The glorious gospel can save your soul. Unfortunately they have made the house of God into a den of thieves are you going to be part of the problem or part of the solution?

The glorious gospel can save your soul. Unfortunately they have made the house of God into a den of thieves are you going to be part of the problem or part of the solution?
Multiple tornadoes touching down reported recently. Where is God maybe should you could ask Cliffe the hard questions. We are truly living in evil days probably prophecy days just as it was predicted that the world would hate Israel and eventually the armies will invade it one day and we know that because scripture reveals this. Israel will get an antichrist dealing with it eventually 666 and break that agreement after 3 and 1/2 years. They also will rebuild the Temple and it will be infiltrated by the Antichrist whom will set up his image in it and expect worship. Good luck waiting for your false Messiah. The real one he's risen in glory and he was persecuted and died for the sins of the world John 3:16
You live once and then the judgment . The only God that exists is the God of Israel (biblical Jesus Christ) there's only one name given to man in which he might find salvation that is Jesus Christ of Nazareth he was a Jewish Rabbi not pagan deity. Not pagan Jesus as some religions will preach another Christ. You want to know who he was look at the Jewish religion Judea and look at the people going to a synagogue that's what he did. Biblical Christianity . Biblical Christianity they don't take it out of context he was rejected by his very own just as Isaiah had prophesied Isaiah 53. When the Jews spit on street preachers which they do sometimes they're condemning their own souls, burning the real bridges, first of all they persecuted their own Messiah God's not too happy with them right now but one day all of Israel's going to come to believe. You Jews persecuted your Messiah unfortunately but the devil has presented a false pagan Jesus while persecuting you not just true Christians and the world marvel's after the beast yes its true but your Jewish Messiah that had a Jewish name in his day Yeshua the Bible describes him perfectly in the King James Bible so cry out to him ASAP . He taught relationship and he had his worst criticism for the religious elite. Don't be left out in the cold open the King James Bible read who he truly was/is. You need to have understand and only the true God can give it to you. You can read the scriptures and get head knowledge but if God doesn't connect it spiritually you'll never understand. Christ never taught anybody to pray or worship his mother or to pray or worship angels like some religious people do these thinking that they're Christians but they're not. They're like want to be famous celebrities without true holiness . They're not the real thing they don't even know what the real thing is because they've been brainwashed, raped in the brain by the god of this world. True Christians for centuries have been persecuted and have preached the truth some of them to their own death not even loving their own lives and not scared to preach the truth. They didn't go to clubs and smoke cigarettes and drink alcohol but they live a holy life unlike counterfeit believers that are so full of themselves. Biblical Christianity they don't go above the authority of the scriptures and be careful with the prosperity word of faith movement. There is so much deception in this world and Christ told us about this that it would be like this . The truth is the real way is a straight gate it's not the way the world follows and it's not religion it's relationship all the way to heaven. I never knew you worker of iniquity. They're always working lawlessness counterfeit believers. Praying to people the Bible calls sorcery and abomination using pagan items sometimes keeping pagan holidays. Bowing before statues and idols but they can't speak nor can they hear. Doing repetitious prayers that is sorcery or taking scripture out of context such people will do because they have false teachers that come and present themselves as angels of light but they're wolves in sheeps clothing beware of such people.
Cry out to God/Christ to save a wretch like yourselves. Right now everybody world wise is liken to Noah's day loving all the deception, following all the false ways. There's something called an Access of Evil with certain nations as well did you know. Salvation is in a person, not in a nation or religion. Wake up and get with the program because it's heaven or hell when you die and no inbetween.