You can't serve two masters you will love one and despise the other. The wages of sin is death and God is not religion God is relationship. It's heaven or hell when you die choose your destination wisely.
You can't serve two masters you will love one and despise the other. The wages of sin is death and God is not religion God is relationship. It's heaven or hell when you die choose your destination wisely.
Lay down Sally Lyrics
Lay Down Sally lyrics
Child molestation, addiction, and sexual exploitation
Burt Reynolds is said to have had a five-year relationship with Sally Fields the actress and award-winning actress who is currently married. She seems to be a woman of character in that she realized that stale relationship wasn't appropriate for her and she saw the signs and even with the influences of their fame and human fortune she sort of stayed away from it but she didn't stay away from hollywood it appears. She's/Sally also is a supporter of the LGBT community and she fears religion. In other words she does not like religion. God is not religion Sally. God is relationship just like you have a relationship with your husband and Christ truly did die for the sins of the world. John 3:16 The Bible is like a manual of life but it's a holy book. The words that are in it are living. Hell is also real and the wages of sin is death/hell. One of the greatest sins is idolatry and fornication which can devastate your soul. Just like you knew to stay away from Burt Reynolds for certain reasons you should know to stay away from sin and supporting sin will make you God's enemy and he is your creator who wonderfully made you and God owns your soul you were bought with a price. James 4:4 The human heart is abundantly wicked and humans gravitate towards those things that are darkness that God says run for your life or you can lose your soul. We need to have the right thinking no sex before marriage and lies to the lGBTQ community will not save their soul because they will lose it if they die in that state. That's why the street preachers tell them the truth including in house I hope. I guess some humans always want what they can't have. Years ago when I wanted that fame and fortune kind of thing I was headed that way but God didn't intend me to go that way even though I made mistakes just like others before I really came to know Christ. To know Christ you must pray and read the Bible and call out to save a wretch like yourself. Cry out actually. Jesus told us what happens to a human being when they don't obey him how those evil spirits go get others and re-enter that host and the last state of that person is even worse once clensed of that lifestyle. Tattoo in your body, jewelry, painting your hair all kinds of colors, doing everything to be presentable to human beings and fulfilling the desire of their eyes but disobeying God he said a woman needs to have a hair set that is covered and she needs to be a God-fearing woman. So Eric Clapman coincidentally had a song called Lay Down Sally but he is not Burt Reynolds is he. When you read the lyrics it appears to be something like Burt would have told Sally. It's not just in hollywood. Remember God flooded the world one time because all flesh had corrupted itself. The truth is once you die you face judgment. Christ told people repent or perish but even today most churches seem to tell people if they repent then they are indulging in lordship salvation even trying to earn their own salvation. If Christ is the vine and the branches are the followers you know the brethren then you can't have it both ways you either listen to him who is the lord of lords and king of kings or you are going your own way and will be brought down low to hell. God gave us his only begotten son and whomever believes in him will not perish but he who does not obey him let alone believe in him is condemned already. Do we serve God or the devil ?
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