What does this have to do with Christ and I'm talking about the real guy,? Well Alexandra from Rebel news trys to deliver a petition to the climate change people/politicians in Canada such people that object to the carbon tax by the liberal government have signed a petition. I'm often reminded from the Lord John 10:10 he came to give us an abundance of life but the thief comes to steal, rob you know to destroy such people and such do all sorts of wickedness. Back in 1989 there was a recession in Canada and you can look that up and who was in power. I know of people who lost everything working all their lives. The cost of housing in Canada by the time you paid off you'll be in the grave if you're the average person unless you're very educated and have a good salary. In america houses are not as expensive as in Canada but of course they have so many more people. This is not to complain but I saw her in the telecast video trying to deliver the petition and they played games on her nobody was working but people were walking out of work. Of course they don't want the petition. They don't want competition. You can pray about it dear brothers and sisters. I just thought the red tape is just ridiculous. The security guard being a security guard in that building should know all the different departments and people and know exactly where to send/put it. There must be a director of that building or somebody in charge a supervisor but nobody provided a name of course and they locked the door on her after she tried to get back in. You know I was looking at the five and judge Jeanine's report on the american president and that he came forward defending Israel but she showed the double coin of what was said elsewhere. This is life. The heart is abundantly wicked. Now regarding the carbon tax what is it?
"The carbon tax, which is applied to fossil fuel purchases, is intended to encourage Canadians to reduce their consumption of polluting fuels . The federal carbon tax is applied in Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, PEI, Newfoundland and Labrador, Yukon and Nunavut." Apr 3, 2024
Now let's tie this into biblical Christianity. People smoke, take drugs, destroy their bodies and pollute it with narcotics, legalize drugs and unlegalized drugs and they fill the air with toxins such as pollution and cigarette smoking secondhand smoking. Did you know there's old people on oxygen machines because their lungs gave way in some way. I remember there was a guy living next door once smoking filled the whole area with cigarette smoking and I had a talk with him but it doesn't work. I remember years ago another neighbor there were always lots of police cars over because one of the children being a teen was always involved in bad things it traumatized the neighbors. They filled the air with second-hand smoke too. Then when I tried to speak to the parent the parent was reasonable and when they were evicted for being wicked the father apologized. You reap what you sow. Life is about making choices and if you make the wrong choices you could end up in hell and the right choice reading the Bible, faith, praying, getting right with God you can end up in heaven. John 10:10 Amen
What does this have to do with Christ and I'm talking about the real guy,? Well Alexandra from Rebel news trys to deliver a petition to the climate change people/politicians in Canada such people that object to the carbon tax by the liberal government have signed a petition. I'm often reminded from the Lord John 10:10 he came to give us an abundance of life but the thief comes to steal, rob you know to destroy such people and such do all sorts of wickedness. Back in 1989 there was a recession in Canada and you can look that up and who was in power. I know of people who lost everything working all their lives. The cost of housing in Canada by the time you paid off you'll be in the grave if you're the average person unless you're very educated and have a good salary. In america houses are not as expensive as in Canada but of course they have so many more people. This is not to complain but I saw her in the telecast video trying to deliver the petition and they played games on her nobody was working but people were walking out of work. Of course they don't want the petition. They don't want competition. You can pray about it dear brothers and sisters. I just thought the red tape is just ridiculous. The security guard being a security guard in that building should know all the different departments and people and know exactly where to send/put it. There must be a director of that building or somebody in charge a supervisor but nobody provided a name of course and they locked the door on her after she tried to get back in. You know I was looking at the five and judge Jeanine's report on the american president and that he came forward defending Israel but she showed the double coin of what was said elsewhere. This is life. The heart is abundantly wicked. Now regarding the carbon tax what is it?
"The carbon tax, which is applied to fossil fuel purchases, is intended to encourage Canadians to reduce their consumption of polluting fuels . The federal carbon tax is applied in Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, PEI, Newfoundland and Labrador, Yukon and Nunavut." Apr 3, 2024
Now let's tie this into biblical Christianity. People smoke, take drugs, destroy their bodies and pollute it with narcotics, legalize drugs and unlegalized drugs and they fill the air with toxins such as pollution and cigarette smoking secondhand smoking. Did you know there's old people on oxygen machines because their lungs gave way in some way. I remember there was a guy living next door once smoking filled the whole area with cigarette smoking and I had a talk with him but it doesn't work. I remember years ago another neighbor there were always lots of police cars over because one of the children being a teen was always involved in bad things it traumatized the neighbors. They filled the air with second-hand smoke too. Then when I tried to speak to the parent the parent was reasonable and when they were evicted for being wicked the father apologized. You reap what you sow. Life is about making choices and if you make the wrong choices you could end up in hell and the right choice reading the Bible, faith, praying, getting right with God you can end up in heaven. John 10:10 Amen