3 This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. 2 For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,
2 Timothy 3 +
3 This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. 2 For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,
2 Timothy 3 +
Amalgamating sin into everyday life
There is a startling report about a church being sued in New Zealand I believe because they stood up. You know Ministries go through trials too but the holy scriptures are clear about such filth that hell is eternal and there will be judgment. God does exist and there's hell to pay you live once and then you go to judgment just like on Earth if you do the crime you pay the time. If you have not accepted the good news gospel the time is eternal in Hell that's real. God he's the judge of all judges. I hate to have some of those images here to think that some of these people are men dressed as women reading to children in libraries or schools having dances and some of the politicians as they say in telecast broadcast do nothing about it they're part of the problem. The world is in darkness, deep deep darkness. The kids need to be protected. They're in such grave danger these days with child porn and they're reporting in Canada some 74% increase in gun violence. Should this shock Christians who know we that the end times would be like Noah's day when people will become viciously wicked. Did you know the incredible amount of people that have had dreams or visions of hell and some of these people were doing some of these things. You live once and then the Judgment it's true. God is not a man that he should lie. God is Holy and the relationship was severed because of sin. The wages of sin is death and if you die spiritually 2nd death you will be spending eternity in hell with a heat that is UN believable/unbearable, no water, no prayers work in hell and it's eternal is this what you desire? If you're out there doing crime or any evil it's your own ignorance of free choice that got you to Hell one day if you end up there. You have free choice to read the Bible and to pray seeking the true God because he does exist. The only reason you don't know he exists is because you don't seek, you don't call on the name of Jesus Christ so I'm begging you if you read this call on the name of Jesus. Your life can change and love is what Christ did on the cross for you. He did this so you don't end up in hell and because he doesn't want you to go to hell. God doesn't want any to perish but people do perish unfortunately. There's people in the hell right now most likely and are you going to be one of the ones joining them in the future? You live once and then the judgment so be wise.
So what is the truth what is happening in the world? Why is the world so evil and so full of devils and all acts of unrighteousness? God tells us in scripture Satan and his angels have/cast down onto you and he warns the inhabitants of the Earth. They are trying to erase the presence of God in every facet of public life is what Tulsi Gabbard spoke about in a speech and others touched on this as well and they went into detail about to increasingly tyrannical acts of government. They are normalizing SINFUL ACTS and attacking & targeting Christians as beining woke and having misinformation. I believe Tommy Robinson spoke about what has been happening in his nation the United Kingdom as well.