte they become 10 times the devil/child of hell as themselves and they sell the world and manipulate them doctrines of devils and the world obliges ignorantly not perceiving truth and that is an abomination an offense so grave that it will send the participant to hell for all of eternity. Thank the Lord that there are young people that get it even children that get it yet there are so many that don't get it and follow all the wrong ways and in the end they probably will lose their soul. God doesn't want any to perish but regardless people do perish and we know that. Think how simple it is to end up in a place called hell. Look at the examples in scripture. Somebody went to hell for not feeding Lazarus a rich man who found comfort in the wicked ways of the world. If you look at that blog before this writing message what do you notice by examining it is that when we have the wrong way and manipulation and the evil one being prince of the air and the god of this world the world is deceived its in shambles, evil danger exists and thrives in those nations. You would think those nations would be some of the most pleasant loving and peaceful on Earth but they're not.
You live once and then comes the judgment. It's heaven or hell and there's no in between. Christ will tell the multitudes they be cursed into the everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels on Judgment Day. The tars will be bundled up and sent to hell for all of eternity and I wonder if you examine yourself are you going to be a participant and lose your soul or are you going to get wise and follow relationship instead of manipulation counterfeit false religion that is deceiving people on this planet.