Talk about transgenderism and homosexuality and lesbianism and cross-dressers and religious deception of devils and crime, and people who sell sex for work or people who do things that are illegal and belong to Satan's Kingdom it is so full of evil just like in the day of Noah the world is full of deception, full of idolatry and full of rebellion and it's all going to come to an end one day and it's called a great day of the lord. The world is going to a new world order one day but following that is Christs return now there might be discrepancies the great day of the lord is it after his return a thousand years later or before because the Bible says it will come as a thief in the night. So look what's been reported. Could you imagine being the parents of a transgender child "pronouns". Your child arrives home one day and decided they don't want to be a small little girl or a small boy anymore and you have to call them what they decided/desire or you could be arrested and your child removed. Now when other students make fun of them in school as there was always bullies that is evil and it's hard for teachers these days that get assaulted sometimes even killed by violent students it's such an evil day we live in. Now you have teachers having sex with students more than any of other time reported. If you want to lose your soul don't read the Bible, don't seek the real true God and follow religion with false doctrine and surely you will end up in Hell being a new arrival one day. Do you think this is of God or the devil? I don't think God would say it's of him. That is the true God of Israel. Same Christ not religion.
First it was the great flood and eventually the great day the Lord will be a day when God doesn't take pleasure in punishing human beings but that's when they know from the smallest to the greatest of them God exists and they lived in ignorance but even though they see all these signs and all this punishment happening they will still have rebellious people and their fate will be eternal damnation.
Here's what the Bible says:
But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night , in which the heavens will pass away with a great noise, and the elements will melt with fervent heat; both the earth and the works that are in it will be burned up.
We know these are end time signs but there's more to it than people perceive and it's very complicated but there have been people that passed on that had great understanding of biblical principles. We do see the lawlessnes that is evident in societies and we also see that new world order being assembled they don't even hide it anymore and we know of how they will want to bring socialism in followed by some form of dictatorship possible communism where they are not free countries, free nations any longer and of course religion has something to do with this. It's an intertwining that is very complex but as believers we're supposed to occupy until he comes and do the work of ministry. He came to give us an abundance of life but he also has put on my heart as other true Christians know that the thief comes but to steal, to rob and to kill. A humongous amount of human beings are trying to enter in the wrong door. Religion is not the door. You must be born again. John 3:3
With what is going on in Israel since the time they became a nation is extremely important and it's biblical. People fighting Israel are fighting the real God of the Hebrews. The God of the Hebrews is the God of the Bible but they deny/denied "most jews" their true Messiah Jesus Christ of Nazareth who was a Jew never spoke English probably never left Israel and spoke a dialect of aramaic and Hebrew. His Jewish name is Yeshua. He taught relationship and warned all the different people that would come along and teach a false Christ. I wonder if you've ever been to a synagogue or if you know about the fabric of their religion or about the fabric of biblical Christianity? Only the truth can set you free.
Since the word of God cannot be broken and it is truth and it will outlast everything maybe you better hurry up and get the record shop to buy imagine that there's no Heaven or Hell and fool yourselves or in turn you can get yourself a Bible and put down your headset and your nonsense and start reading God's word and praying. King James Bible recommended. Open read and pray and God will know you're giving him time. Ask him to show you the way and to save a wretch like yourselves.
The story was reported on Fox News and other news outlets
Talk about transgenderism and homosexuality and lesbianism and cross-dressers and religious deception of devils and crime, and people who sell sex for work or people who do things that are illegal and belong to Satan's Kingdom it is so full of evil just like in the day of Noah the world is full of deception, full of idolatry and full of rebellion and it's all going to come to an end one day and it's called a great day of the lord. The world is going to a new world order one day but following that is Christs return now there might be discrepancies the great day of the lord is it after his return a thousand years later or before because the Bible says it will come as a thief in the night. So look what's been reported. Could you imagine being the parents of a transgender child "pronouns". Your child arrives home one day and decided they don't want to be a small little girl or a small boy anymore and you have to call them what they decided/desire or you could be arrested and your child removed. Now when other students make fun of them in school as there was always bullies that is evil and it's hard for teachers these days that get assaulted sometimes even killed by violent students it's such an evil day we live in. Now you have teachers having sex with students more than any of other time reported. If you want to lose your soul don't read the Bible, don't seek the real true God and follow religion with false doctrine and surely you will end up in Hell being a new arrival one day. Do you think this is of God or the devil? I don't think God would say it's of him. That is the true God of Israel. Same Christ not religion.
So in Indiana couple had their child removed and the story is here.
First it was the great flood and eventually the great day the Lord will be a day when God doesn't take pleasure in punishing human beings but that's when they know from the smallest to the greatest of them God exists and they lived in ignorance but even though they see all these signs and all this punishment happening they will still have rebellious people and their fate will be eternal damnation.
Here's what the Bible says:
But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night , in which the heavens will pass away with a great noise, and the elements will melt with fervent heat; both the earth and the works that are in it will be burned up.
We know these are end time signs but there's more to it than people perceive and it's very complicated but there have been people that passed on that had great understanding of biblical principles. We do see the lawlessnes that is evident in societies and we also see that new world order being assembled they don't even hide it anymore and we know of how they will want to bring socialism in followed by some form of dictatorship possible communism where they are not free countries, free nations any longer and of course religion has something to do with this. It's an intertwining that is very complex but as believers we're supposed to occupy until he comes and do the work of ministry. He came to give us an abundance of life but he also has put on my heart as other true Christians know that the thief comes but to steal, to rob and to kill. A humongous amount of human beings are trying to enter in the wrong door. Religion is not the door. You must be born again. John 3:3
With what is going on in Israel since the time they became a nation is extremely important and it's biblical. People fighting Israel are fighting the real God of the Hebrews. The God of the Hebrews is the God of the Bible but they deny/denied "most jews" their true Messiah Jesus Christ of Nazareth who was a Jew never spoke English probably never left Israel and spoke a dialect of aramaic and Hebrew. His Jewish name is Yeshua. He taught relationship and warned all the different people that would come along and teach a false Christ. I wonder if you've ever been to a synagogue or if you know about the fabric of their religion or about the fabric of biblical Christianity? Only the truth can set you free.
Since the word of God cannot be broken and it is truth and it will outlast everything maybe you better hurry up and get the record shop to buy imagine that there's no Heaven or Hell and fool yourselves or in turn you can get yourself a Bible and put down your headset and your nonsense and start reading God's word and praying. King James Bible recommended. Open read and pray and God will know you're giving him time. Ask him to show you the way and to save a wretch like yourselves.
The story was reported on Fox News and other news outlets