Isn't it interesting there is a flyer about Buddha idolatry next to the wanted image of the Prime Minister of Canada.
I've noticed signs around of prime minister Trudeau wanted for genocide in Israel. This is not his nation. For what happened over there the evil that was done is beyond comprehension including everything that we know like the tunnels and storing weapons and firing them at cities you know municipalities within Israel and people dying. It's not an excuse to say well we're living in agony and then attacking your neighbor. Jewish Rabbi Messiah the Christ said you have to love your neighbor/enemy as yourself. World war one started after the assassination of Austrian archduke Franz Ferdinand by South Slav nationalist Gavrilo Princip on June 28, 1914.
This is even graver massively. So imagine if that happened in the United States or Canada or the UK or someplace in Europe there would be a war and actually this is very dangerous because this can start world war 3. I think according to scripture world w ar 3 may be triggered and starts over Israel. Now you think the pandemic chaos of the last few years whatever people like to refer to it as even with the lockdowns and all these things a world war would be unimaginable and it would change the whole world and recovering from it being nuclear most likely might take centuries because the fallout would be devastating/crippling and we know what's going to happen from scripture. What's going to happen is when it happens I believe one of the Apostles had the horrifying vision in the Book of Revelation sockets are going to melt within the eyes of human beings. We know this is coming eventually and we would hope not. Listen there's two destinations after you die 1st death heaven or hell and hell is eternal and people committing grave sins are going to pay for eternity if they die in their sins as the violence today reported is beyond belief. John 3:16 Romans 6:23 The things that are being reported are beyond belief and we wrestle not against flesh and blood and remember the evil one is the god of this world. The world is deceived and there's coming in Antichrist who's going to be dealing with Israel. 666 who is your master is it the true God or is it the evil one. You will know them by their fruits. Wake up smell the roses, read the Bible and get with it before you lose your soul. Salvation is in the Jewish Messiah Jesus Christ Emmanuel God With Us.
If we are truly in those times that Christians believe and it's drawing closer then we have to be extremely careful because seducing spirits also increase. 1 Timothy 4:1 KJV True Christians know what I'm talking about but some things might appear out of the ordinary but they're not. For example the border issue in the United States. Open borders they took down president Donald Trump's walls and in a sense invited people to come over but why? So you look at what's written here below and those who study prophecy what do they get out of this? I'm not trying to conjure up hype so don't get overly excited. I remember when I tried once to motivate musicians years ago when we were working together and somebody that wasn't used to that got upset saying that I was trying to excite everybody for no reason at all and people were excited when you inspire them. You got people reporting last days every day and some buddy some people have been doing this for years. But there has to be something a little strange about these times.
Paragraph 1 : please read "A dinner hosted by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau in honour of his Italian counterpart had to be cancelled this evening after pro-Palestinian demonstrators blocked entrances to the venue where it was set to take place."
Paragraph 2 : please read "Trudeau said Canada and Italy are “ aligned on so many things ” and have a “very deep and growing economic relationship.”
The Bible says and warns about Israel dividing that land and is true God gave it to the Jewish people it's written in scripture in the word of God it's the truth.
Trudeau and such people like him were trying to push the two state solution. They have no idea not only are they dealing probably with the devil but they're also dealing with the true God and going against his instructions and his WILL/ intentions. Of course prime minister Trudeau wouldn't have a clue because he's not a Christian or he thinks he is.
She straightens out the interviewer who of course is uninformed and every liar shall have their part in the lake of fire as written. We know the devil is the god of this world and he is the father of lies and was a murderer from the beginning and he hates the Jewish people just like he hates all true biblical real Christians. In fact he persecutes them around the world and murders them because he was a murderer from the beginning. God keeps reminding me of John 10:10 that's extremely important. She straightens out the interviewer how the Jews were there hundreds and hundreds of years before which is true and the Bible is the word of God and it is the truth. She gives an explanation that is profound.
