14 The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God . They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good.

14 The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God . They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good.
There's a God and there's a heaven and there's a hell. The world is deceived and it is impossible for God to lie. Many people have many false gods in this world and there are many atheists. There are dictators that don't believe in God and their people worship their leaders like "god's."
You live once and then the judgment. God only gave us one name to find salvation that is Jesus Christ of Nazareth the jewish messiah. He's the only man that ever lived a perfect life and was sinless. He did the will of his father. He is the savior of the world. John 3:16. The Bible says the body without the spirit is dead. 26 For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also. James 2:26 KJV Be wise put your faith and trust in Jesus Christ of Nazareth.
There is also a devil called Satan. He used to be called Lucifer. Satan and his angels were kicked out of heaven and they've been cast down to the Earth and God warns the inhabitants of the Earth. The Bible says as written the fool has said in their heart there is no God. God is the God of Israel. Yes Christ is God. On Earth you have free will if you're in a nation that allows such like democracy or some form of freedom but if you're in a nation with a dictatorship you're probably going to be very limited. You know they say don't die the second death because then you will spend eternity in hell and hell is real. God cannot lie. Heaven is real as well and Christ told us that it's a straight gate into his kingdom. He warned us that many will say to him on judgment day that they cast out demons and did all sorts of wonderful works and he will profess onto them he never knew them. They are workers of iniquity. What does that mean? They are lawless. These people weren't atheists. These people were professing believers that professed to cast out demons and do all sorts of wonderful works. Well we know from apostle Paul we're not under the law so why would Christ disown them and actually tell them they're cursed into the everlasting torment of fire of/in hell? If you see the blog before this you will see that it's about rich pastures focusing on prosperity pastures living the lifestyles of rock stars and some say they are money hungry. You see we have atheists in the world and they're condemned already because they don't believe in Christ then we have believers that go to seminary learn the Bible and many of these people become prosperity preachers some become multi-billionaires living in palaces like kings and sometimes involved in all sorts of scandals such as false healings even all sorts of money issues make the headlines occasionally in print or news media coverage sometimes news investigative reporting coverage. Then we have world religions that deceive people and preach another Christ, another Jesus and a false way of salvation even entangled with doctrines of devils but people don't love the truth so they eventually perish and in hell there's a fire there where the worm never dies and the fires is never quenched but God wouldn't want people to go there he would have none that perish but nonetheless people do perish. Man is without excuse according to God . God tells us all have become corrupt, abominable and none do good. In Noah's day the only thing on people's mind was evil corruption continually just like in Sodom and Gomorrah and so God flooded the whole world. They laughed at Noah just like they mocked Christ but what they're really doing is mocking their own soul and ceiling their own fate in hell. Heaven is unimaginable. Heaven is a holy place. You know God gives people dreams and people sometimes see visions. God has given many warnings to people and some of them claimed they died had a near death experience and seen hell and were allowed to come back and many of them became true Bible believing Christians. Some of them even evangelists. The lord Jesus Christ told us what it would be like in the last days and we see it. The world is deceived and people don't care they have their priorities wrong. They don't care about the Bible and about God and about studying the Bible or praying let alone living a holy life. The Bible says to be studied and show our selves approved. People don't seek after God. You have to really be missing marbles if you look around this Earth there is a canopy. There is a sky some 62 miles before you get into outer space. The Earth spins and travels around the sun and the sun gives its light and the Earth has all sorts of fruits, the vegetation, food including air, water, gravity, oxygen, land and all sorts of wildlife animals. God created human beings to inhabit the Earth. So atheists yes God is real and God exists so is the devil real. You have to love the truth.
So I came across a video of a young woman who appears to be thinking and that's a good sign. She covered their last breath, atheist on their deathbed. She covered people who have done incredible evil on the Earth before they died. What people have said or done on their deathbed. Jesus Christ of Nazareth is real and God gave you a way to avoid being sent to hell. You have time for everything else in this world pleasures as God tells us in the end times they will be lovers of entertainment but not lovers of truth. They will be high-minded and wicked as hell. The news is filled with evil whether it be fake news or real news there is an abundance of wickedness in this corrupt sinful fallen world. So I would like you to have a look at this young woman's video coverage it will be below this page. I challenge you and encourage you to pick up a King James Bible a physical copy is much more preferable and start reading because the words of God are living words and they are spirit and life. Don't waste your time get your priorities in place because you live once and then the judgment and heaven/hell are very real places. God tells us don't fear man that can kill the body and afterwards do no more fear him after the first death that could destroy both body and soul in hell.
28 And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell. Matthew 10:28 KJV