12 And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffereth violence, and the violent take it by force.
12 And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffereth violence, and the violent take it by force.
First a disclaimer this is not here to insult Time Magazine or even Bob Dylan but this is here to make a point about the real way that the world is deceived blindly and ignorantly rejects and they have made the house of God into a den of thieves put on my heart countless times now. John 2:16 John 10:10
A lot of entertainers musicians particularly that became celebrities and well-known later went through a lot of things that they didn't know as young guys/gals or they were blind to and ignorant too and they later wrote some of these things in songs some people or wrote books, memoirs and told about their experiences. Bob Dylan was different back then the media was different than today and they wanted to interview him I guess this incredible intriguing talent but he appeared reluctant in some ways to answer questions. And there's obvious reasons for that but I'm not going to get into all of that and if you watch the podcast telecast regarding this time frame, this image above you will see what he's telling the official from Time Magazine. Now later on years later he was featured on 60 Minutes and I saw that a long time ago. But Bob Dylan knew about the certain class of certain magazines and it would be more geared to a certain class and he also knew that the media sometimes didn't tell the total truth and it hurts as things can get distorted. But a lot of entertainers they answer questions. You see some of these sports celebrities they answer questions but they can also get themselves into trouble. There was a podcast a long while ago about talk shows that went wrong and that was interesting. So how does this relate to Jesus Christ the Jewish Messiah? We wrestle not against flesh and blood. People that don't study and show themselves approved or that just believe false teachers that tells them they can't interpret the word of God by themselves do not realize sometimes authority needs checks and balances. If you buy an insurance policy but you don't read it and you don't know what's in there and then you find yourself in trouble one day that's foolish. God gave us his word the holy scriptures and he's foretold a lot in prophecy. The Bible says/implies if it were at all possible even the elect could be deceived. It's not saying that the elect are deceived but they could be deceived. You can have head knowledge no spiritual understanding and totally be spiritually dead and think you're on the right road but you could be completely off and headed for hell as the world is. So let's talk about the truth of Christ not the counterfeit ones to devil gives the world because we wrestle not against flesh and blood or the corrupt manuscripts even maybe ones that aren't canonized closed canon!
Set aside that we can't earn our salvation Christ did that for us just as the gift of John 3:16. Is the gift conditional? The thief on the cross didn't have to get off the cross and go do a bunch of works he believed, repented and acknowledged he was a sinner and he needed a savior but he was in front of the real guy nailed and bleeding to a cross but his blood couldn't have saved his soul let alone the other rebellious thief. Only the blood of Christ could save his soul and only Christ could give him the living water where he will never thirst again and he did it told him he would be in paradise with him that day not a thousand years from there but that day.
If a band before they become famous goes to a producer has an appointment they don't know exactly who they are yet they're going to assess their talent and their characteristics are they marketable and if we invest money in them as a company are we going to make a return, are we going to lose thousands and thousands of dollars. Some musicians have incredible stories and they were turned down by almost everybody but they kept the faith. I'm not here trying to market musicians or artwork or anything I'm trying to make a point that is a very important point and it's probably the difference between Heaven or Hell because only the truth can set you free you can't serve two masters and the Bible says there's a way that appears right to a man in the end it is the way of death. Matter of fact the wages of sin is death. Some false teachings are loaded with sin. Just like if you ate some food and you have a weight problem that's loaded with too many calories if you don't care you're going to gain weight and it might affect your heart and it might cause you some unforeseen problems and it could be life or death.
First it is absolutely true that God gave us his only begotten son and in the beginning was the word and nothing was made that you see made seen or unseen without him. You can't even take your next breath without him even if you're a dictator an atheist or whoever you are but you might not believe that. The other truth is God is omnipresent and God sees everything and hears everything people say nothing is hidden it's only hidden to people who are ignorant and deceived that's a pretty grave shocker. We as true believers we fear God but not in a horrible way because we know God is love but we know hell exists and it's eternal. We also know that the way is not the way the world follows and that real love is Holy it is not carnal. But the world rejects the truth for the most part and they'll follow vanity if it feels good it must be true God loves me so much he doesn't mind if I do drugs or if I smoke or swear or take his name in vain after all Christ died for me didn't he if he's real at all. This is the nonsense people tell themselves but man is without excuse according to the word of God. Even those deceiving people and idol worshipers using relics, pagan items and accustomed to the doctrines and commandments of men including doctrines of devils are just fooling their own selves. God knows they don't fool God and whether they believe who God really is is another story.
The truth is most of Israel is deceived waiting for the false messiah. The truth is Christ already came just as written in Isaiah 53. The truth is Christianity started even before the first century as Moses believed in Christ and wrote about him just as isaiah believed and there may be others that believed as God knew what had to be done. The day of Pentecost where was that and who was present and what type of baptism was being performed and what was heard the voice from heaven? You can look it up and don't be lazy. There's a point to all of this let's continue .
When Christ was on Earth he was tempted in various ways by the devil and he responded even when Peter was rebuked regarding what things Peter was saying. Get behind me Satan. Greater is he that is in you that is in the world. That's the truth yes but we still have a high priest who's risen in glory. He knew what he was doing. He knew the thoughts of the Pharisees, Sadducees and scribes let alone other rebellious people that might have been present. He was rejected and despised a man well acquainted with sorrow and he did incredible miracles yes the word of God is the absolute truth.
Now Christ told Nicodemus the Pharisee who believed in him that a man must be born again or he can't see the kingdom of God which is the absolute truth written in John 3:3 A lot of people don't know what that means and they might think or assume you can follow counterfeit Christianity or even a false Christ and just sort of try to understand that and think you can be born again that it just might be some sort of process or formula that they don't understand. There are people who understand and who are truly born again. God can take that stony rebellious heart away and give you a heart of flesh. The truth is God's ways and his mind is not set on things of vanity such as paintings even music, fast cars, memorabilia and huge designer mansions. We might have the gift of music, for worship which is wonderful but you can worship for the next hundred years and still end up in hell. Your heart needs to be in right standing with God. Not everyone is going to have it easy. Because we reap what we sow. If some people built for example a life based on taking narcotics and that has impaired them in some way and then they become true believers they're still going to have difficulty probably with even earning a living. So you lost people need to build your house on solid foundations. If you study the story of Elijah and the bears you might be shocked they called him baldy. I'm not going to get into it. But you see we wrestle not against flesh and blood and there's a way God wants you to live when you become a true Christians that is not easy. It is a holy life and the Bible says if the vine is Holy so should the branches be. The devil will come knowing that the world is attracted to entertainment and to artistry and will pat you on the back trying to inspire you once you accept the vanities of the world all is vanity said the preacher by the way then you'll be prone when it's time to give heed to the way of vanity and back to the flesh. Christ wasn't Brad Pitt. Christ wasn't a gorgeous Prince in some Palace. What did he say? First off
“ The spider taketh hold with her hands, and is in kings' palaces .”
But what went ye out for to see? A man clothed in soft raiment? behold, they that wear soft clothing are in kings' houses .
He even said unless we become like little children innocent now that's problematic in itself because we have Christians that are arrogant today and Pharisees. We need to Humble ourselves. I know we have to contend for the faith and that's not easy but in humbleness and meekness. It's not about vanity your beautiful flowers, big beautiful cathedrals it's about relationship, the condition of your heart and your knowing the real God/Christ in faith and obeying him.