Noah warned people in his day what was coming but as I understand people mocked, they laughed at him then the flood came and took them all away.
Noah warned people in his day what was coming but as I understand people mocked, they laughed at him then the flood came and took them all away.
There's a resistance of violence and the preacher was insulted here despite that he was very calm and spoke exactly what the Bible says is astounding. Like Sodom and Gomorrah. When I was a young man I knew that the world was bad but I did not know it was this bad even taken for granted all those times we went to clubs. A lot of times it was just good fun but some of the things we've seen drunk, people fighting in clubs and all sorts of evils but some people are lucky enough to have some good experiences instead of the bad ones but that is no place for God's people to be. It angered God Sodom and Gomorrah and the word of God says God is angry with the wicked every single day. He's telling them the truth when they breathe their last breath most of them doing what they're doing they are going to find themselves in hell and they're going to find out that God is a consuming fire. The glory of the Gospel being the good news can save their soul if they just reach out for it and the Bible also says the unrighteous will not inherit the Kingdom. If they don't inherit the Kingdom then guess what they inherit eternal damnation. The soul that sins shall surely die and All Souls belong to God not the devil.