Isn't it interesting there is a flyer about Buddha idolatry next to the wanted image of the Prime Minister of Canada.
I've noticed signs around of prime minister Trudeau wanted for genocide in Israel. This is not his nation. For what happened over there the evil that was done is beyond comprehension including everything that we know like the tunnels and storing weapons and firing them at cities you know municipalities within Israel and people dying. It's not an excuse to say well we're living in agony and then attacking your neighbor. Jewish Rabbi Messiah the Christ said you have to love your neighbor/enemy as yourself. World war one started after the assassination of Austrian archduke Franz Ferdinand by South Slav nationalist Gavrilo Princip on June 28, 1914.
This is even graver massively. So imagine if that happened in the United States or Canada or the UK or someplace in Europe there would be a war and actually this is very dangerous because this can start world war 3. I think according to scripture world w ar 3 may be triggered and starts over Israel. Now you think the pandemic chaos of the last few years whatever people like to refer to it as even with the lockdowns and all these things a world war would be unimaginable and it would change the whole world and recovering from it being nuclear most likely might take centuries because the fallout would be devastating/crippling and we know what's going to happen from scripture. What's going to happen is when it happens I believe one of the Apostles had the horrifying vision in the Book of Revelation sockets are going to melt within the eyes of human beings. We know this is coming eventually and we would hope not. Listen there's two destinations after you die 1st death heaven or hell and hell is eternal and people committing grave sins are going to pay for eternity if they die in their sins as the violence today reported is beyond belief. John 3:16 Romans 6:23 The things that are being reported are beyond belief and we wrestle not against flesh and blood and remember the evil one is the god of this world. The world is deceived and there's coming in Antichrist who's going to be dealing with Israel. 666 who is your master is it the true God or is it the evil one. You will know them by their fruits. Wake up smell the roses, read the Bible and get with it before you lose your soul. Salvation is in the Jewish Messiah Jesus Christ Emmanuel God With Us.
If we are truly in those times that Christians believe and it's drawing closer then we have to be extremely careful because seducing spirits also increase. 1 Timothy 4:1 KJV True Christians know what I'm talking about but some things might appear out of the ordinary but they're not. For example the border issue in the United States. Open borders they took down president Donald Trump's walls and in a sense invited people to come over but why? So you look at what's written here below and those who study prophecy what do they get out of this? I'm not trying to conjure up hype so don't get overly excited. I remember when I tried once to motivate musicians years ago when we were working together and somebody that wasn't used to that got upset saying that I was trying to excite everybody for no reason at all and people were excited when you inspire them. You got people reporting last days every day and some buddy some people have been doing this for years. But there has to be something a little strange about these times.
Paragraph 1 : please read "A dinner hosted by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau in honour of his Italian counterpart had to be cancelled this evening after pro-Palestinian demonstrators blocked entrances to the venue where it was set to take place."
Paragraph 2 : please read "Trudeau said Canada and Italy are “ aligned on so many things ” and have a “very deep and growing economic relationship.”
The Bible says and warns about Israel dividing that land and is true God gave it to the Jewish people it's written in scripture in the word of God it's the truth.
Trudeau and such people like him were trying to push the two state solution. They have no idea not only are they dealing probably with the devil but they're also dealing with the true God and going against his instructions and his WILL/ intentions. Of course prime minister Trudeau wouldn't have a clue because he's not a Christian or he thinks he is.
"Every single thing you just said is untrue"
She straightens out the interviewer who of course is uninformed and every liar shall have their part in the lake of fire as written. We know the devil is the god of this world and he is the father of lies and was a murderer from the beginning and he hates the Jewish people just like he hates all true biblical real Christians. In fact he persecutes them around the world and murders them because he was a murderer from the beginning. God keeps reminding me of John 10:10 that's extremely important. She straightens out the interviewer how the Jews were there hundreds and hundreds of years before which is true and the Bible is the word of God and it is the truth. She gives an explanation that is profound.
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