I've never met this street preacher but he's very good at what he does. He's threatened by a couple people one person touches his equipment and the street preachers know about such things. Sometimes they'll say if you're not interested just walk on by you don't have to stop but there's people who stop to cause trouble anyways. We wrestle not against flesh and blood. Sometimes people are other faiths or atheist many times they are religious. Who knows its their loss if they were to die in their sins and be cast into that burning oven or if their members of a religious system with doctrines of devils they may just still make Hellfire. It's their loss. Blessed are your eyes for they see and blessed are your ears for they hear. In vain do they worship me keeping doctrines and Commandments of men. They have Christ on their lips but their hearts are nowhere near him very far. Reprobates corrupt minds swim in deception most likely will lose their soul.
Hitler was not a Muslim but maybe had some similarities in some ways could be. Hitler was a Catholic. They say Hitler used religion for his purposes but he was really a religious atheist. In terms of the true God Hitler was of his father the devil a murder. It's intriguing that different people had near-death experiences saying they saw Hitler burning in hell. Hitler was not saved nor was he a Christian but more or less a religious atheist Nazi as he didn't believe in biblical Jesus or if he had a false Jesus that he believed in I wouldn't know. I don't know but he was certainly not a civil person. The only name given to man in which man can find salvation is Jesus Christ or we can call him by his Jewish name either Yeshua or Emmanuel God With Us or perhaps even Joshua. Christ was perfect and the miracles he did came from God and he was also a prophet. Isaiah 53 some 800 + years before his arrival and even Moses wrote about him and it happened like it was written as the prophet Isaiah wrote about him. I recommend reading the Bible. The Bible says who the son has set free is free indeed and God is relationship not religion. Anything else will lead to eternal damnation.
God is not fake but there are a lot of false gods in the world and atheism is false just like a lot of other religions are also false. God is real and the fool has said in their heart there is no God. The holy scriptures are sealed and they cannot be broken. Prophecy in the Bible is remarkable and there's no other book like the bible. God is Holy and righteous and he sent his only begotten son to Earth and he is the lamb that takes away the sins of the world. John 3:16 Christ was a representative of the father when he was on Earth and he did his father's will. All the miracles he did were just a shadow of what God is capable of doing but God doesn't work like men think. God said I put life and death before you choose life. The wages of sin is death and when you choose to use your mouth or any part of your anatomy to hurt, maine, insult in a brutal way not in a biblical preaching way then you will bear the consequences. Sometimes the consequences are very drastic while other times they can affect generations wit generational curses. You live once and then the judgment and it's impossible for the God of the Bible whom is the God of Israel to lie. The Bible says all liars will have their part in the lake of fire. It's men that love darkness not God. God is a rewarder of those who diligently seek him. Jesus Christ said But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal : 21 For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also .
The truth is men are evil and God is your creator. Just saying God is evil is in of itself evil. The devil who many people have as their god is evil, prideful. arrogant and a serpent at that.
For those who love the true God he offers them eternal life in paradise. John 3:16 For those who just disobey, mock God, live for the devil but don't take an initiative in their own salvation or are easily deceived God will send them to hell not only strong delusion and hell is eternal without salvation and in most cases even repentance. They're in hell the fire is never quenched and the worm never dies. I highly recommend you get yourself a King James Bible 1611 start reading, asking questions and pray. Seek, knock and you will find if you really want to find the true God otherwise you live once and then you stand the chance of perishing for all of eternity in the judgment.
Almost similar question to above. You have to understand the Old Testament and there were certain groups that were sacrificing their children to the god Malik. For example when Abraham was tested to sacrifice his son Isaac that was just a test. God is holy and righteous. Now God gave us the Ten Commandments. He actually gave it to the Israelites Jewish people but it's part of the Bible. I believe there's actually 613 total Commandments.
Extremely extremely important God said nations of forget him are turned into hell. God has the right to such a thing because he is the creator and the giver of life. All souls belong to him. God is merciful and slow to anger but he is angry at the wicked every single day. Those who love God do well. God is the God of the Bible and the God of Israel and yes Jesus is really God Emmanuel God With Us.
