1 Thessalonians 5:21-28 KJV Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. Abstain from all appearance of evil. And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Let's talk about as Cliffe said how many people atheism killed and he was laughed at and insulted by an atheist who called him a demagogue and was laughing hysterically. He later atheist admited and answered that a certain atheist killed about 100 million people. What nation were these people from? Shouldn't be too hard to figure that out not that any nation is innocent but history shows us some very hard to accept facts. Now according to one religious figure most of these people would be on their way to heaven anyways even without believing in Christ or being atheist no that's not the truth. In the end it's up to the God of Israel Christ. But he's the only door Christ and he's the only way and the only name given unto man in which man can find Salvation. A lot of atheists did a lot of grave evil because they just think people are a bunch of random chemicals. Your just a chemical accident perhaps. The fool has said in their heart there is no God and it's unfortunate because man is without excuse and it will just be another atheist in hell that sucks them in and they will have to pay for their own sins but the payment is eternal.
Who killed the most humans in history?
"But both Hitler and Stalin were outdone by Mao Zedong . From 1958 to 1962, his Great Leap Forward policy led to the deaths of up to 45 million people – easily making it the biggest episode of mass murder ever recorded. Aug 3, 2016"
Seven people who mocked God but God cannot be mocked. Interesting footage.
When the Nazis gased all those Jewish people and press the button were they evil? And the atheist appears to be a student gives an interesting reply. Charlie Kirk said we look at the Holocaust and it's just a matter of opinion that's what the atheist student is saying and he agreed by saying that's the kind of the problem of being an atheist you have to bite the bullet.
God gave you free will. There was a war in heaven and Lucifer who later became known as Satan and his angels were kicked out. Even Christ said he fell like lightning from heaven. He used to guard God's throne and he was a cherubim angel. God didn't immediately punish them it appears even the fallen Angels he cast them out of Heaven down to the Earth and God warns us in the Book of Revelation about this. So a lot of atheists have done extreme evil but after this life comes the judgment and hell is eternal remember that the unrighteous will not inherit the Kingdom.
This is something that true Christians who contend for the faith once delivered onto the Saints do and this fella is telling the truth. But I do feel in the heart when brothers and sisters are worshiping it's good. If you get a mega church with thousands of people that is troublesome because how can they attend to all those Souls. They might get something out of the preaching but remember the apostles travelled town to town like Apostle Paul preaching. They weren't sitting at home. They were out there telling people about the good news and warning people about the coming judgment.
He talks about the New Testament Church and what it was perhaps in the first century. Just thought you'd be interested in this.
He answered them not a word he would not respond
I found this an excellent analysis or understanding for the scene he is talking about in the scriptures. It's interesting that she went to religion. When we think of Christ a lot of people think of religion but they've never been to a synagogue or met with a rabbi that follows Judaism, they've never met with Jewish people to see their culture, their tradition what Christ would have been involved in even as a child. So they think of religious Jesus not of Yeshua the Messiah that Hebrew who is relationship and he is described in a King James Bible. The reason I say this because people have this other vision of this other Christ. So I just wanted to get that out of the way. They like to deny his heritage you know his jewishness. They sort of see Christ as a hippies'60s Gentile white Christ. He was Jewish on earth. God is the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob. Do you know this God?
Now what he's saying is interesting. When they were accusing Christ, Christ was open to Pontius Pilate but he didn't answer the Pharisees they just wanted him crucified and he knew that yes its true. They say Pilate wrote a letter and he said great things about Christ and he was actually scared to crucify him and he was warned. When pilate asked Christ what is the truth he didn't answer him there's no way he could have understood that he had to go to the cross and die for the sins of the world anyways. The position Pontius Pilate was put in is extraordinary. Could you imagine he Christ was hated, despised and rejected by his own. He was hated without a cause.
What does God give you that an atheist doesn't get? What does a Christian get that an atheist can't get on their own or without God? If this is life and you're going to die why not just live and do whatever you please? Fantastic excellent questions and Cliffe answers it well.
