20 For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's. 1 Corinthians 6:20 KJV
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20 For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's. 1 Corinthians 6:20 KJV
Let's open first and foremost God is relationship not religion and if you don't want to be enemies of the cross start following and and finding out what relationship really is because it's not religion. Religion doesn't make your right with God and are you sure you're following the true authentic Hebrew not some counterfeit Christ sold to the world as he said many would come in his name but what is the doctrine? Your traditions make the word of God to none effect. What does the life in Christ really mean because counterfeit Christians are not in Christ they're in the world of sin, flesh and the devil. I grew up with them around me and they do not follow the ordinances of true biblical Christianity and what is written in scripture nor do not have an idea they don't study scripture and they have been deceived by the god of this world. And they're kept in ignorance put against those who tell them the truth as you know there was religious wars in history. God is not religion and if you die thinking that God is religion and if you're on the wrong path/wide gate which is actually the broad path you and your ignorant hard headed reprobate mind can't get it through your thick skull that's not the way and that's the decease deception then you deserve eternal damnation and you will probably hear I never knew you . Worker of iniquity, un-hearted lawless wicked ungrateful and graceful deceived devil reprobate. 1 John 3:8 When they made one proselyte they became twice the devil as those deceiving them and you're probably if you're a counterfeit you're just brainless spiritually dead blank headed knowledged devil who thinks you're good in your own eyes but not in the eyes of God but you're good will get you eternal damnation. John. 10:10 Proverbs 14:12 KJV
So what should we expect in the end times if these indeed are them or we're entering into the birth pangs? We should expect to see a great falling away and a society that is mannerless and loving all the wicked ways that are abomination unto God and that's what we see. An increase in knowledge and deception left right and center as it was in Noah's day. Decrease in freedoms and attack most likely on democratic nations. We should expect to see people that don't have spiritual understanding, that are spiritually dead but alive to all the sinful pleasures of the world, the vacations, filled with vanity, idolatry, false worshiping , corrupt music, deceived people lost in a web of lies. Such people will think that a woman has the right to murder an unborn child in the womb. They won't stand up for the things that be of God but be confused in the mind and can't decipher sin from disease of sin. We'll see counterfeit believers deceived lost in their deception and do a great majority of the things that scripture warns not to do but yet they think in their stubborn mule headed mind that is the right way. There's even counterfeit Christians that think you could mix counterfeit Christianity with real authentic Christianity and that makes them a believer. What kind of believer would they be because the Bible says there's absolutely no agreement, no concord between darkness and Light.
Counterfeit Christians will vote people in the office that are for abortion. They will also vote people in who sound good but are not good leaders. When you have been blinded by the god of this world your whole perception is right out into the red zone. They also will not understand things to do with demonic but totally be oblivious and blind to these things. They will stack up everything under their leaking umbrella and just label them incorrectly. When you have been deceived and you got the wrong gospel, another Jesus and a false way your whole perception is right out of wack. The only way/door is by the true biblical Jesus, Emmanuel God With Us. Right there it tells us God was with us when he was on Earth and he still is with us because he's risen in glory. Counterfeit believers also do not understand God's counsel as opposed to Satan's kingdom in this corrupt fallen world. Putting it plain and simple they don't see the trees for the forest. They also don't understand what doctrines of devils are and why they are. What does the Bible say?
4 Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;
2 Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron;
3 Forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth.
4 For every creature of God is good, and nothing to be refused, if it be received with thanksgiving:
5 For it is sanctified by the word of God and prayer.
Now let's conclude like this there are people that council Christians marriages that are falling apart and I'm not condemning them because each has their own gifts of doing so if it's effective at all. Here's the danger to counterfeit Christians getting and being married but they're not real Christian so that's not real marriage to God it might be a marriage license in the city/place/nation in which they were married not to GOD. Then when one becomes a true believer and counterfeit in marriage in unison that is on unstable ground. You can counsel them you can stay together but there's a dividing line in between them now. All the sudden the pants don't fit. You can try to make it fit but it just won't fit. Unless the other partner becomes a true authentic believer and God brings them to the truth nothing in the world is going to change the perception and the whole perspective is going to be right out of whack. The reason being is the whole surroundings being the friendships and what the lifestyle of these people are now being at odds with each other are not going to be the true life in Christ because he is the life too that true Christians would follow and that's dangerous because in marriage they're one flesh yes they're supposed to be. There's no concord between light and darkness . No agreement whatsoever. You don't see the american street preachers out there hopefully the Canadians too or any other street preacher that truly follows true Doctrine listening to the deceived in that they would have agreement with them. Remember some are going end up in hell just because they didn't have a love of thy truth. Not sanctified in truth danger . Since Christ died on the cross and he said it's finished the laws were relaxed we're not under the law and anybody that teaches law does not know what they're doing according to apostle Paul. The law will never make you right with God so you have to make sure you're on the narrow path and that you read scripture and you pray and you know who you're praying to. Wake up!
The standard is the Bible and once you're off the rails you're in trouble. Video here