How can these things be? Have I become your enemy because I tell you the truth. They have made the house of God into a den of thieves. Can you handle the truth or will you be in hell for all of eternity instead of Heaven?
Christian news
04/05/24 08:04:56AM @wayne-sanelli:
Satan's dog returneth to his vomit
Re: Should Christian (True belivers) give up on certain people?
I consider Jesse the street precious/unique he is not out there yelling and arguing with people he's a good teacher and I like that. The reason I say this because some Christians think that all street preachers are yelling out there. Doesn't happen sometimes it does look a little strange the ones that seem to be preaching to cars driving by as you think it doesn't work but it probably does work because sound travels and people see somebody with a sign and one day it clicks. Different ways of approach are useful. But considering reprobates we're not talking about preaching to homosexuals, transvestites, now transgender people you know sodomites just. Because yes they have come to the Lord some. People that have been manipulated all their lives think that Christ is going to accept them when they're full of religion but they have no relationship and these false teachers just manipulate them because they're manipulated blind too.
They consider themselves Christians but live in their sins everyday as religion doesn't wipe it out it's like drinking alcohol to get rid of your sin and the wages of sin is death. They're like this dog returning to their own vomit and God turned them over to a reprobate mind. 2 Peter 2:22
What would you think with their false teachers all their lives these people go to these institutions of religion that are far removed from Biblical standards and they believe that the true Christ the Jewish messiah from Israel is in those religions but street preachers usually noticed american street preachers in particular will preach he's not in there and that's pretty bleak. They have another Jesus one that suits their narrow mind of religion deception. These are reprobates praying to people the Bible does not tell them to or doing things that are considered abominations and they completely whitewash this like it's nothing. Well what a surprise they're going to get. I never knew you worker of iniquity. They're working lawlessness evil and they're not saved there's no blood there to save their soul because they got the wrong savior but they can't digest that they've been deceived all their lives and they're on the broad path not the narrow gateway to destruction. They wallow in their own mire. They don't study the Bible these types of people but they're full of religion and I've come across them out there. I've come across another one the other day coming in a room and insulting and I had a little talk with him. Asked him if he's been to church and he was an anglican and he's the second one I've come across lately but he implied daught if belief. I told him a little bit of common sense and gave him a little clue how to find the real Christ. He was full of religion and full of wickedness. Even if these people act after saying this they its still with them they're not going to wipe it out on their own accord because it's the help of the true Christ that does the helping so they can wipe it out and actually be transformed and become new creatures in Christ. Christ is relationship and the apostles his disciples followed him every day many abandoned him some simply because they didn't like his appearance and only one Bible scholar ever had the nerve to actually lay this out. He wasn't your blue eyed long haired hippie 60s looking in their pictures of religion as that's idolatry and you don't find that in biblical churches there's no candles, no praying to anybody but God maybe in the name of Christ/God. It's not religion and sometimes they'll state at the beginning of the service this is not religion. Wake up don't be hypocrites because hell is eternal and the most of the world is going there and that's the truth.
Should Christian Give Up on Certain People? Jesse Morrell @ Niagara Falls