People follow all the wrong ways and they also put Christ last but they have him on their lips but they live their lives according to the flesh. Probably deathbed confessions is when they get serious and scared. People have had bizarre near death experiences that is nothing in accordance to,/with the Bible and they say they don't fear death because it's just getting out of one car and into another. Many of these people don't know the real Christ and are atheists or buddhist or religious people you know Idol worshipers. We wrestle not against flesh and blood and one of those vehicles is hell and it's eternal. These people don't fear for their soul they don't care. Their lives are evidence that they don't care. Living a life in Christ is not living like the world.
thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked
But the Lord said unto Samuel, Look not on his countenance, or on the height of his stature; because I have refused him : for the Lord seeth not as man seeth ; for man looketh on the outward appearance , but the Lord looketh on the heart.
Celebrities prove that you can't serve two masters time and time again.
The life of rock and roll musicians some are unpleasant. I've heard and we know as Christians that there are such that died of overdoses and live/ lived a very ungodly life. Many of them are/were alcoholics and have taken drugs over the counter or street drugs and their lives is/were wrapped around an ungodly unholy life meanwhile their celebrities praised by the world some even for their beauty physically. Go read this story of this particular woman from Seattle USA. No mention about Jesus in their lives, no mention about the Bible. But from what I know this particular group they're no different than many others who have done the same things throughout their celebrity status. Why do I say that because I read some of the details of their history. Point being is do you know Jesus and when was the last time you read the Bible.
Regarding this particular group there was violence in their lives. There was discrepancy amongst the family. That brought separation. There was adoption but what about Christ would it have been more beneficial to adopt his narrow way? Then there was talk about overweightness and how the industry frowned upon this. They needed to maintain the image in the public eye you know beauty and there was camouflage and they shifted the focus to counterbalance the image frowned upon. God sees everything you can't hide and he doesn't judge you by your weight although this is not good for you so I recommend exercise of some sort. Reading the Bible is really healthy and good for you. You remember when God was sick of their Jews viola melody because they had turned away in different ways and became hypocrites even Pharisees ignoring mercy and justice. Different prophets were sent to warn Israel such as Jeremiah. Are you a doer of the word? Many have Christ on their lips they draw nigh on to him but their hearts are far from him . There's two destinations after this life and there's judgment following it. Are you saved and do you have a relationship with our Lord and savior Jesus Christ of Nazareth?
Biblical Christianity not counterfeit Christianity and living a life in Christ is not living like the world. He taught a way that the world refuses to do it but expects eternal life but doesn't obey him is this you? Are you an idol worshiper. Are you a fornicator alcoholic, theif, religious devil? Surrendering your life to Christ means exactly that. Have you done this? You better get serious because hell is serious it's eternal.
( REF )