Now Cliffe went into all the different trades you know work places like garbage man, politician, construction worker, street cleaner and doing God's will and knowing what God's will for your life is which is all true. The truth is there are some jobs once you know God that God puts on your heart this is not a good job and it's wicked and evil and get out of it. True Christians some of them actually have the gull to admit it and will tell you in their preaching you're better off without that job if it's wicked. It's true a lot of Christians lost their job because they're Christians true Christians and they stood up against evil in those jobs. I've had to do it at a few places stand my ground when people are swearing and taking God's name in vain for instance in travel. I've sometimes approached construction workers swearing which they are famous for and confronted that. It's amazing birds of a feather. They're all swearing together and nobody's contemplating what were to happen if they were to drop dead they're loving their sin. They live in sin but of course there are the odd ones that don't do that and that will actually preach against it. Sometimes you have to be patient and take the time to hear their side of the story then you are better able to preach to them. For example I came across a bright woman I worked with one time that liked everything to do with the hippie 60s and motorcycle kind of life but she was lost you know everything goes sort of scenario. So then I had to hear out where she's coming from before I could preach.
First of all God is relationship not religion and atheists are condemned already because they don't believe. God tells us there's no excuse by the things made it's obvious there's a creator. Nothing for nothing gives you nothing. Even for religious deception God tells us there's no excuse man is without excuse. By knowing God as opposed to atheism or religion relationship you will be saved and beheaded to Heaven instead of hell and God will give you understanding which would otherwise be impossible for you to know on your own. You would get to know God and have a relationship with God and you'd have a better understanding of sin and of living a holy life as opposed to a carnal sin flesh and the devil life. The holy scriptures are truly inspired and if you take time to read the Bible and to pray you might discover God is real and you were deceived. So I challenge you to read the Bible and pray. You live once and in the judgment.
The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. A lot of religious people don't fear God because they don't really know God. There's probably a lot of people in hell right now that in their time while they had the breath of life they rejected correction and rejected true Doctrine let alone repentance. People pray today in the open can't really think of any time Christ did this he did so in private. That's their prerogative if they want to do that. But it's true God needs to be reverenced. God is Holy beyond our imagination. Imagine as the preacher said Moses dealt with God. When we think of Moses a lot of us think of the Ten Commandments the actor the Charlton Heston but who was he in real life and what were his characteristics? Hallelujah. Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.
Reporters threatened
Indoctrination of children, transgender people including transgender children, worldwide spread of anti-Semitism, drag queen story hour, persecution of Christians, freedoms trampled on, pronouns is this the end times, people will have itchy ears and refuse sound Doctrine. Now you have transgender sports and transgender washrooms.
This people draweth nigh unto me with their mouth, and honoureth me with their lips; But their heart is far from me. But in vain they do worship me, Teaching for doctrines the commandments of men .
Wicked and vile Society/generation. Not to include or dismiss the rise of counterfeit Christianity and the spread of such.
The Jewish Messiah Yeshua (Jesus) that had a Jewish name in the first century Yeshua Hamashiach who spoke Hebrew and as I understand it a dialect of aramaic was a Jewish Rabbi not a hippie from the 60s who was rejected, despised and persecuted by the religious Sanhedrin elite including others who hated him without a cause and he is no pagan, he is not religion. Described in the King James Bible and throughout God's word whom truly God is. God's attributes are clearly in scripture and they cannot be applied to pagan religion that is pure deception. Do you know this God. The God of Israel and the god of pagan religion are not the same gods unless you are somebody that's completely ignorant to what sound Doctrine/truth is. You either love the truth or you despise your own soul and you can't have it both ways. Your either a brain dead reprobate or you're somebody who is fooled, outwitted by a child as there are children God gave them the gift to preach against such counterfeit deception/you are either smarter than those children or those children outsmart you. You can't have it both ways. Open the Bible King James recommend read. What are you achieving by being deceived when you're going to lose your soul because you despise the truth and you fight tooth and nail for blind deception. You are either with the true Hebrew Jewish risen Christ or you are his enemy and you can't have it both ways.
On top of the above we have Satan worshipers in this world. The Bible says the world is deceived and it is. Heaven or hell when you die no purgatory
"The Pharisees emerged largely out of the group of scribes and sages . Some scholars observe significant Idumean influences in the development of Pharisaical Judaism. The Pharisees, among other Jewish sects, were active from the middle of the second century BCE until the destruction of the Temple in 70 CE"
King James Bible
But woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye shut up the kingdom of heaven against men: for ye neither go in yourselves , neither suffer ye them that are entering to go in.
"13); They shut up the kingdom of heaven against men, that is, they did all they could to keep people from believing in Christ, and so entering into his kingdom . Christ came to open the kingdom of heaven, that is, to lay open for us a new and living way into it, to bring men to be subjects of that kingdom."
That last paragraph came from Henry Matthew precise commentary on Christianity Today and I will link the complete article which is fascinating and it sure explains it. Remember they seen him do things that were virtually impossible that they couldn't do. They may have blamed that he used the power of beelzebub.