I put life and death before you choose life. Let the dead bury their dead you go preach the kingdom of God. Heaven and Earth will pass away but my word will never pass away.
I put life and death before you choose life. Let the dead bury their dead you go preach the kingdom of God. Heaven and Earth will pass away but my word will never pass away.
Somebody shouted to cliffe knechtle in desperation and anxiety the Earth is killing us seen in a YouTube short last week.
Tornadoes, earthquakes, wars, crime, lightning strikes, forest fires, diseases, volcanoes, wars, we are being killed where's God?
Where is your GOD? Forced to hell like a gun to the Head in one of his preachings as in the image below is what the person asked or emphasize.
Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned: Romans 5:12 KJV
Sin affects everything we experience . When the first people sinned, they sent the good world God made into a tailspin. The Bible says that the world was subjected to futility, which means that brokenness is the default setting.
Somehow last week a YouTube short popped up with cliffe knechtle and the big heading in bold artwork was to the effect the Earth is killing us and I can't find this YouTube short but it was addressing natural events. Sharks, earthquakes, forest fires, lightning strikes, wild animals such as bears, crocodiles, that kill people, even dogs that are dangerous, religious wars, earthquakes, terrorism, wars including diseases, cancers and all sorts of things of evils are killing mankind including global pollution and the person in desperation and anxiety shouted where is your God what are you doing about it go do something about it. I don't think I got around to watching it or hearing cliffe's response this is extremely important. In heaven this will not be so but in hell the punishment is eternal. We have to go with what the Bible says because there are religions either that will say hell doesn't exist or there's some in between place like purgatory which is false or people get out of hell eventually. Heaven is paradise.
"Sin negatively affects our relationship with the natural world as well. This is true in a cosmic sense, in the default settings of a universe where sin has corrupted everything , but it is also why work is difficult, and that growing anything takes a tremendous effort. Oct 21, 2020"
There is an article and I'm sure you can find others too entitled
Don Stewart :: How Did the Fall Affect Humankind and the Earth?
On top of all of this there's a real devil who is the prince of this world Satan the father of lies. I know greater is he that is in you but we wrestle not against flesh and blood and Apostle Paul had full knowledge of this. There are certain things God warns human beings not to do and people do them regardless and don't obey but then they want to go to heaven in hell while they are rebellious sin filled people. God gave us savior yet the devil counterfeits everything and deceives the entire globe. When you are rebellious and you are not a child of God but a child of a devil taking part in evil things such as crime you are not only part of the problem but you are on the way to Hell one day not just penitentiary or earthly judgments compounded you are in rebellion to your creator even if you're an atheist denying him your creator the God that you don't know. Perhaps go research and read that article by Don Stewart the link is above.
The wages of sin is death and God has told us through his holy Prophets and His holy word and through his only begotten son that life and death are in the tongue. God tells us he put life and death before us choose life when human beings choose to sin they are dying spiritually and sometimes they are affected physically as well. You wouldn't believe counterfeit believers how many times I go around and I hear of them taking God's name in vain and I come across the same people doing it repeatedly every once in a while. They don't care about their souls or they have some sort of idiotic vision of who God or Christ is that he's so wishy washy rejecting correction like the dog returning to his own vomit. You know the street preatures have a phrase they use when they're preaching to people and their rebellious you love your sin. It is true.
They have an earthly saying "absolute power absolutely corrupts" which is true. The devil had pride in his own vanity. You know being young going to clubs looking good when you're young I had a friend who was a womanizer and he would say you're so cool they love you and next you'll be embracing the flesh and thinking of yourself too highly. Sometimes we punish ourselves out of stupidity and ignorance. We bring it upon ourselves but God also punishes us because every good father does. Look what they do with pop stars they glorify them and worship them. Then they shoot them down just like models when they don't look good anymore. Humans do everything get all sorts of operations to fix their face, their nose, body parts but their heart is evil and not born again. They never fix their wicked evil heart and they don't even know what that means. They think being nice one day means you have a good heart that's not what it means. Nobody goes to heaven on their own righteousness because it's filthy dirt unless we are born again and made right in God's eyes. John 3:3
I believe it was one day last year I came across two men swearing profusely and smoking big smoke in the air and I stopped and they were talking laughing hysterically and I said sure they love you you'll be at the club tonight you're so cool and they were shocked listening and what I was doing was showing them their self ignorance of pride because that is the stupidity they were talking about women sex all the evils that men talk about when they are Satan's Children. Pardon the pun. It's not because I feel less than them which most ignorant people would think. One day they might realize and become true believers. I said Bible to them emphasizes it. You know they say pride comes before a fall. It's true. Doesn't the Bible say watch when all men speak good of you. Sometimes control freaks will over emphasize you in pride and that's how they will manipulate you and control you. The Jezebel spirit as well. We're not talking about God's righteousness. We're talking about man's evil hearts. I sat with church people having coffee after the service lieing right in my face once. I won't tell you what it was about but I knew they were liars and they just came out of service. You know that saying Jesus is on the outside knocking on the church door while they're inside worshiping so true.
We have been affected by the fall of mankind and God gave us a solution he even gave us a Bible called the King James Bible and a real savior Jesus Christ. God is real and the fool has said in their heart there is no God and Christ is real too but you must shout out call out to him to save you if you don't truly know him. Open the Bible read and pray. Get biblically saved ASAP.