In the 20th century, approximately 900000 Jews migrated, fled, or were expelled from Muslim-majority countries throughout Africa and Asia .
How many Jews were expelled in 1492?
In 1492, and during the years that followed, tens of thousands of Jews fled Spain ( estimates range from 40,000 to over 150,000 ). Describing the Jewish exiles of 1492, one eyewitness wrote: “[In Portugal,] the king acted [even] worse toward [the Spanish Jews] than the king of Spain…Jul 26, 2022
The declining economic usefulness of the Jews and the related deterioration of their social and religious status led to their expulsion from England in 1290 and from France in 1306. Jews were also expelled from the Roman Empire and, most notoriously, from Spain in 1492.
I don't know how accurate this information is above but the inspired word of God is true and it cannot be broken. We're living in very crippling evil deceptive vile wicked times. The world is in turmoil. Nations are sometimes rising up against other nations and wars do happen and are happening. Many nations have problems with their economy even very high crime including political turmoil. But what particularly happened between the Palestinians and the Jewish people in Israel is a complex situation and as Christian believers we can sit there and try to tell you what we think through our eyes/scripture or how it could have better been handled but it is very evil to the core with all the anti-semitism and the attacks. Unfortunately now you have war, people that are displaced and a lot of trauma has taken place. When did you hear such that even hospitals suffered such that they do over there. I believe something called international law exists. They're caught in a really horrible situation and I hear people online in media specifically an Iranian lawyer woman pleading that they want peace and they've always wanted peace and they don't want to be drawn into a war perhaps used as a scapegoat. She made quite an appeal for peace . She did make the assertion that there's no evidence that Abraham ever existed. As God's word is perfect it's holy it can't be broken it's impossible for the true God that many people don't know to lie Abraham existed just as Moses existed just as Christ existed and is risen and exists. Just as you exist because God created you and he owns your soul.
Now on the other hand with Ben Shapiro saying that he thinks a big wind parted the sea it might have been on the Joe Rogan show. That's not what the Bible says. Does Ben Shapiro think that water fell and took out Sodom and Gomorrah or did they find brimstone tons of it and how did it get there. You know one of the worst commandments to break that is not forgivable is when God uses the Holy Ghost and does miracles and people might make up all kinds of nonsense maybe blaming it on the power of the devil. Christ warned the Pharisees about that and I'm not getting into it specifically but I'm just saying miracles do happen, God is real and God is Holy but God does not act as people would think because he doesn't think as people his thoughts are higher. And we as Christians should promote peace . Christ was the prince of peace but we should not take things into our own hands. Preaching is about warning people and about spreading the gospel and about teaching even rebuking but we should not become physical. I hear some Christians say God forgive them for they not know what they do the scripture says man is without excuse. God gave us preachers to evangelize the word of God but not everybody's going to be a believer. It's God who gives the ability to believe the real way but many people aren't true believers.
I've watched some of the podcast video media concerning what's going on in the world with Israel retaliating America says take the position that you've obtained to date don't retaliate. I've seen the stuff to do with the embassy and the blame back and forth and all these horrible things but I appeal to people out there to pray/promote peace because a nuclear war the fallout would cause cancers and all sorts of problems destroying the atmosphere perhaps killing millions of people and if you talk about global warming this will really fix the global warming. I think Christians should promote peace and continue to evangelize the word of God. And one thing we have to remember the Bible says people will be saved from many nations. Revelation 7:9 KJV So if you're Iranian or you're Russian or you're an African or whatever nation you might come from Christ died for the sins of the world and he's real. Try calling out to him if you don't have a Bible sometimes you have people coming through your towns or your villages that are believers telling you about the gospel and about Christ and then you're fortunate that you get that preached on to you but if not you can try calling out him as others have done and discovered he's real.
In my afterthoughts and after notes dear brothers and sisters in Christ pray that the will of God be done. Pray for that Iranian lawyer to please.
How many Jews were expelled in 1492?
The declining economic usefulness of the Jews and the related deterioration of their social and religious status led to their expulsion from England in 1290 and from France in 1306. Jews were also expelled from the Roman Empire and, most notoriously, from Spain in 1492.
I don't know how accurate this information is above but the inspired word of God is true and it cannot be broken. We're living in very crippling evil deceptive vile wicked times. The world is in turmoil. Nations are sometimes rising up against other nations and wars do happen and are happening. Many nations have problems with their economy even very high crime including political turmoil. But what particularly happened between the Palestinians and the Jewish people in Israel is a complex situation and as Christian believers we can sit there and try to tell you what we think through our eyes/scripture or how it could have better been handled but it is very evil to the core with all the anti-semitism and the attacks. Unfortunately now you have war, people that are displaced and a lot of trauma has taken place. When did you hear such that even hospitals suffered such that they do over there. I believe something called international law exists. They're caught in a really horrible situation and I hear people online in media specifically an Iranian lawyer woman pleading that they want peace and they've always wanted peace and they don't want to be drawn into a war perhaps used as a scapegoat. She made quite an appeal for peace . She did make the assertion that there's no evidence that Abraham ever existed. As God's word is perfect it's holy it can't be broken it's impossible for the true God that many people don't know to lie Abraham existed just as Moses existed just as Christ existed and is risen and exists. Just as you exist because God created you and he owns your soul.
Now on the other hand with Ben Shapiro saying that he thinks a big wind parted the sea it might have been on the Joe Rogan show. That's not what the Bible says. Does Ben Shapiro think that water fell and took out Sodom and Gomorrah or did they find brimstone tons of it and how did it get there. You know one of the worst commandments to break that is not forgivable is when God uses the Holy Ghost and does miracles and people might make up all kinds of nonsense maybe blaming it on the power of the devil. Christ warned the Pharisees about that and I'm not getting into it specifically but I'm just saying miracles do happen, God is real and God is Holy but God does not act as people would think because he doesn't think as people his thoughts are higher.
And we as Christians should promote peace . Christ was the prince of peace but we should not take things into our own hands. Preaching is about warning people and about spreading the gospel and about teaching even rebuking but we should not become physical. I hear some Christians say God forgive them for they not know what they do the scripture says man is without excuse. God gave us preachers to evangelize the word of God but not everybody's going to be a believer. It's God who gives the ability to believe the real way but many people aren't true believers.
I've watched some of the podcast video media concerning what's going on in the world with Israel retaliating America says take the position that you've obtained to date don't retaliate. I've seen the stuff to do with the embassy and the blame back and forth and all these horrible things but I appeal to people out there to pray/promote peace because a nuclear war the fallout would cause cancers and all sorts of problems destroying the atmosphere perhaps killing millions of people and if you talk about global warming this will really fix the global warming. I think Christians should promote peace and continue to evangelize the word of God. And one thing we have to remember the Bible says people will be saved from many nations. Revelation 7:9 KJV So if you're Iranian or you're Russian or you're an African or whatever nation you might come from Christ died for the sins of the world and he's real. Try calling out to him if you don't have a Bible sometimes you have people coming through your towns or your villages that are believers telling you about the gospel and about Christ and then you're fortunate that you get that preached on to you but if not you can try calling out him as others have done and discovered he's real.
In my afterthoughts and after notes dear brothers and sisters in Christ pray that the will of God be done. Pray for that Iranian lawyer to please.