How can these things be? Have I become your enemy because I tell you the truth. They have made the house of God into a den of thieves. Can you handle the truth or will you be in hell for all of eternity instead of Heaven?
Christian news
04/08/24 09:40:24PM @wayne-sanelli:
Why are the Jews hated got question
Good reason Jews are hated
Why the devil hates the Jews
RE: Dr. Phil’s Audience Goes Silent as Son of Hamas Founder Shocks Palestine Activist w/ Facts
As far as I could remember from scripture we learned that the Jews are despised and hated isn't it odd just as the true messiah which had no beauty that people should be attracted to him he was despised, rejected and hated too. The Bible tells us in James 4 4 if you befriend the world you make yourself God's enemy. Let alone the notion that we're not under the law because that's not what this is about salvation right now. If you hang around somebody with bad fruits taking God's name in vain sooner or later you'll find yourself automatically doing it sometimes without even realizing it. Now as I said in another post that there was a Christian preacher who does prophecy reports, has his own channel probably his own ministry and he said I guess he has a lot of experience with talking to these people and about the knowledge of these people that they hate the Jews but they can't tell you why. He's talking about demons and being possessed in all these things something the world is blind to. This interview titled above was extremely interesting. The honest truth is we wrestle not against flesh and blood but many deceived people who think that they're Christians completely are ignorant 100% blind in stupidity of what this truly means because they are not true believers but they think they are. Other Christians know exactly what this means including preachers who preach about this every once in a while. For instance children coming home and wanting to have a sex change the corruption of the human flesh. Somebody might sum that up like a doctor as something wrong with their psyche, maybe something in their upbringing that brought this on. The things that Christ taught are denied of the world like if you open yourself up to demonic influence you could be opening yourself to extreme evil and you won't have God's protection because you've given legal rights away. See you remember Christ taught that when the human host is cleaned of all unclean spirits those unclean spirits roam around looking for another host because they know the former host has been cleaned and swept. When they can't find anywhere else they try to reenter that person and the newer state is worse than before if that person is open again to such things that's why we are warned and seriously warned not to do certain things like fornication, sex outside of marriage, witchcraft and especially idolatry, and in its countless uncountable forms that people do. Then when they die and they're told Christ doesn't know them, doesn't recognize them they plead for their soul. Let me in let me in I never knew you worker of iniquity. What he is saying is you evil wicked disgraceful unholy lying skunk animal get away from me. Religious animal that you're a liar from the pit of hell and your true father is the devil get the hell away from me cursed into the everlasting fire you go. Now we may have true Christians saying now you're speaking works salvation. These people were most likely counterfeit believers following something very wicked like other deceived people in the world of different faiths but never having understanding so they are destroyed and not having a love of thy truth that they might have been saved. They love everything but the truth and they live a lie, he's not their savior but some imposter some counterfeit is. We are told what is your life but a vapor here today and gone tomorrow. Yet knowing this how many people take the time to open up a King James Bible because it is astonishing truly given to us by God. Start reading and praying and asking many questions. Cry out to Jesus to save a wretch like yourself. You see where did all this evil come from the animosity, the hatred the different groups killing each other, such people thinking they have to go kill other people groups and that they'll have rewards in heaven which is the LIE from the pit of Hell because when they die they will inherit eternal damnation and other people that were like them God delivered them out of their deception. The wages of sin is death that means eternal damnation. But the glorious gospel which is a free gift as written in John 3:16 is a lifeline such people should be lining up for. God didn't create life for evil. Scripture tells us light came into the world but men perceived loved darkness.
19 And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.
John 3:19-21
In my afterthoughts and after notes see below this paragraph is exactly the truth but one needs to have a full scope of understanding.
You see that demonic world and Satan also hates true believers. True bible believers you know one Christian says when he became a true believer he became a target just like the Jews which is exactly the truth. There's a prince of this world and he is the devil and the world marbles for the beast. You know King Solomon understood what are we building that man's duty is to obey God and to know God.
April 9th 2024-6:06 a.m.