1 Thessalonians 5:21-28 KJV Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. Abstain from all appearance of evil. And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Socialism 130 million people died in countries where this was tried according to the preacher Charlie. She talks about Italy. Democracies some of them are under threat today and there are democracies that went out of existence. There are different types of democracies and I believe america was founded on the word of God the Bible somewhat as I understand it. The framers set up that type of democracy with certain principles different than Canada's democracy. I read about nations with 100% democracy and I believe they don't do as well as the type of democracy that america would have although america is suffering at the current time with the influx of illegal aliens crossing the border. So there are failed democracies and the government's could be quite complex in certain nations that do have democracies. Very interesting.
This woman read the whole Bible through cover to cover and she was sad at the end she didn't like God then her pastor give her some advice because he realized what she was looking for and he said it's for you but it's about God read it again and then she fell in love with God. Interesting isn't it
This woman talks about Moses and about God revealing his name or a number of names to Moses.
When Britain got to mandate over Palestine and this fella goes through that and who was there in that land. Just found this interesting.
Wolves wolves wolves
This wasn't shocking knowing the world in which we live and the fact that we wrestle not against flesh and blood. This was true and disgusting in a way and people like Justin Peters calls such people out and exposes this because of the sheep that could/are/being devoured by such. When you are without understanding you can become a victim of such. John 2:16 compounded put on my heart countless times.
Given the amount of anti-Semitism going on currently and the war in Israel given what's occurred a while back and all the protesting and violence along with that wherever it would be and all the talk about hatred for blacks, palestinians or Israelis Jewish people you know this is interesting. It's just a sad state of affairs in the end. The Bible says love covers many sins and to love your neighbor as yourself. That doesn't mean take part in the evil or hatred or sinful attitude or nature of your neighbor but wherever warranted go the extra mile.
We are afraid to lose family members or to lose friends or even jobs because we have to pick up our cross and contend for the faith once delivered on to the Saints. Christ didn't come to bring peace but to divide by sword (Gods word) us from those who love deception and those who are unwilling to stand for the truth. True Christians are sanctified in the truth and most of them hopefully are born again. John 3:3 Since we're not under the law people like to unhinge things. That's one problem. Christ said to pick up our cross daily or were not worthy of him and he is the master. Sometimes it will be easy and other times it will be difficult. Sometimes were going to have to show love and sometimes were going to have to be bold like Apostle Paul as when he said some very harsh words including Christ. Think of this his own people he called devils, whitewashed tombs, serpents, vipers and of their father the devil unable to escape the damnation of hell to some of them. He was despised and rejected. He was a man well acquainted with sorrow.
How to break generational curses. These are especially the girl answering true informed studied biblical Christians woman. These are good honorable biblical Christian women. The Bible says God visits the iniquity up to the third and fourth generation. Have you been washed in the blood because without the shedding of blood there would be no forgiveness of sins. Sure you can forgive each other but God the real God's not going to forgive you without repentance or the fact that you don't know him or that you put other gods before him let alone no praying. Will the devil forgive you or manipulate you? Who can save your soul Christ or the devil? Who is your creator Christ or the devil? This is very important and you need to be praying whoever you are and to ask God to forgive you. Turn away from sin. You can work out your sins and you need to get right with God which is very important.
We put everything under what's written in the Bible 66 books for example but would Christianity exist even if we didn't have the Bible? You would be surprised at the answer because it's yes and there's a reason for it and I found this interesting.
Let's see if these students know what they stand for is what the fella asking the questions at the supposedly graduation asked the students graduating if they've chanted from the river to the sea and they said yes.
And when we pointed some of these things out some people cant handle it but Judgment Day as some specific preachers preach that everybody that ever lived will probably be present and it will be quite a day that's a day to be reckoned with. 10 Things that are not in the Bible that have been accepted as Church things yes!. The Bible warns about doctrines of devils. We wrestle not against flesh and blood and those without experience, those that are dead spiritually dead do not have understanding. Once somebody develops a ministry and implements such things even that Christ said are doctrines and commandments of men their teaching people that follow them such things and that's a little puzzling and irritating to comprehend. There are LGBTQ affiliated denominations that say it's love??? Interesting to note even though these things do exist God appeared on a mountain where Moses went to meet with God and got the Commandments after spending a long time up there.
Can/should we interpret the Bible literally?
taking words in their usual or most basic sense without metaphor or allegory .
"Biblical literalists believe that, unless a passage is clearly intended by the writer as allegory, poetry, or some other genre, the Bible should be interpreted as literal statements by the author . Critics argue that allegorical intent can be ambiguous."
"Because both the Constitution and religious scriptures are made up of words, they need to be interpreted. Saying that you take it literally tells us nothing unless there is only one way to interpret the words . Usually there are many ways. As such, any one view is only one of many possible interpretations."
"Not only can we take the Bible literally, but we must take the Bible literally. This is the only way to determine what God really is trying to communicate to us. When we read any piece of literature, but especially the Bible, we must determine what the author intended to communicate. Many today will read a verse or passage of Scripture and then give their own definitions to the words, phrases, or paragraphs, ignoring the context and author’s intent. But this is not what God intended, which is why God tells us to correctly handle the Word of truth ( 2 Timothy 2:15 )."
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