How can these things be? Have I become your enemy because I tell you the truth. They have made the house of God into a den of thieves. Can you handle the truth or will you be in hell for all of eternity instead of Heaven?
Religious people wear black. Superstition
Disclaimer: Some people do not trust/are not comfortable with organized biblical Christianity and they have smaller ministries but what David Jeremiah speaks about here is the truth and this popped up on the feed. He's talking about what's going to happen with Israel including the great day of the lord one day. Israel was attacked last night and made prophecy unfortunately. This is been in the news.
We have to look at Israel for what it is in the eyes of Abraham Isaac and Jacob that God. The God who says I Am that I am. They for the most part rejected their true Jewish rabbi messiah. That has strong implications and I'm not talking about just the evils that were done to them alone over time. I.E Hitler and anti-semitism which is demonic
They're not the only ones who are deceived the whole world is deceived according to scripture and we know that. Revelation 12:9 KJV
You if you are a counterfeit believer need to ask yourself what is deception. Are you doing something that is in regards to spiritual fornication and there are many things that people do and think it is okay with God it's just they got the wrong god. Many people will not be here as people die every day and people are born every day into this world to witness these events but what he's talking about here is when the Antichrist breaks the covenant with Israel. 666 according to current events this may be sooner rather than later.
So don't you see eventually a good portion of nations in the world "some" pretend to be the friend of Israel but some nations turn on Israel. Zechariah 14:2 KJV
Israel probably being pressurized by the world to come to some sort of peace agreement tries doing that despite everything that is known/occurred to date and there's no way out. The only real way out is to accept the true Jewish Rabbi risen messiah they rejected and persecuted as their savior, pray and resist Satin. And the only way you can do that is if God of Israel/Christ brings Israel to belief. Isaiah 53 To do that they must not be closed mind and open up their hearts. Christ is not yet trying to build his worldly Kingdom but the devil is . There's going to be a new world order one day and however that is brought in it will be brought in. Followed by that is all the things that scripture reveals that goes along with that.
April 14th 2024
Christian News section