I believe this is a true incident and what's happening over in the UK not only has Ruben Israel the street preacher experienced some of this when he was preaching over there and he talked about that but but now Tommy Robinson is speaking about this issue and how it's affecting certain nations especially the UK. There's only one name given on to men in which he can find salvation and that is Jesus Christ of Nazareth and we're talking about the Jewish Messiah who had a Jewish name in the first two centuries being either Yeshua, Emmanuel or they might have referred to him as Joshua. He is the Christ described in the King James Bible Jesus of Nazareth. The world is deceived and the wages of sin is death that means damnation. It is true Christ died for the sins of the world John 3:16
If Christians and we're talking about true Christians but even if counterfeit Christians were to use certain terms to describe such people as LGBTQ or maybe these days even with the pronouns transgender people they might be called homophobes or even haters or accused of having some type of woke phobia . God is not a homophone the true God that is or a hater and Hell is real, horrible and eternal. In the beginning God made them male and female and God does not accept that. The Bible says repent or perish and it also warns that no such person will inherit the Kingdom but a human dies once and then the judgment. They will in their sinful practices without the true Christ being born again believers receive eternal damnation. God is graceful and God is merciful and he sent his only begotten son to Earth and without the shedding of blood there would be no forgiveness of sins. These people are in rebellion, openly in sinful pride and pride comes before a fall to their own maker. They're the enemies of their own creator. I mean if Christians know that hell is eternal and no God cannot lie but these people just live in sin and on borrowed time as one day they'll have to face the true God.
You know God has the right to take life and angels are created higher than men with much more powerful and the Bible describes this when an angel used that power to wipe out a whole army for certain reasons. In the Old Testament it was a different time and the demographics of the Earth were different in that different tribes lived and where territorial, murderous and some of them served different evil gods. Some of them did things that are unspeakable and so God brought judgment against them in which way he did it as they say he has the right to take life because he can resurrect life and then sentence souls to eternal damnation. God's word says the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. Man is without excuse according to God's word. Pick up a Bible read. Pray and seek and call on the name Jesus Christ of Nazareth to save a wretch like yourself if you don't know him.
Same as the above God has the right to judgment and so did the apostles by the way. Apostle Paul once deemed to give somebody over to Satan for destruction of the body before they lost their soul as they were that far gone. 1 Corinthians 5:5 God can resurrect life, save a soul or sentence sinners to eternal damnation. You live once and then the judgment. The fear of the lord is the beginning of wisdom. Jesus Christ of Nazareth John 3:16 So find an interest in reading the Bible, praying and seek before you lose your soul.
The devil was/is the father of lies, a murder, from the beginning and those who do not do righteousness are not of God but are children of the devil. Yes deception is everywhere and the world is on the highway to Hell. The real way is a straight narrow gate but most of the world's is not on that straight narrow way they're on the broadway to destruction and to the eternal pitfall of hell with a fire never being quenched and it is eternal. By the way God is relationship not religion and it's impossible for God to lie. It's up to you to pray and to have a relationship with God and to read the Bible. I recommend the King James Bible and to learn what is deception. Politicians can be very wicked even though they make a lot of money. There's good and bad in everything I mean if we get too pessimistic that's not good either and then we don't see the good in anything. But biblical Christianity is the way. Don't lean on your own understanding remember that. Study the Bible and pray forgive and be a doer of God's word.
It is true she is unaware. Anybody who supports the LGBT community and lies to them when they're on the way to hell that's not loving them. If somebody is loving them they would be preaching the truth and a lot of times true preachers are persecuted because they come preaching the truth which the world despises, rejects and cannot accept. The wages of sin is death and true Christianity is known to few people. Counterfeit Christianity on the other hand the world just embraces it mostly because it's attractive. True Christianity is not that easy. When you meet a true woman of God it's evident. There was a prostitute for example and she became a true born again Christian preacher and you can tell she was the real thing. They'll live a certain way and they don't follow the traditions of the world and mostly they live a holy life of prayer, bible study, evangelism and being born again many times helping out other street preachers or other biblical preachers in various ways. James 4:4 If you befriend the world you become God's enemy that's true then you're on the broadway to hell and destruction.
