Religious people are in grave danger of losing their soul. God is relationship. Doctrines of devils is detrimental to their eternal life. Salvation is in a person not a religion.
Religious people are in grave danger of losing their soul. God is relationship. Doctrines of devils is detrimental to their eternal life. Salvation is in a person not a religion.
What is the pagan trinity?
Another one of King James Bible Ministry Bryan's teaching which the lord showed me, revealed to me, to my heart that his teaching is true and he's well-versed, he understands and covered this issue extensively. I like to refer to it as the godhead as some of the street preachers do. Colossians 2:9 KJV I once heard one of the people Justin Peters called out from the prosperity gospel movenent say there were nine gods out of the trinity. So I encourage other Christians out there to watch Bryan's teaching on this. Thank you
What is doctrine of devils?
Relationship not religion
You better make sure you understand this because if you're involved in this and being deceived man then you most likely will not never be in heaven. The Bible makes it clear being the authorized version of the King James 1611 that adding to scripture or taking away from it is detrimental. It's not advisable. What does the bible truly teach and I'm going to provide here a video of things that are not in the Bible. But particularly from a true bible preacher such as pasture preacher David Lynn who this is put on my heart that it is extremely important and David taught recently in his USA I think it's Phoenix preaching a doctrine that some religions take completely out of context. Unless you're a cannonball and you don't have experience or understanding David Lynn preaches the true meaning of this biblical passage.
"For I testify together to everyone who hears the Words of the prophecy of this Book: If anyone adds to these things, God will add on him the plagues that have been written in this Book . And if anyone takes away from the Words of the Book of this prophecy, God will take away his part out of the Book of Life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which have been written in this Book.”
2 Ye shall not add unto the word which I command you, neither shall ye diminish ought from it, that ye may keep the commandments of the Lord your God which I command you.
. The King James Bible is not acceptable to people that don't love the truth in the beauty of one of the most beautiful books that is meant to be. Now of course what is referred to as counterfeit fake Christians they're so in the dark themselves that they don't understand these things but bless true bible believing Christians that completely understand these things. So I started thinking when did King James die and I believe it was 14 years after 1611/1625 and I wondered if he authorized any new re-versions and I wanted to know the date of any new re-versions and so I looked that up. And I wanted to get the feedback of such people that have experience in this. I know some bible preachers are exceptionally experienced and I was wondering if they accept any revisions of the King James Bible and this is the result which is astounding in of itself. Now the King James Bible being public domain further reversions should come under scrutiny from true Christians. Who were these scholars and what denominations did they belong to if any? So in other words I completely understand Ryan from King James Bible ministry his scrutiny and coverage on this matter and bless his ministry.
When was the 1611 KJV Bible revised?
"A 1769 Paris – Blayney revision of the King James Bible is properly called a 1611 King James Bible because no new translation work has been done and no new textual authority has been introduced. The 1629 and 1638 revisions and the 1762 and 1769 revisions are all properly called the 1611 King James Bible. Aug 31, 2004"
"A committee of over 50 English and American scholars was established and began meeting in 1871. The result was the publication in 1881 of the English Revised Version, or Revised Version, which was the first and remains the only officially authorized revision of the King James Bible."