People follow all the wrong ways and they also put Christ last but they have him on their lips but they live their lives according to the flesh. Probably deathbed confessions is when they get serious and scared. People have had bizarre near death experiences that is nothing in accordance to,/with the Bible and they say they don't fear death because it's just getting out of one car and into another. Many of these people don't know the real Christ and are atheists or buddhist or religious people you know Idol worshipers. We wrestle not against flesh and blood and one of those vehicles is hell and it's eternal. These people don't fear for their soul they don't care. Their lives are evidence that they don't care. Living a life in Christ is not living like the world.
People will say holy plus smoke and they also will take Christ's name in vain like running tap water and that's one sign they're not Christians but there are many others. They have a mouth of death and this is what defiles a person also.
I learned a few things that is shocking but not surprising once you become a true believer because the world truly is headed for hell and that's why the great day of the Lord one day will come and this is a day when people are without doubt now that God exists and he punishes the world for its rebellion. In this day the world is in devastation and the sun doesn't shine anymore nor the moon and people are running into mountains hiding from the face of the lamb. But this is reserved a day when God judges the world in righteousness and it's in scripture yet people mock like they mock everything else. I don't know if Candice Owings is a true Christian but she sure displays some sort of good qualities and characteristics and she identifies herself as a Christian. I would hope she's a Biblical Christian but I heard otherwise about her husband. Dear Candace Owings God is relationship he's not found in religion with rituals engulfed in paganism being practiced this is pure deception and one needs to know history and Bible prophecy and know the Bible to really understand these things. God is relationship all the way to the bank and Christ was a Jewish messiah not a pagan deity. Biblical Christianity a church congregation or street preachers that are in accordance to what's written in the Bible and don't add things that the Bible says not to do as many religious devils and that's what they are and do. Justin Bieber from Canada sure he's very talented and he claims to be a Christian and I think he's probably changed a little now but I still say Justin come completely to biblical Christianity because you can lose your soul so easily. Now Candace completely knows about the demonics about Hollywood. Yesterday I seen a big advertisement at a bus shelter you know these shows that are about death and teenagers suck this up. Christ is the resurrection and the life as true Christians know this is evil and stay away from any of these things that counterfeit Christians suck these things up like there's no tomorrow. For example counterfeit Christians will go see some movie called the exorcist. This is not how you cast out demons. Christ didn't have some nervous breakdown he simply called them out saying come out because he had the authority to do so. He never used holy water. Is it in the Bible God's holy word? Is it man-made doctrine? Is it doctrines of devils like having pagan priests not the real priests of Israel which were a leviticus priesthood not a pagan priesthood are they to abstain from marriage? Why would they worship Mary where's this in the Bible? Where is it in the Bible to pray to anybody else but the God of Israel or Yeshua in Hebrew or Jesus biblical not pagan Jesus. That our father prayer is addressed to our father in Heaven not some pagan deity. He was a Jewish messiah went to a Jewish temple not a pagan Church or pagan Temple. All of the deception was foretold in scripture or in prophecy but when people have been blinded by the god of this world they will follow anything right to their own damnation thinking that they were going to heaven they will get the surprise of eternity burning 30,000° for eternity. Yes God is Holy and God is a God of love but the wages of sin is death eternal death and doctrines of devils are perpetual sins and rebellion and abomination against the true God of Israel. So Candice knows about demonics and so counterfeits go out for halloween and you can see the stores sell the halloween costumes and kids go out on this day and worship demons and all sorts of things and in fact and a devil worshipers from Church of Satin said they are liking to this because children get to go out and worship the devil one day of the year and the world obliges. God will not take pleasure when they get eternal damnation when they die these evil doers worthy of eternal damnation. There's no such thing as purgatory complete nonsense. And why are these religious people bowing down and praying to statues Idol worshipers is what they are in ignorance. Even their grave sites have idols on top of the grave some of them and no such person has any inheritance in God's Kingdom at all unrepented and truly saved. Why would they use pagan items in prayer where is this in the Bible?
Please pray for Candace Owens and please pray for Judge Jeanine and for the intelligent but deceived Megyn Kelly. There is something that is good about these individuals but if they could only become True Believers that would make God extremely content. Biblical Christianity women and please brothers and sisters in Christ pray for these people continually.