I recommend reading the Bible, praying and knowing that Jesus Christ of Nazareth your Jewish Messiah which was persecuted and died for the sins of the world can save your soul. The Bible says be a doer of God's word. You people are to busy on the way to hell and without the shed blood of the Messiah there is no forgiveness for sins. We are watching prophecy unfold biblical prophecy and there's no other name but Jesus Christ of Nazareth whom can save your soul. Emmanuel God with us. Isaiah 53 is about the Messiah not Israel as being the suffering servant. The holy scriptures the New Testament is sealed in the blood of Christ and you can never undo it so get with it before you perish.
Let's put it this way people need to know how to rightly divide the word of God and people go to Bible School to learn the Bible. The Bible is true and it gives great warnings of taking away from it or adding to it. Deuteronomy 4:2,Revelation 22:18-19 Sometimes you might have a parable in the Bible and you have to learn what it's talking about. The apostles are real, Isreal is real and the God of Israel is also real. Jesus Christ of Nazareth is risen and alive as he is real. There's no other name under heaven in which man can find salvation so I recommend before being negative to read the bible and study it.
Now very important there are a lot of Bible believing Christians most likely that are on milk forever and some of these people aren't born again but they think they see or they think they know Christ but they never did but they might have had some sort of you know feeling or emotion but they never connected the dots. If this is you, you have to really seek, read, ask questions like this guy did and pray and don't lean on your own understanding.
I heard about this its true being a real incident and it's just tremendous the evil lurks. Tommy Robinson has been in Canada speaking about this and other people also speak about such things. Whether you like to believe it or not it's real and it's happening. The Bible says to expose the works of darkness and there are certain preachers that have no problem doing that and sometimes they've been attacked. Freedom of speech is very important. Not jumping to conclusions is also good but having debates and discussions and trying to resolve issues is recommended.
What's this have to do with Biblical Christianity? Well if this were to happen I think freedoms would be affected for Christians and for americans this is very serious because wouldn't that be an attack on the second amendment. Remember when they were showing up at judges houses and insulting them and threatening them was there any political party in america behind any of it. If this were to happen it might risk cause a civil war in america and heavy protesting.
I remember a long time ago there was a fella that was really intelligent and he did videos on teaching about the Roman Empire that went out of existence. He talked he may have been a radio personality as he talked about the way they built tunnels and brought water into the city and how they made these canals and all these incredible things back in the old days of the Roman Empire. Believe it was called the aqueducts. He talked about the whole empire and it's vast territorial size and all of that. Then he tried to give his opinion what might have saved the Roman Empire. The Bible says in the end times the Roman Empire will rise again and people think how can something rise that went out of extistance. It is impossible for prophecy to lie and God warns about taking away from prophecy. It will rise again it probably had a facelift and transformation of some sort. Look at the different people on earth like the Jewish people that have existed for centuries. Maybe the Jews from 2000 years ago aren't alive but others are related in some way. Israel still exists. Russia still exists and China which is very old still exists. The Bible God's word does not lie and that little image above & article is pretty intriguing because it will happen. But you got to ask yourself are you saved and on the way to heaven or are you going to end up in hell for all of eternity. You cannot serve two masters you will love one and despise the other.
Quote from compelling truth
"According to some interpretations of Daniel and Revelation, the Revived Roman Empire is either a generic government system or a specific nation led by a ruler, centered in Rome, Turkey, or the Middle East."
"The Revived Roman Empire is often associated with the fourth beast in Daniel 7 . The ten-horned beast is "terrifying and dreadful and exceedingly strong" ( Daniel 7:7 ). It is believed to be a prophetic image of the Roman Empire ( Daniel 7:19–24 ). As Daniel watched, a little horn grew out of the ten horns ( Daniel 7:8 ), which is representative of the Antichrist, who is thus somehow connected with the Roman Empire. Since the Roman Empire lost its power and identity in the fifth century, we expect it to be "revived" in some sense in order " the whole article" credited compelling truth can be here.
