9 And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him. Revelation 12:9 KJV
Let's open by saying light came into the world and men perceived darkness. On top of all of this God has given us a savior we know him as Jesus Christ of Nazareth but in the first century I believe he had a Jewish name and he was not known as Jesus Christ but by his Jewish name either Yeshua, Joshua or Emmanuel. Has there been an attempt to change whom he is? Of course the devil deceives the entire world and the devil was a liar and the father of lies a murder from the beginning as Christ himself said. Are there world religions preaching another Christ and another gospel far removed from what first century Judaism truly was or is today? Of course. In the beginning was the word and the word was with God and the word was God. As written Christ is the word of God and he himself said you can do nothing without him. He existed in the beginning. Denying Christ the true one is denying yourself even if you're not a believer or if you believe in buddhism or hinduism or one of these hundreds of different religions but they're only a number of core big ones.
There's a lot happening in the world right now and I believe prophecy is being fulfilled in these perilous times as the world appears to be headed for armageddon. For the first time in many years one of the major newspapers wrote about a nuclear war and how Canada would be one of the worst places to be. There's a lot happening in the UK right now. There's all of this protesting going on and violence as there are people protesting against a certain religion in that nation not just the influx of illegal aliens and people such as Tommy Robinson have been bringing this issue of the violence and the denial to the forefront including the issue two tier policing. Freedom of speech is not being only undermined in the UK but in Canada and in the United States as well and probably other parts of the world but violence on the other hand is unacceptable. Burning down buildings, attacking people in the streets was reported in the UK is unacceptable and the anti-semitism that has been reported around the world is also very unfortunate, wrong and unacceptable. You know the world is deceived as written in the King James Bible and there was an interview on Rebel News with one of their reporters Alexa Lavois interviewing a gentleman from Paris that got arrested as in that image of the bus above. They're not terrorists they're just concerned about the attacks on Christianity as was on the Olympics and I saw part of that interview. These people are proud of attacking Christianity who made a mockery of Christianity on the Olympics. Did you know there's a counterfeit Christianity and then there's true Christianity but the world is deceived so the world does not see nor can it hear because the god of this world blinds their minds. Remember there was a blind man Christ gave the sight back to and the Pharisees accused the blind man of being a liar but his parents said he was born blind. This is how the world is the world is blind, death and cannot accept the truth but loves darkness. So these LGBT community people attacking so-called Christianity and being proud of their pride that comes before a fall are really attacking themselves unaware because Christ is God and he is the word of God as life would be virtually impossible without him so they're denying moching themselves and the core principles of life. Again there is also a counterfeit Christianity and perhaps you might want to research that but to really know what true Christianity is only God could reveal it to you and open your eyes from being deceived and in darkness.
In conclusion the Bible is true but even that can be corrupted and Byran from King James Bible Ministry covers this issue every now and then and he's just covered it again I believe yesterday with the Geneva Bible as compared to the King James Bible. The history of the Bible goes far beyond the first century. People have been trying to deny the holy scriptures for time and memorial but it is nonsense to do so. The holy scriptures are sealed mainly the New Testament in Christ's blood. The wonderful gift is John 3:16 that good news Christ's life burial and resurrection. What is counterfeit Christianity or real Christianity only the truth can set you free and heaven or hell are very real places so the people attacking Christianity whether it be counterfeit or true Christianity are on borrowed time and nobody's promised another day. Just to emphasize their really ignorantly attacking/moching themselves being prideful, ignorant, death and their own judgment lingers before the true living God one day is pending. Satan the devil violence was found in him not just pride and iniquity but his followers or we can call them Satins children you will know them by their fruits because they are of their father the devil. God is relationship not religion remember that because you live once and then the judgment and you're going to stand before the living God even if you're ignorant and don't believe that and you're going to give an account for your life especially if you're deceived, an unbeliever or somebody who is with dark eyes evil. The payment without believing in Christ is eternal damnation/your soul because no one comes to the father but by him Jesus Christ the jewish risen messiah as written about in the King James Bible. The world is full of evil just like it was in Noah's day. I'm reminded quite often of John 10: 10 The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly .
So I encourage you to read the Bible and get to truly know Christ which can change you because he is real and he's changed people like no other and it's proven over a long period of time. Time to know the truth Jesus Christ of Nazareth the God of the Bible.
