How can these things be? Have I become your enemy because I tell you the truth. They have made the house of God into a den of thieves. Can you handle the truth or will you be in hell for all of eternity instead of Heaven?
How can these things be? Have I become your enemy because I tell you the truth. They have made the house of God into a den of thieves. Can you handle the truth or will you be in hell for all of eternity instead of Heaven?
Religious deception will cost you your soul. Do you know what this means? You're going to be a new arrival in Hell one day and it's eternal.
And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. 2 Thessalonians 2:10 KJV
Religious deception will cost you your soul. The characteristics of counterfeit Christs and the biblical Jewish rabbi that went to a synagogue and was rejected, despised are completely two different people. God is the God of Israel and he chose that nation and he cannot be the god of pagan religion. Anything pagan is not God and pure deception. The cost of following deception is your soul . Trying to go in the wrong door to get to heaven is like trying to go through a wall where there is no door. It's expecting God to let you in when he sent all those prophets to Earth to turn people around from deception. Likewise he didn't even spare the angels that sinned but reserved them for judgment. Deception came after Christ died and the apostles were no longer on Earth but it started even in their time. We can study and know what happened in history and what scripture says about it and it foretells all of it it's just when you don't know the Bible and you go to some religious institution that tells you black is white and counterfeit is truth sooner or later you start to believe that. Now if you die in deception you're asking God the God that you deny and that you reject stupidly and ignorantly to let you into his kingdom but Christ said such people will be thrust out but they will see the prophets in his kingdom but they will never enter it. God tells us in scripture people are damned to have simply and let me say that word again "simply" because such people despise the truth. In Canada the street preachers are okay but not as others in the world like the americans they're lukewarm and I've been out there to see. I see they've been preaching God is love but the world is deceived and the world can't see refuses to see and how can they see if you don't contend for the faith once can delivered unto the saints. I hear religious people how they support their deception with each other. We all believe different ways but we're all going to heaven is what they reason but this is not what scripture says and many true Christians died at the hands of religion over the centuries even at the hands of others that are atheists but religious deception as we know brings the mark of the beast one day 666 and the antichrist. The devil has a way of pointing at Jerusalem because the majority of people on Earth are deceived of the devil and taking the heat off the deception. Money influence and power, human power corrupts. People are destroyed for lack of understanding and they don't know things like third degree masonry and all the secret societies that exist and how religion is most likely intertwined with this. They don't understand some of those societies that exist and the evils that they've done in the past and the things that they're involved in. The deception is so great that what is written will occur and what is written is not good it is evil as can be. There's going to be a new world order one day and probably most likely world war III. Probably world war III may be triggered over Israel. You know a lot of the religions can be traced to exactly where they came from. The God of Israel is not involved in prayer beads. He's not involved in paganism representing him. He is relationship and how do you know this because Christ said if you believe in him who has the son spelled "s o n" not "s u n" as s u n worshipers has both father and son. Whoever has the son has the father too and that is relationship because they come and make their abode with you.
I'm going to leave you one podcast links/video too and I want you to thoroughly watch these and consider getting a King James Bible and reading the actual text in the Bible not just off your phones and praying and asking yourself seriously what is the truth and where are you truly going after this life. There is judgment after this life and if you're deceived what you're going to face is drastic. Yes God is love but God sends people to hell because sin is not love and the wages of sin is eternal damnation. When they're talking about spiritual death you die the second death you end up in hell. Despising the truth leads to hell. It's funny you get an insurance policy and sometimes you'll go over it with a fine tooth comb but when it cost you your soul you just listen to false teachers and follow everything that is not of God because it seems pleasing to the eye or pleasing to the ear that God is just love and that whitewashes everything that is the truth and sooner or later you're following deception. It's so subtle and it comes in subtle. What is the doctrine you're following? Is it doctrine of demons or doctrine of devils just as Mike in the podcast here tells you and teaches you. God gave us one savior but the world of deception paints somebody else that he is not and the world obliges and follows everything that is deception.