I've never met this street preacher but he's very good at what he does. He's threatened by a couple people one person touches his equipment and the street preachers know about such things. Sometimes they'll say if you're not interested just walk on by you don't have to stop but there's people who stop to cause trouble anyways. We wrestle not against flesh and blood. Sometimes people are other faiths or atheist many times they are religious. Who knows its their loss if they were to die in their sins and be cast into that burning oven or if their members of a religious system with doctrines of devils they may just still make Hellfire. It's their loss. Blessed are your eyes for they see and blessed are your ears for they hear. In vain do they worship me keeping doctrines and Commandments of men. They have Christ on their lips but their hearts are nowhere near him very far. Reprobates corrupt minds swim in deception most likely will lose their soul.
Hitler was Catholic
Douglas Murray
Hitler was not a Muslim but maybe had some similarities in some ways could be. Hitler was a Catholic. They say Hitler used religion for his purposes but he was really a religious atheist. In terms of the true God Hitler was of his father the devil a murder. It's intriguing that different people had near-death experiences saying they saw Hitler burning in hell. Hitler was not saved nor was he a Christian but more or less a religious atheist Nazi as he didn't believe in biblical Jesus or if he had a false Jesus that he believed in I wouldn't know. I don't know but he was certainly not a civil person. The only name given to man in which man can find salvation is Jesus Christ or we can call him by his Jewish name either Yeshua or Emmanuel God With Us or perhaps even Joshua. Christ was perfect and the miracles he did came from God and he was also a prophet. Isaiah 53 some 800 + years before his arrival and even Moses wrote about him and it happened like it was written as the prophet Isaiah wrote about him. I recommend reading the Bible. The Bible says who the son has set free is free indeed and God is relationship not religion. Anything else will lead to eternal damnation.
God is not fake but there are a lot of false gods in the world and atheism is false just like a lot of other religions are also false. God is real and the fool has said in their heart there is no God. The holy scriptures are sealed and they cannot be broken. Prophecy in the Bible is remarkable and there's no other book like the bible. God is Holy and righteous and he sent his only begotten son to Earth and he is the lamb that takes away the sins of the world. John 3:16 Christ was a representative of the father when he was on Earth and he did his father's will. All the miracles he did were just a shadow of what God is capable of doing but God doesn't work like men think. God said I put life and death before you choose life. The wages of sin is death and when you choose to use your mouth or any part of your anatomy to hurt, maine, insult in a brutal way not in a biblical preaching way then you will bear the consequences. Sometimes the consequences are very drastic while other times they can affect generations wit generational curses. You live once and then the judgment and it's impossible for the God of the Bible whom is the God of Israel to lie. The Bible says all liars will have their part in the lake of fire. It's men that love darkness not God. God is a rewarder of those who diligently seek him. Jesus Christ said But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal : 21 For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also .
The truth is men are evil and God is your creator. Just saying God is evil is in of itself evil. The devil who many people have as their god is evil, prideful. arrogant and a serpent at that.
For those who love the true God he offers them eternal life in paradise. John 3:16 For those who just disobey, mock God, live for the devil but don't take an initiative in their own salvation or are easily deceived God will send them to hell not only strong delusion and hell is eternal without salvation and in most cases even repentance. They're in hell the fire is never quenched and the worm never dies. I highly recommend you get yourself a King James Bible 1611 start reading, asking questions and pray. Seek, knock and you will find if you really want to find the true God otherwise you live once and then you stand the chance of perishing for all of eternity in the judgment.
Almost similar question to above. You have to understand the Old Testament and there were certain groups that were sacrificing their children to the god Malik. For example when Abraham was tested to sacrifice his son Isaac that was just a test. God is holy and righteous. Now God gave us the Ten Commandments. He actually gave it to the Israelites Jewish people but it's part of the Bible. I believe there's actually 613 total Commandments.
Extremely extremely important God said nations of forget him are turned into hell. God has the right to such a thing because he is the creator and the giver of life. All souls belong to him. God is merciful and slow to anger but he is angry at the wicked every single day. Those who love God do well. God is the God of the Bible and the God of Israel and yes Jesus is really God Emmanuel God With Us.
