17 And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof: but he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever. 1 John 2:17 KJV
Christian news
17 And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof: but he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever. 1 John 2:17 KJV
Stop telling people God loves you
I'm going to link to his podcast for this below. God is merciful, God is love absolutely. He sent his only begotten son into the world not to condemn the world but to save it but nonetheless. Christ was a Hellfire preacher but even a lot of church building preachers sometimes they'll preach that but many times they won't preach the hard stuff because it offends they become lukewarm. Think of the number of sheer people that die in a given day or all the babies aborted murdered and all the evil crimes around the world including the wars what's God going to do he's not going to let sin into a holy place in heaven unless the person is repented and born again that's why the Bible says that man or woman must be born again. Everyday people die and end up in hell and we know it grows larger and larger the prophet Isaiah told us. There's a lot of room in there and people have this assumption that religion will save their soul. Salvation is in a person not in a religion. God gave you the opportunity to know him through his word the holy scriptures and prayer and you could know his only begotten son Jesus Christ of Nazareth. He doesn't want souls to perish and he said he won't push away anybody that comes to him. Do you have a Bible and do you read it. God wants to see righteousness flowing like a river including salvation. When people are sleeping with people committing abominable sins taking drugs selling drugs committing evil grave sins that can get God angry and he's angry with the wicked every single day. People take for granted massively every day all the people that die that they go to heaven but that's not true because we know by studying scripture the true God said that the way is extremely narrow it's not what people assume it to be yet people are given the breath of life and God said I put life and death before you choose life so many choose death. Every time perpetrators steal every time they go rob somebody didn't earn it and are committing sin their creating a rap sheet that's going to be used against them one day in judgment if they die in their sins.
In my after thoughts and notes put on my heart the world's deeds are evil and in Noah's day God flooded the whole world because all flesh had corrupted itself. That's true. The world is not good not even near good it is abundantly wicked and that's why the great day of the Lord is coming. The evil one is the god of this world for God so loved the world though that he gave his only begotten son. What's he saving the world from he came to save it from evil and sin. He gave the sinner a chance to repent and be born again even to have a relationship with him and be called a child of God. He's also sent many prophet into the world who they killed or chase from town to town. The apostles suffered great sufferings and some of them were killed as even Paul the Apostle was killed. People despise their soul and very few people know God they know of him they give him lip service but they follow all the abominable false teachings and ways that he made known through his word and through his revelation and exposed by some preachers. God can change your wicked heart.