“My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children.” Hosea 46 KJV

“My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children.” Hosea 46 KJV
I thought this was important and so I try to bring you some difficult questions and the Intriguing answers that were given in the explanations. Please spend some time going through this in prayer too if you would like seek and you will find knock and the door will be open on to you.
Why didn't God allow multiple ways to heaven through multiple religions in essence
Why didn't God allow multiple ways to get to heaven through multiple religions? Why does God make the way so narrow?
Excellent question.
God is the judge but many people have many false gods and countless people are atheists. In the beginning God. Man cannot judge God is Holy unlike man who is sinful. It was perfect in heaven once and holy. God's ways are not our ways. God's mind is above ours and his ways are higher than ours and actually the things we esteem highly are abomination onto God. The Bible says sin entered the world through one man Adam. There was no sin in heaven unlike there is on Earth. When things were challenged there was a war in heaven and as a result at some ponit God created the Earth later and everything in it including man and gave him instructions and told him he would sweat by his brow and women would have hard labors because of their rebellion. He set out a whole number of guidelines. That's just a brief explanation but you could watch the clip. The human heart is abundantly wicked and who could know it remember that. The Bible says in John 3:3 you must be born again . Matter of fact Christ told Nicodemus the Pharisee that believed in him that unless a man is born again he won't see the kingdom of God. Now from that time God relaxed the law someone for specific reasons. You're not saved by doing good works but your works are treasures once you're biblically saved.
Why would people that never heard of Christ go to hell Cliff is addressing this issue
Why would people go to hell that never knew heard about Christ and didn't have a chance at salvation?
He Cliffe names people that never knew Christ and still were saved most likely some of these people and are in heaven as the prophets are in heaven Old Testament some of them knew about Christ such as Isaiah and Moses and they believed without even seeing him. God is fair and God is the judge we cannot judge God he's the ultimate judge. To say we know the complete answer 100% is lying is what Cliffe is saying. In the end it's God who will judge not us. John 10:10 was just put on my heart.
Misunderstanding of the book of James
Today people still argue and take the Book of James out of context and it's very easy to do thinking you have to go to heaven with/by your works. Faith .. grace ! Trust! Some religions teach this but Christ said on the day of judgment people who claim their works are going to be cast away in essence we would hope not but that's what it appears to be. Your faith and trust has to be in him. This was brought up recently but Cliffe elaborates what this really means.
She doesn't believe in God because she doesn't think there's enough proof
You can't see inside your mind when you're thinking. When you're driving your car you can't see inside the engine knowing that all the parts are working in unison and they will get your car moving so you arrive at your destination. When you step on the ground you have faith that is not going to sink and you're going to continue walking. God is a spirit not a human being. The evidence for God is overwhelming and more overwhelming than lost people could ever imagine. Concrete actually!
Preaching with authority Peter the Apostle given the keys and how religion has portrayed this incorrectly.
Christ is The Rock
God is the God of Israel and Christ was his son a Jewish rabbi that went to a synagogue preached in open fields, spoke Hebrew and maybe a dialect of Aramaic language and understood even the thoughts of the religious leaders because he was truly the son of the living God but he wasn't a pagan he never taught religion he had his worst criticism for the religious elite calling them snakes and vipers. Why would the same people (relations/otherwise/) crucify as traditions has it Peter an apostle when they claim this as his title when he was a Hebrew like Christ a simple Jewish person. And the street preacher points out a very important aspect of blindness. The book of Acts clearly tells us there was a man named Simon the sorcerer and a lot of people who are true Christians attribute this man to that title.
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Cliffe party on return
The person asking the question hit it out of the ballpark that there's going to be a party when Christ returns but not for the wicked. The Bible says he's going to rule the world with a rod of iron but when he returns all the tribes that did Evil to him/others will see him and mourn. Remember he's going to have the last Kingdom on Earth and that Kingdom will have no end. But you'd still have to study the Book of Revelation. There's no other name but his name given on to man in which he can find salvation Jesus Christ or we can call him Yeshua in hewbrew or Emmanuel, God With Us. He's worthy of praise and he is the lamb that takes away the sins of the world and he's the only door right now there's no other door. John 3:16 Are you going to be at the wedding celebration? Are you invited and are you going and are you sure? Open the Bible read pray and educate yourselves follow the narrow way learn about it you don't want to miss out.
Unconditional love except me as I am. Except biological people, transgender, LGBT community people, drug takers, murders and everything in between that is sinful.
The wages of sin is death that means eternal damnation. He's told us those of them who do make it into his kingdom some of the ones that are first now will be last and some of the ones that are last now will be first. Sometimes people do this on Earth you might get an employer for example that is different than other employers and that is loving maybe they're a Christian or they just have some good characteristics in their personality because it does exist but it's rare. Sometimes as I say they're probably Christians you don't know. Give thanks and praise always. Christ made people extremely angry not just overjoyed and glad but religion has portrayed him to the world as this lush easy going guy that accepts all manner of sins or they play the double faced coin being on both sides of the issues and sometimes only on one side.