I believe this is a true incident and what's happening over in the UK not only has Ruben Israel the street preacher experienced some of this when he was preaching over there and he talked about that but but now Tommy Robinson is speaking about this issue and how it's affecting certain nations especially the UK. There's only one name given on to men in which he can find salvation and that is Jesus Christ of Nazareth and we're talking about the Jewish Messiah who had a Jewish name in the first two centuries being either Yeshua, Emmanuel or they might have referred to him as Joshua. He is the Christ described in the King James Bible Jesus of Nazareth. The world is deceived and the wages of sin is death that means damnation. It is true Christ died for the sins of the world John 3:16
If Christians and we're talking about true Christians but even if counterfeit Christians were to use certain terms to describe such people as LGBTQ or maybe these days even with the pronouns transgender people they might be called homophobes or even haters or accused of having some type of woke phobia . God is not a homophone the true God that is or a hater and Hell is real, horrible and eternal. In the beginning God made them male and female and God does not accept that. The Bible says repent or perish and it also warns that no such person will inherit the Kingdom but a human dies once and then the judgment. They will in their sinful practices without the true Christ being born again believers receive eternal damnation. God is graceful and God is merciful and he sent his only begotten son to Earth and without the shedding of blood there would be no forgiveness of sins. These people are in rebellion, openly in sinful pride and pride comes before a fall to their own maker. They're the enemies of their own creator. I mean if Christians know that hell is eternal and no God cannot lie but these people just live in sin and on borrowed time as one day they'll have to face the true God.
You know God has the right to take life and angels are created higher than men with much more powerful and the Bible describes this when an angel used that power to wipe out a whole army for certain reasons. In the Old Testament it was a different time and the demographics of the Earth were different in that different tribes lived and where territorial, murderous and some of them served different evil gods. Some of them did things that are unspeakable and so God brought judgment against them in which way he did it as they say he has the right to take life because he can resurrect life and then sentence souls to eternal damnation. God's word says the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. Man is without excuse according to God's word. Pick up a Bible read. Pray and seek and call on the name Jesus Christ of Nazareth to save a wretch like yourself if you don't know him.
Same as the above God has the right to judgment and so did the apostles by the way. Apostle Paul once deemed to give somebody over to Satan for destruction of the body before they lost their soul as they were that far gone. 1 Corinthians 5:5 God can resurrect life, save a soul or sentence sinners to eternal damnation. You live once and then the judgment. The fear of the lord is the beginning of wisdom. Jesus Christ of Nazareth John 3:16 So find an interest in reading the Bible, praying and seek before you lose your soul.
The devil was/is the father of lies, a murder, from the beginning and those who do not do righteousness are not of God but are children of the devil. Yes deception is everywhere and the world is on the highway to Hell. The real way is a straight narrow gate but most of the world's is not on that straight narrow way they're on the broadway to destruction and to the eternal pitfall of hell with a fire never being quenched and it is eternal. By the way God is relationship not religion and it's impossible for God to lie. It's up to you to pray and to have a relationship with God and to read the Bible. I recommend the King James Bible and to learn what is deception. Politicians can be very wicked even though they make a lot of money. There's good and bad in everything I mean if we get too pessimistic that's not good either and then we don't see the good in anything. But biblical Christianity is the way. Don't lean on your own understanding remember that. Study the Bible and pray forgive and be a doer of God's word.
It is true she is unaware. Anybody who supports the LGBT community and lies to them when they're on the way to hell that's not loving them. If somebody is loving them they would be preaching the truth and a lot of times true preachers are persecuted because they come preaching the truth which the world despises, rejects and cannot accept. The wages of sin is death and true Christianity is known to few people. Counterfeit Christianity on the other hand the world just embraces it mostly because it's attractive. True Christianity is not that easy. When you meet a true woman of God it's evident. There was a prostitute for example and she became a true born again Christian preacher and you can tell she was the real thing. They'll live a certain way and they don't follow the traditions of the world and mostly they live a holy life of prayer, bible study, evangelism and being born again many times helping out other street preachers or other biblical preachers in various ways. James 4:4 If you befriend the world you become God's enemy that's true then you're on the broadway to hell and destruction.