Let's open by saying light came into the world and men perceived darkness. On top of all of this God has given us a savior we know him as Jesus Christ of Nazareth but in the first century I believe he had a Jewish name and he was not known as Jesus Christ but by his Jewish name either Yeshua, Joshua or Emmanuel. Has there been an attempt to change whom he is? Of course the devil deceives the entire world and the devil was a liar and the father of lies a murder from the beginning as Christ himself said. Are there world religions preaching another Christ and another gospel far removed from what first century Judaism truly was or is today? Of course. In the beginning was the word and the word was with God and the word was God. As written Christ is the word of God and he himself said you can do nothing without him. He existed in the beginning. Denying Christ the true one is denying yourself even if you're not a believer or if you believe in buddhism or hinduism or one of these hundreds of different religions but they're only a number of core big ones.
There's a lot happening in the world right now and I believe prophecy is being fulfilled in these perilous times as the world appears to be headed for armageddon. For the first time in many years one of the major newspapers wrote about a nuclear war and how Canada would be one of the worst places to be. There's a lot happening in the UK right now. There's all of this protesting going on and violence as there are people protesting against a certain religion in that nation not just the influx of illegal aliens and people such as Tommy Robinson have been bringing this issue of the violence and the denial to the forefront including the issue two tier policing. Freedom of speech is not being only undermined in the UK but in Canada and in the United States as well and probably other parts of the world but violence on the other hand is unacceptable. Burning down buildings, attacking people in the streets was reported in the UK is unacceptable and the anti-semitism that has been reported around the world is also very unfortunate, wrong and unacceptable. You know the world is deceived as written in the King James Bible and there was an interview on Rebel News with one of their reporters Alexa Lavois interviewing a gentleman from Paris that got arrested as in that image of the bus above. They're not terrorists they're just concerned about the attacks on Christianity as was on the Olympics and I saw part of that interview. These people are proud of attacking Christianity who made a mockery of Christianity on the Olympics. Did you know there's a counterfeit Christianity and then there's true Christianity but the world is deceived so the world does not see nor can it hear because the god of this world blinds their minds. Remember there was a blind man Christ gave the sight back to and the Pharisees accused the blind man of being a liar but his parents said he was born blind. This is how the world is the world is blind, death and cannot accept the truth but loves darkness. So these LGBT community people attacking so-called Christianity and being proud of their pride that comes before a fall are really attacking themselves unaware because Christ is God and he is the word of God as life would be virtually impossible without him so they're denying moching themselves and the core principles of life. Again there is also a counterfeit Christianity and perhaps you might want to research that but to really know what true Christianity is only God could reveal it to you and open your eyes from being deceived and in darkness.
In conclusion the Bible is true but even that can be corrupted and Byran from King James Bible Ministry covers this issue every now and then and he's just covered it again I believe yesterday with the Geneva Bible as compared to the King James Bible. The history of the Bible goes far beyond the first century. People have been trying to deny the holy scriptures for time and memorial but it is nonsense to do so. The holy scriptures are sealed mainly the New Testament in Christ's blood. The wonderful gift is John 3:16 that good news Christ's life burial and resurrection. What is counterfeit Christianity or real Christianity only the truth can set you free and heaven or hell are very real places so the people attacking Christianity whether it be counterfeit or true Christianity are on borrowed time and nobody's promised another day. Just to emphasize their really ignorantly attacking/moching themselves being prideful, ignorant, death and their own judgment lingers before the true living God one day is pending. Satan the devil violence was found in him not just pride and iniquity but his followers or we can call them Satins children you will know them by their fruits because they are of their father the devil. God is relationship not religion remember that because you live once and then the judgment and you're going to stand before the living God even if you're ignorant and don't believe that and you're going to give an account for your life especially if you're deceived, an unbeliever or somebody who is with dark eyes evil. The payment without believing in Christ is eternal damnation/your soul because no one comes to the father but by him Jesus Christ the jewish risen messiah as written about in the King James Bible. The world is full of evil just like it was in Noah's day. I'm reminded quite often of John 10: 10 The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly .
So I encourage you to read the Bible and get to truly know Christ which can change you because he is real and he's changed people like no other and it's proven over a long period of time. Time to know the truth Jesus Christ of Nazareth the God of the Bible.