“The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb:” Revelation 14:10
You're not a Christian
Street Preacher a few times told her she's not a Christian. PEOPLE She's a hypocrite. She's lost without understanding.
Jeff short abortion pro choice
I believe the street preacher has signs there about abortion that it's wrong. The young student or whoever she is she appears to be a student asks certain questions that lost people would ask and insults the preacher makes accusations that the street preachers are insensitive rude and not loving. She seems to subcribe to a false Christianity with sin entangled in it and to be accepted for that. She does not understand the difference between right and wrong. She does not know God it's very obvious and the street preacher tells her she's not a Christian but she keeps insulting them. You will know them by their fruits. What manner of characteristics do they portray that they can't listen and they don't hear.
15 For this people's heart is waxed gross , and their ears are dull of hearing, and their eyes they have closed; lest at any time they should see with their eyes and hear with their ears, and should understand with their heart, and should be converted, and I should heal them.
16 But blessed are your eyes, for they see: and your ears, for they hear. Matthew 15:15 15 and 16
This is a combo classic hard question to answer and some people honestly say they don't completely 100% know who are professional street preachers or professional theologians, preachers whoever they are.
Did God know that Lucifer would become the devil?
Jesus once said it is better if a certain man was never born. Christ knew he was going to become a devil and knew probably even his ending possibly in hell. What about you are you a devil?
In the garden Satan tempted Eve by deceiving her and what she did was detrimental and you need to really study scripture to know what she really did. God didn't destroy Satan nor those fallen angels yet that's reserved. It's free will Christ never forced anyone to believe but there are religions that have done so. You have to choose to believe or not to believe and you have to put your faith/trust in Christ. God is working his will until all is fulfilled in the meanwhile are you saved and a true Christian? Are you sure that you're not deceived because the world is deceived according to the Book of Revelations.
Our lord the biblical Jesus Christ said what is born of spirit is spirit, what is born of flesh is flesh. We know that the heart is abundantly wicked sick evil. Why didn't God destroy Satan right away? If Satan knows God is real and he was protecting the throne once what made him rebel against God? Why didn't God destroy him let alone those fallen angels? Some of it were given the answers to what occurred and even what caused it to occur pride, ignorant pride compounded love admiration worship of created things, pride in oneself. We know the devil wanted to become God and be like God and exalt his throne. We also know he has a kingdom. We know this is not false this is real God cannot lie there's a whole spirit world that we cannot see with our eyes and as some other disciples will tell you don't mess around with it the only thing where to do is pray in the name of God in the name of Christ to God beside preach/study/worship & service. Some other things that students ask why did God create me if he knew I was going to go to different religions and ultimately end up in hell that's not love. From day one God/Christ was there and if you read the book of Genesis we know that. God provided multiple prophets/guidance from the beginning there was the word and the word was with God and the word was God. God was always there. God is omnipresent he can be in different places at different times he's a spirit and those who worship him must do so in spirit and in truth. Humans cannot judge God and God is Holy something we can't even comprehend fully and there's a way to get to know him he made a way but people refuse to listen given all the warnings. God gave us his only begotten son the true Jewish Messiah. God also gave the world their own false evil serpent devil god for various reasons he was cast down to the Earth along with his angels and God warns human beings but human beings don't listen most of them.
PS: Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; And lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, And he shall direct thy paths.
Another testimony on a Christian Channel and this guy got seriously hurt and broke some very dangerous bones to break and then ended up as he says himself in hell or he felt hopeless to ever get out and he describes it and he says he had no relationship with Christ and thought he can do whatever he wanted. People will doubt if these testimonies are true or not. What I say the Bible is true hell is real and a lot of people claim to have had dreams of Hell or near deaths of Hell or hell on death beds seen it or felt the heat of it. Christ did not lie he's no liar and it's real. You see the most important thing is not your friends who like clubbing and being wicked it's opening the Bible and learning who Jesus Christ of Nazareth is and praying and asking what is this life and does God exist and who is Jesus Christ. You're ignorance is a blessing for the devil.
This is shocking and this young woman girl went through everything you could imagine. This is testimony. This person is lucky to be around. I want you to listen to her testimony and it's entirety it's shocking when you don't know something and you lack understanding. Why do people open the Bible when it's too late usually when they're in a penitentiary. This is the danger of not understanding and God warns human beings that hell is eternal. People don't believe it so what happens an atheist dies and they get sucked into that pit. A corrupt cop or corrupt politician dies and get sucked into that pit. A dictator dies God hating non-believer and get sucked into the pit a new arrival happens and God doesn't take pleasure in that. Christ warned even the religious leaders of what they could face. God doesn't take pleasure when people perish but people do perish and have to pay for their own sins they don't believe in Christ so I challenge you and encourage you to pick up and start reading the Bible and I recommend the King James Bible which is an excellent holy Bible.
That's a lot of information above so get right with the lord ASAP because hell is eternal but Heaven is a glorious place to be and the wonderful gospel that the god of this world blinds people to is also wonderful.