I recommend reading the Bible, praying and knowing that Jesus Christ of Nazareth your Jewish Messiah which was persecuted and died for the sins of the world can save your soul. The Bible says be a doer of God's word. You people are to busy on the way to hell and without the shed blood of the Messiah there is no forgiveness for sins. We are watching prophecy unfold biblical prophecy and there's no other name but Jesus Christ of Nazareth whom can save your soul. Emmanuel God with us. Isaiah 53 is about the Messiah not Israel as being the suffering servant. The holy scriptures the New Testament is sealed in the blood of Christ and you can never undo it so get with it before you perish.
Let's put it this way people need to know how to rightly divide the word of God and people go to Bible School to learn the Bible. The Bible is true and it gives great warnings of taking away from it or adding to it. Deuteronomy 4:2,Revelation 22:18-19 Sometimes you might have a parable in the Bible and you have to learn what it's talking about. The apostles are real, Isreal is real and the God of Israel is also real. Jesus Christ of Nazareth is risen and alive as he is real. There's no other name under heaven in which man can find salvation so I recommend before being negative to read the bible and study it.
Now very important there are a lot of Bible believing Christians most likely that are on milk forever and some of these people aren't born again but they think they see or they think they know Christ but they never did but they might have had some sort of you know feeling or emotion but they never connected the dots. If this is you, you have to really seek, read, ask questions like this guy did and pray and don't lean on your own understanding.
I heard about this its true being a real incident and it's just tremendous the evil lurks. Tommy Robinson has been in Canada speaking about this and other people also speak about such things. Whether you like to believe it or not it's real and it's happening. The Bible says to expose the works of darkness and there are certain preachers that have no problem doing that and sometimes they've been attacked. Freedom of speech is very important. Not jumping to conclusions is also good but having debates and discussions and trying to resolve issues is recommended.
What's this have to do with Biblical Christianity? Well if this were to happen I think freedoms would be affected for Christians and for americans this is very serious because wouldn't that be an attack on the second amendment. Remember when they were showing up at judges houses and insulting them and threatening them was there any political party in america behind any of it. If this were to happen it might risk cause a civil war in america and heavy protesting.
I remember a long time ago there was a fella that was really intelligent and he did videos on teaching about the Roman Empire that went out of existence. He talked he may have been a radio personality as he talked about the way they built tunnels and brought water into the city and how they made these canals and all these incredible things back in the old days of the Roman Empire. Believe it was called the aqueducts. He talked about the whole empire and it's vast territorial size and all of that. Then he tried to give his opinion what might have saved the Roman Empire. The Bible says in the end times the Roman Empire will rise again and people think how can something rise that went out of extistance. It is impossible for prophecy to lie and God warns about taking away from prophecy. It will rise again it probably had a facelift and transformation of some sort. Look at the different people on earth like the Jewish people that have existed for centuries. Maybe the Jews from 2000 years ago aren't alive but others are related in some way. Israel still exists. Russia still exists and China which is very old still exists. The Bible God's word does not lie and that little image above & article is pretty intriguing because it will happen. But you got to ask yourself are you saved and on the way to heaven or are you going to end up in hell for all of eternity. You cannot serve two masters you will love one and despise the other.
Quote from compelling truth
"According to some interpretations of Daniel and Revelation, the Revived Roman Empire is either a generic government system or a specific nation led by a ruler, centered in Rome, Turkey, or the Middle East."
"The Revived Roman Empire is often associated with the fourth beast in Daniel 7 . The ten-horned beast is "terrifying and dreadful and exceedingly strong" ( Daniel 7:7 ). It is believed to be a prophetic image of the Roman Empire ( Daniel 7:19–24 ). As Daniel watched, a little horn grew out of the ten horns ( Daniel 7:8 ), which is representative of the Antichrist, who is thus somehow connected with the Roman Empire. Since the Roman Empire lost its power and identity in the fifth century, we expect it to be "revived" in some sense in order " the whole article" credited compelling truth can be here.
See the revived Roman Empire here